Pruning plum trees: When is the right time and why is summer pruning so important for yields?

In order for the plum tree to produce high yields year after year, it needs caring summer pruning. But when exactly is the right time to do this and what should you consider when cutting your plum tree? We answer the most important questions about upbringing and maintenance and provide instructions.

When to prune plum trees? After the harvest is the right time

The plum tree forms a compact but dense crown. This makes it susceptible to disease: fungi spread quickly when the leaves get wet after a rain and then cannot dry quickly.

In August you can thin out young trees and shape the crown into the appropriate shape

Late summer, i.e. August, is the right time to thin out young trees. The goal is to shape the crown so that next year the fruit gets enough sunlight and you have access to all the branches. After cutting, the tree should develop a balanced, spherical crown.

Before cutting, you should thoroughly clean and disinfect the accessoriesSpread of fungito prevent.

Ideally, cutting should be done on a cloudy day. But it shouldn't rain either while you're trimming the tree or in the next 2-3 days. So always take the weather conditions into account.

Pruning a young plum tree after harvest: instructions

Remove all:

  • branches growing inwards
  • water shoots
  • sickly or dead shoots
  • Shoots growing from the tree trunk
  • Shoots growing too densely in the inner area of ​​the crown
  • a third of the side shoots if the crown is too dense.
  • Shorten guide branches that are too long as necessary. Leave at least one outward-facing bud.

When to prune an old plum tree? Useful tips for a rich harvest the following year

In contrast to young trees, older trees do not need any pruning after harvest. It is enough if you remove diseased and competing branches. Any side shoots that grow inwards or do not receive enough sunlight should be shortened to a flat branch with flower buds pointing outwards.

Can the plum tree be rejuvenated by radical pruning?

In contrast to other trees, the plum tree can hardly tolerate radical pruning. It is definitely better to prune the tree twice a year. This regular care is particularly important for fruit formation. If you have a tree that hasn't been pruned for several years, you should rejuvenate it gradually and definitely not cut it back radically. Thin it out a little more in summer and cut the side shoots back by half. You should also shorten leading branches that have grown too far up to just one flower bud.

In the spring you can then shape the tree into the desired shape again. Make sure you carry out a caring cut in the summer next year too. The tree should then slowly recover and bear more fruit.

What you should consider if you want to eliminate water shoots

The plum tree produces many water shoots. These are thin branches that grow vertically upwards from a thickened bud. The water shoots are located next to the leading branches, directly next to the tree trunk. They have soft bark and are noticeably lighter than normal branches. If you notice many such urges, you should ask yourself the following questions:

  1. Did you cut the tree back radically in spring?
  2. Have you always shortened the tree in recent years so that it doesn't exceed a certain height?
  3. Have you over-fertilized the tree?
  4. Is it bearing less fruit than usual?

The tree produces water shoots when it is under stress. Stress factors include: radical pruning, over-fertilization or regular shortening so that the tree does not exceed a certain height. So if you want to permanently eliminate the formation of water shoots, then you should think about it and find the exact reason. Send a soil sample to the lab and leave itCheck soil conditions. Thin out the crown, but do not shorten the tree. You can promote fruit formation through maintenance pruning (see above).

The water shoots grow vertically, darken the other fruit-bearing branches and are entry points for bacteria and fungi. So you should remove these shoots, but not all at once. Because the tree will react to such a cut by sprouting again.

For the cut you need a clean and, above all, sharp pruning saw. The smoother the interface, the better. Fortunately, the tree can recover quickly and well from such a caring cut.