Protect the nesting box from cats: How to create a safe habitat for nesting birds

Whether feral cats, stray animals or your pet cat, they all kill millions of wild birds every year. Even if the cats are not to blame because they are just following their natural instincts, it is still a good idea to protect the nesting boxes and birdhouses in the garden from cats' prey. Luckily, there are things you can do to ensure bird habitat and control cat behavior to keep attacks on bird nests to a minimum.

How can you protect the nesting box and birdhouse from cats?

Cats are predators and this is a challenge even at home. They hunt anything that moves, such as feet, curtains or cables. But the real danger actually lies outdoors. As more and more domestic cats hunt outside, it is becoming increasingly difficult to keep the birds that nest in the garden to safety. But with these simple tips and methods it is possible!

Consider the location of the nesting box and birdhouse

Nesting birds and baby birds are most at risk of being attacked by cats.

The cats learn very quickly thatNesting boxes and birdhousesare reliable sources of food. Therefore, you should make access to the nest as difficult as possible.

Choose the location of the nest box by keeping it as far away from the large trees in your yard as possible. Also, remove any nearby branches that could serve as stepping stones for cats. The higher you can raise the nest boxes off the ground, the better. Keep them at least 2 meters from the ground and ideally 3 to 4 meters from bushes to prevent your cat from reaching them.Considerwhether you can attach them to metal or plastic poles that stray cats cannot easily climb.

Protect nesting boxes and birdhouses from cats

Choose safe nesting boxes and birdhouses that have steep roofs or insure your nesting box yourself with a canopy over the entrance hole. This way you can make it impossible for cats' paws to reach nesting birds. However, make sure that this does not prevent the birds from feeding their young. You can have oneBuild your own nesting boxjust make sure it's cat safe.

Do not allow cats to run free on the canopy as their presence can deter nesting birds. To do this, hammer several pointed nails onto the roof with the head facing down. This creates the possibility of injury if the cats perch on the birdhouse and they have no choice but to retreat.

Another way to protect the birds in the nest box is to make sure the nest is low enough below the hole that a cat cannot reach it with its paw. To ensure this, it is often sufficient to remove old nests from the box so that the new nest is not built higher and above it.

To provide additional protection, use predator repellents. The harsh pepper sprays, citrus oils or other strong-smelling substances on the outside of the house serve to keep the cats and other threats away. Songbirds generally don't have a very good sense of smell, so it won't bother them.

Last but not least, there is an easy option and that is to install a wire guard surrounding the entrance hole. It will prevent any predators from getting into the nest box via the roof. Make sure nest boxes and birdhouses have all sizes of entry holes, so this wire guard needs to be well out of reach of the hole.

Control the cats

If your catKills birds and nestsdestroyed, the easiest way is to control them and keep them indoors. Only let them outside under supervision, but not during morning hours or other peak bird feeding times. Use collar bells tothe birds in the gardento warn of the approach. While this is not always effective, it is a measure that can be useful if the birds are alerted by a ringing or tinkling bell.

Have cats' claws trimmed so they can't climb trees and catch the birds. Claws are a cat's most dangerous weapon, but with regular care they are easy to tame.

Do not feed or provide shelter to feral cats. The hunting instinct is independent of hunger, and well-fed, stronger, healthier cats simply have more energy to attack birds.

If stray cats are a serious problem, you should contact your local animal shelter or animal rescue group for help with trapping and relocating them.