As a hobby gardener, they thought that the basics about “garden maintenance” were understood, so a new term appears again. For example, the so -called Lasagne Beet, which is also known for its English name “Lasagna Gardening”. But not every new technology also has to mean something complicated automatically and that applies to the lasagna garden: it is a special way to create a garden bed that even takes less time and effort than the traditional dug. Perfect for beginners and gardeners with lack of time. We present the garden lineabon to you.
Was ist Lasagna Gardening?
Have you everheard of permaculture? Well, the garden lasagne is a method of exactly this type of garden. The difference to classic bed care is that the soil is not dug up as usual to incorporate the new nutrients, for which they best use compost. In this case, however, you do not use the already mature compost from your compost heap. They prepare a new compost heap directly on the bed, so to speak, which then gradually releases its nutrients to the ground until next season.
Right layers for the lasagna bed
Of course, for this purpose, they do not throw the remains and garden waste on the bed. The right system with the right materials is essential,To stimulate composting. As with the classic compost heap, you switch between the so -called brown and green layers. The former is rich in carbon, while the green nitrogen is emphasized. The collaboration of these two substances also accelerates the betrayal of the material.
How to create the Lasagne Beet correctly
So you need brown and green layers. But which organic waste belongs to which layer? Here are a few examples:
Green material:
- Zleinlee eggshells
- Vegetables and vegetable cut (cut off vegetable plants)
- Coffee grounds
- Compound
- Herbs, especially wild herbs (nettles, for example, are a great addition)
- Mist
- Fruit
- Lawn cut
- Teesatz
Brown material:
- Leaves
- Wood shavings and other chopped wood like branches and branches
- Pure cardboard (without colors, prints or stickers)
- Laub
- Corn stem
- reed
- Stroh
- Dry pine needles
- Torfmoos
- shredded newspaper paper
When can you create a lasagna bed?
Autumn is the best time when the procurement of the organic materials is easier - nature now offers plenty of by falling off the leaves, for example. They also regularly mow the lawn and can use the cut. Furthermore, you will receive branches through the autumn cuts and many vegetable plants from the summer now and must be disposed of.
The garden liner liner lineabvian step by step
If you do not yet have a bed and have to create one, then prepare the selected area by first mowing it and compensating for any bumps. Pour the floor there. Then you can start creating a lasagna bed.
- Plants such as weeds or vegetable plant residues that have remained in the soil have to be prevented from the new growth. For this purpose, a so -calledIsolation layerLoaded that prevents sunlight from getting on the floor and the growth of the unwanted plants causes. Use thin cardboard or damp newspaper that is neither printed nor provided with others such as adhesive tape or clamps (or remove them beforehand). You can leave this box for about a week. If they started layers immediately, they would disturb the oxygen intake, which in turn causes putrefaction.
- Now you canLayerApply bed for the lasagna. Start with a brown layer on which you then distribute green material. It is important to know that the brown layer should always be twice as thick as the green.
- So they continue to alternate until theydesired bed heighthave achieved. Here you should keep in mind that the material of course coincides over time and that the Lasagne Beet becomes even lower than at the time of the layers.
Tipp: If you want to start planting in the Lasagne Garden (in spring), the Lasagne Beet needs a last layer of normal garden soil. This should be about 15 to 20 cm thick. Create the garden bed in autumn, it is unnecessary because the compost should have turned into earth until the new season.
- The last step in sheet mulching is oneMulch layer, regardless of whether you still leave the garden bed untouched or have already planted. For the purpose, this has to prevent weeds and also to keep the layers moist. For thisfinal mulch layeryou can use leaves (chopped down), grass cut, bark mulch or straw.
Advantages and disadvantages of Lasagna Gardening
- Less manual work
- Less weeds
- Better water storage
- Improves poor soil quality
- Needs less fertilizer
- Creates loose, fertile soil
- Ideal to dispose of garden waste (if you have no space for a compost heap or container)
- Cheap because you get the materials for free
- The materials are free of charge, but sometimes difficult to obtain, since there is a lot of need for the layers.
- Kitchen waste can attract unwanted living beings like mice (so it is important that they are covered with a thick brown layer).
- If you do not cover the bed with compost or mulch, it is anything but beautiful to look at.
- The materials must always be kept moist, otherwise they won't crumble. Regular irrigation is therefore important and perhaps too time -consuming for some.
- The green materials in the Lasagne Beet can put on destructive insects such as naked snails and snails, and the layers offer you many hiding places.