Build your own barbecue area in the garden – instructions and tips for planning

It's spring and the days are getting longer and the evenings are getting warmer. The barbecue season is slowly starting. Anyone who has their own garden or part of the garden can enjoy the beautiful weather for longer. But if you have enough space, there is certainly the possibility of creating a barbecue area in the garden. Creating one is easy for hobby craftsmen and amateurs and can even be fun.

The barbecue area – a dream for everyone

Grilling is very popular - who doesn't like it?grilled meat and vegetables? Preparing and enjoying food in a cozy atmosphere with family and friends is not just fun for barbecue fans. A barbecue area in the garden looks like a great way to create an outdoor space for long, sociable summer evenings. Garden owners can set up their own barbecue fireplace with comfortable seating. Before the grill is built, there are a few important points and plans to make.

Choose the right location

A barbecue area is a pleasure to have in the garden and if there is enough space for it, it is worth creating one. First and foremost, the right choice of location for the fire pit, whether mobile or brick, needs to be carefully considered. Perhaps the grill should not border the neighboring property. In addition to the obvious reasons: the smell and noise that grilling activities generate, there are also others, such as the risk of fire. However, you cannot know exactly what is on the other side of the fence and flying sparks can ignite the neighbors. In order to avoid potential arguments that spoil the barbecue pleasure, good planning of the barbecue location is of great importance. Heat development must also be taken into account, which is why a grill should not be located next to easily flammable objects, firewood, heating systems and their pipes.

Which surface?

The surface is another point that should be carefully considered before setting up the barbecue area. The lawn is rather unsuitable and paving or tiles are recommended in this area, or why not a cement floor. It is important that the material is easy to clean and also flame retardant. When grilling, it often happens that hot coals or something from the grill falls onto the floor. Furthermore, it is a matter of taste to what extent the barbecue area looks different from the rest of the garden.

Building a barbecue area: brick or mobile?

There are not only many grill variants on the market, but also other accessories and accessories that promote grilling pleasure. Everyone can decide for themselves whether a brick grill is better than a mobile grill. Each variant has its pros and cons, but the most important thing is whether you have space available and how much you want to invest in the purchase. A mobile grill is a good solution for people who only grill rarely or on a small scale, or who prefer to do it outside of their own home. For large families, creating a brick fireplace even with an outdoor kitchen is an opportunity to have friends and relatives around. The design of a barbecue area enhances the garden and at the same time offers plenty of space for grilled food. For romantic personalities who enjoy watching the crackling fire and want to spend more time outside, a fire pit might be just the thing. A small fire creates a homely atmosphere and also warmth in late summer. Numerous models and kits are available commercially that simply need to be screwed on and assembled. But a home-made grill is something completely different, especially for hobby craftsmen who like to build this and that themselves. We present instructions and further building tips.

The choice of material, shape and size is huge. There are different variants: light plastered, laid with panels or made of stainless steel. The barbecue area should generally be designed to match the garden style and outdoor design. Mediterranean flair and a natural, rustic touch are very popular with garden owners. A traditional brick fireplace with sufficient work space and niches for storage or even an entire outdoor kitchen is sure to please everyone. A gas grill can be installed in a suitable self-built wall niche and can even offer more space for grilled food.

Materials needed

Creating a barbecue area requires a selection of materials beforehand. Just like the surface, the actual grill should also meet the fire protection requirements and, depending on your taste, can also be made of stone slabs, paving stones or even clinker brick. These have the advantage that they can withstand the weather outside well. In addition, they retain the sun and provide warmth in the cooling evenings. Brick goes well with any outdoor area and creates a secure atmosphere. With a little creativity and craftsmanship, you can create a wonderful and practical barbecue made of red natural stones in the Mediterranean, modern or English garden.

Planning tips

Once the choice of material, shape and size has been made, you can proceed to the construction plan. A barbecue area requires stable, level ground for further construction. This, like the grill itself, can be made of clinker brick, but under no circumstances should it be made of wood as it is too susceptible to fire. To determine how big the actual grill should be, you first have to buy a grill grate. It serves as orientation and is later used as a functional part. Additional storage space for cutlery, plates and grilled food can also be an advantage. For example, here we offer a tree plan with the following dimensions.

Step-by-step instructions for a brick barbecue area

Clinker bricks are perfect for building a barbecue area yourself, as they are, above all, fireproof. In addition, you don't have to be a trained bricklayer to set them rectangularly. Depending on where the grill is set up, different materials are required. It is best to set up the grill on an outside wall or build a small wall next to it. This will serve as a windbreak and separate the plant from the rest of the garden.

The subsurface can be laid with stone slabs, like normal terrace slabs in sand. If you want a stable and sustainable floor, a concrete slab could serve as a foundation. However, this must always be firm, straight and even. First, a pit the size of the barbecue area should be dug, stones placed at the depth and poured with cement mortar. You can get suitable cement mortar and information about the amount required at a hardware store if you specify the actual size of the grill. In principle, a firebox should only ever be built with fireproof fireclay mortar. This is extremely heat-resistant and can withstand up to 700 degrees.

Building a garden space according to your own ideas requires experience and a lot of specialist knowledge. But if you have a grill grate at hand and clinker bricks, you can also design a simple, rectangular barbecue area yourself. First you place the first row of clinker bricks on one side and work your way forward. First you have to mix the appropriate cement mortar and spread it generously between the clinker bricks. It is best to place an approximately 5 cm high layer of cement mortar on the clinker and press the other layer on top as soon as a joint of approximately one centimeter wide remains.

The remaining cement mortar between the clinker bricks is removed with a trowel and reused. The second deer is offset by half a stone, the mortar is applied to the edge and the third row is placed in the position of the first row. Additional elements, such as attachments for the parasol and brackets, must be considered and planned when setting up, otherwise you should forego them. It's also the point to create niches and storage space.

When setting up, you should make sure that there is enough space. Creating a windbreak or a privacy fence or building a small wall depends primarily on individual taste, but also on the space on the property. At the planned location, the barbecue area must not disturb the neighbors. The smoke doesn't move into the neighbors' living rooms and bedrooms. First of all, you must first find out about the local regulations and building regulations where you live.

The municipal office in your place of residence can clarify whether a building permit is required to set up a barbecue area and for what size. Depending on the municipality, free-standing barbecue fireplaces in the garden do not need to be approved by the local chimney sweep. However, the situation is different with models that can be connected to an existing chimney.

Tenants are also allowed to set up a permanently installed barbecue area in the garden area or on the terrace under one condition - this should not be permanently connected to the ground. In all other cases, permission from the owner is required. There could also be restrictions on operations. It will be a real shame if the finished grill has to be torn down.

Outdoor kitchen: The extended barbecue area solution

Outdoor and outdoor kitchens are for those who value style. Cooking and grilling outside in the summer no longer has anything to do with the disposable grill from the gas station. This saves long journeys from the house and back while the guests sit alone outside. You can't build a system like this yourself, at least laypeople can't, but there are great modules on the market that can be expanded as needed. The biggest advantage of your equipped outdoor kitchen is that you can chat with guests while preparing food. BBQ garden parties become long-running favorites when such a facility is available.

Barbecue area in the garden for sociable BBQ parties