It is very satisfying to grow fruit in your own garden. But if the trees are large enough and wear large amounts of fruit, whether plums, peaches, apples, nectarines or lemons, is one of their greatest concerns that can ensure that the branch is not overloaded and does not break under the weight of the fruits . You can do some things to solve this problem. You can find out how you can support your fruit trees in our article!
Prevent the passages and break of the branches
When fruits such as peaches, apples and plums increase in size and weight, the branches of the tree on which they grow, bend, sway and even break can. There are several ways to prevent this:Cutting the treeIn the late winter, thinning of the fruit in spring or attaching supports for the branches. The type and size of the tree as well as the style of your orchard play an important role.
- Cut your trees in early spring before shooting. This is the most effective way to support the heavy, fruit -bearing branches. In general, the trees are cut so that the centers remain open and the fruit -bearing branches remain short.
- Cut out the fruit before it gets too big. A blossom -rich tree is beautiful, but when all the flowers are dusted, the fruits will be small and stunted. Simply turn the little fruits between the thumb and fingers to remove them. Leave only one fruit per six centimeter branch.
- Support the branch byWith smaller trees, e.g. B. dwarf root trees, a tension wire over the tree crown. In young branches that do not seem to wear the weight of the fruits, they can lead supports down. Another simple support can be used from the ground by placing two woods with a hook or nail under the branches.
Fruit trees support in the garden
If the fruit trees bloom and bring in a rich harvest, you should keep an eye on the branches and make sure that you need additional reinforcement. All too often, the branches of peach trees break under the weight of the tires peaches or uproot dwarf trees under the load of a severe harvest. Before your trees collapse under the pressure of a further growth period, you should give you the necessary support so that you can survive the summer.
Simple y-shaped auction
Aspaps do not have to be costly or time -consuming. Aspapers that are attached to a broomstick or a piece of wood can be easily found on the Internet or in your local garden business. You can also simply lean against a fence nearby or take a large stick. Make sure that it is stable and straight and has a coated end. It doesn't have to be fat, but it has to be high enough to reach the relevant branch and offer him a place to rest. Put the on -top in the ground and insert a hanging branchOf their fruit treeIn the fork to secure it. This Y-shaped construction stupilization is a free and simple solution and you can easily support your fruit trees.
Fruit trees support with a metal tube or wooden rod
It is easier to prevent branches from breaking off on the trunk. To do this, you have to tie all the main branches on a metal tube or a strong rod (or on a wooden rod), which is well connected to the trunk of the tree. The length of the pipe should be half a meter than the trunk to which it is to be attached. At the top, 12-15 metal rings are welded or, even better, chain segments that consist only of two limbs.
Ropes or soft wires with a diameter of 4-5 mm are attached to this, the length of which is slightly larger than the distance between the tip of the pipe and the end of the branch. Then the pipe with the lower end is inserted into a 5-10 cm deep hole (because of the stability) and at the very bottom, in the middle and as much above the middle, well tied to the trunk. In order not to injure the tree trunk, pieces of an old tire must be placed under the wire or cord.
Decorative trellis systems are effective
A more elaborate, decorative solution for heavy, fruit -bearing branches is a trellis. While an ordinary trellis is suitable as a support, a trellis in which the tree grows flat on a wall, a fence or wire frame,Their treein a work of art. A trellis fruit tree is a great way to plant a fruit tree on a small space and create a natural limit, and it is also an excellent solution to support fruit trees.
Create your own trellis system
Create your own trellis system along an existing fence or a wall with two 4 x 4 m high posts and thick wire. First choose a sunny location. Then take the posts 75 cm deep and 240 cm apart. Lay three rows wire horizontally and at a distance of 40 cm. Plant your fruit tree exactly in front of the center of the trellis system and set it up so that at least two of its strongest branches run parallel to the wire. Cut all branches back that are not in a line with the wires.
Attach the branches to be educated with a soft binder or adhesive tape to the corresponding wires so that they grow in a line and in the desired form. Cut on when the trunk grows and attach new branches to the corresponding wires. It can take several years for a striking trellis fruit to be created, but the branches are well supported on the way there.
Supports of the branches with brackets, wire, screw, screw
Another optionto help the tree, consists of attaching its branches with iron clips made of normal wire of 8 to 10 mm thickness to the trunk. The length of the brackets can vary depending on the impact site, and their ends are bent by 8-10 cm. The bracket is not completely driven into the wood and does not hinder the growth of the trunk and branches. And so that the branch does not split when the bracket is collected, you have to carefully drill a hole of a third of the length of the clip to be driven into it beforehand. These brackets that have been churks do not disturb the development of the apple tree, gradually grow into the wood and reliably protect the branches from breaking.
If there are no brackets, you can securely attach the pointed drive with a soft steel wire with a diameter of 3-4 mm. To do this, the trunk and branch are wrapped with wire 2-3 times and the ends are attached together. Then you have to twist the wire between the trunk and branch several times until it stretches and sticks. And so that the wire does not damage the bark, it is best to put pieces of cutting car tires underneath.
When a branch is broken due to the severity of the fruits
Well, what if the branch is broken to the point where it was attached to the trunk? First you have to cut off the entire immature harvest from the branch. Then - support the branch and bring it into its original position if possible. Then it has to be secured with wire and thin brackets, and the fracture itself must also be squeezed, the branch and the trunk be firmly connected to several nails. The nailed nail must not come out on the other side of the tree. It has to be carved carefully until the head of the nail penetrates into the bark.
After such a “operation”, all holes in which you have taken the nails must be covered with garden bad luck. And when the branch has broken off completely, cut it off with a sharp metal saw, the places where the bark was damaged, cleaned with a sharp knife and the wound carefully covered with garden bad luck.