Preparing the nesting box for the winter: What steps should you take to secure shelters for wild birds?

Would you like to support your feathered friends during the cold season by preparing your nesting box for winter? Below you will find some options and tips!

Certain measures must be taken so that visitors to your garden can also use the available breeding places as winter quarters. Like most other wild animals, birds prefer clean and safe places where they feel warm in freezing temperatures and snow. As for the winter season, nesting boxes are suitable for wild birds to rest after the breeding season and provide protection from harsh weather conditions. If you want to help them get through the winter more easily, you can use the following guide to do it step by step.

How to prepare a nesting box for winter?

Foto: WildMediaSK / envato elements

It exists apart from thatBird feeding in the winter monthsthe opportunity to simultaneously provide a protective refuge and nesting place for feathered friends. For this purpose, it is necessary to first carry out an inspection of the bird box and, if necessary, correct any problems. A birdhouse can be dismantled, cleaned and stored safely before winter, whereas this is usually impossible with permanent nesting boxes.

Foto: Mint_Images / envato elements

Additionally, late fall is a great time for bird lovers to prepare every available nesting box for winter. In mild weather, it is easier to inspect the existing structure and repair or replace it if it is damaged. Here are the key steps you can take to provide nesting birds with shelter during this period.

What steps should you take for maintenance and care with home remedies?

Foto: Mint_Images / envato elements
  • First and foremost, it is important to remove any build-up of dirt inside and out. Do this after the inspection and when no repairs are needed so that you can prepare the nest box for winter. Clean up the interior by removing and disposing of the old nesting material. This will prevent other predators from passing by, although you should also wear appropriate protective equipment such as gloves, eye protection and a mask.
  • If itHornet or wasp nestsIf there are any items in there, you should also put them away in a safe manner. It is possible to wait until they die off due to sub-zero temperatures. If you also want to prevent future insect establishment, you can treat the interior with cooking spray or unscented soap.
  • After you've cleared away any buildup inside, you can scrub the surfaces with a brush and warm water, as well as clear any dirt from drains and vents.
  • The next step is to disinfect the interior surface, for which you can prepare a cleaning solution yourself. To do this, either mix bleach and water in a 1:10 ratio or one cup of vinegar with 3 liters of water. You can also combine 3 tablespoons each of lemon juice and baking soda with 3 cups of warm water as a home cleaning remedy. Then use a spray bottle to thoroughly treat the interior. Then let the box dry for at least 24 hours to allow the stuff to take effect.
  • Finally, as far as possible repairs go, you should reattach any hanging parts or loose screws. Also, don't forget to replace rotted material with new one.
  • If rodents settle in the nesting areas in winter, you should remove their nests in spring so that wild birds can breed. You can also prevent this by leaving the box open, although exposure to the elements is also possible.

How to upgrade the nesting boxes to shelter before winter?

Photo: MargJohnsonVA / envato elements

As already written, existing structures can be transformed into warm and sheltered roosting places for wild birds. However, these can be too narrow and somewhat uncomfortable for groups of breeding birds. Therefore, you should prepare such a nesting box for the winter by repurposing it. Various in itnesting bird species such as tits, thrushes, woodpeckers and nuthatches can find refuge there in the winter months. To use the structure as a certain sleeping box, you can do the following:

Foto: CreativeNature_nl / envato elements
  • Since several birds usually gather in a box to retain body heat, you should ensure that this does not escape. Since such structures typically dissipate heat, you should try to leave fewer air holes open by sealing them with foam or other means.
  • If the box can be rotated, you can also position the entry hole at the bottom so that the warm air can stay inside. It is also advisable to make this hole slightly larger, but keep the box inaccessible to predators.
  • Another way to add comfort is to add wooden dowels as perches at different levels indoors. This can be easily done with a hinged box. If your box doesn't have a lid, you can simply add small twigs and a layer of grass clippings or wood chips inside.
  • You can also cover the walls with fabric so that the birds can cling to them. Seals for air conditioning systems that can be easily removed are also suitable for this. You should take all of this off again in the spring so that the room doesn't overheat. However, do not close all openings as a dark box will not attract birds.
  • Also hang up feeding stations in the immediate vicinity and fill them with foodnutritious bird foodlike seeds and nuts. This helps feathered creatures find food and ensures that they get valuable energy to withstand harsh weather conditions.