Plants love bead shrub: How to properly maintain the impressive Schön fruit with her purple berries

Of course, every plant has its beautiful sides, but if you are looking for a really special kind of special kind for your garden, you meet the impressive love bead bush (Callicarpa Bodinieri) without a question the right choice. While most shrubs with berries with red, orange or yellow tones or white berry colors impresses the love pearl tree with a fantastic purple. We present the interesting shrub to you today - for which location it is best suited to whether the berries are poisonous and some other interesting facts. So you are familiar with the most important before planting the love bush.

Plant and maintain love bead shrub

If you have spontaneously decided that you want to plant a love bush, we don't surprise us. But of course you should first familiarize yourself with his conditions to find out whether you toocorrect location and carecan give.

Which is the ideal location?

Give the Liebesperlenstruch a location that is sunny or at least very bright and warm. So he needs a protected place because cold winds would harm him. The soil is ideally lime and permeable. This makes him an ideal planting partner for:

  • Fan maple varieties (Acer-palmatum)
  • Seat bush bushes (Fothg)
  • Spring pure (Spiraea thunbergii)
  • Wreaths (Stephanandra)
  • Scheinhasel (Corylopsis)
  • Magic nut species (Hamamelis)

These shrubsalso add colorThe pretty beautiful fruit.

How to maintain the shrub

  • Irrigation:Among other things, the right pouring is part of the love pearl bush care. Therate regularly, but not too strong, because it does not tolerate longer dry phases or waterlogging. So if there is no rain for a long time, you can help.
  • Fertilizer:There are no special demands in relation to fertilization. The Schönfrucht gets wonderfully without regular fertilizers, so that you only have to supply it when planted with compost. In spring you can give her a sense of humus.
  • Cut:This plant is not particularly compatible with the cut. For this reason, you should only sparingly cut your love pearl bush and completely avoid radical cuts. On the one hand, you should know that the flowers always only appear on the two -year wood. A cut would therefore result in no flowers appear on the new shoots in the first year after. Instead, they only cut it slightly every three years and in summer to light out. You can also cut off individual branches with berries if you want to use them for decoration.

However, if your shrub has grown too bare, you can stimulate its growth by a slightly stronger cut. They carry out this in February.

When does the Liebesperlenstruch have its heyday?

The decorative shrub has ordinary, green leaves during spring and summer. From July to September the little ones appear, purple flowers, from which the attractive purple berries then develop on the shrub. At the same time, however, the leaves also turn and get oneNice autumn color.

Is the love pearl shrub hardy?

In principle, he is, but only after the first three years. Before that, he does not tolerate frost so well, which is why they provide it with winter protection in winter after planting the love bush. It is best to protect the area of ​​the trunk with fleece or compost. Bark mulch is also suitable. Despite these protective measures, some branches may freeze. In this case, remove the dead branches - but only in spring, even if other cuts are allowed (usually February).

Interesting facts about the Chinese Schönfrucht

Find out some interesting facts about the attractive garden bush below.

How the shrub came to his name with purple berries

Don't you find that the berries somehow look like delicious candies? This is exactly the reason for the interesting name of the shrub. Because actually the shrub is called "Schönfrucht". However, since the berries are reminiscent of sugar beads, the berry shrub got this nickname.

Is the love pearl shrub edible or toxic?

Don't be fooled by the name, because, as you may look appetizing, the purple fruits are not edible. The berries of the love bead shrub are poisonous, but only in large quantities. Otherwise, they are only incompatible for humans and for a number of animals. If you plant the love pearl shrub, you don't need to worry about the birds, because they have now learned to snack on these non -native shrub and tolerate the fruits very well.

Love bead shrub plants with great benefit - the perfect insect fighter

Another important plus point next to its aesthetics is that the Schönfrucht is perfect toAnnoying insects such as mosquitoesAnd even to drive away ticks. The reason for this is certain active ingredients in the leaves of the plant. Ants also avoid the shrub.