If it is protected from views, the barbecue area turns into a place where you feel completely comfortable - preferably with a privacy screen, the functionality and style. How and how could you build such a privacy screen for the barbecue area or the fireplace and what are your advantages and disadvantages? Let yourself be inspired!
Advantages of eye protection for the garden corner with fireplace or grill
The most obvious advantage is, of course, that the privacy screen protects against view. If you set it up properly and choose a suitable material, it can offer exactly the right level of privacy. But what else?
- Wind protection: Another bonus that comes with eye protection is the windbreak. Open garden areas, especially around the house, can sometimes even cause drafts, which is quite uncomfortable and also hazardous to health. AlsoProtects against windsPrivacy screen reliably, so that you don't have to flee inside every cool breeze. Even in the evenings, more heat is guaranteed.
- Aesthetic accent: Although it was built or planted for another benefit, the protection also optically enhances the garden. It ensures structure and is decorative.
- Reduction in sound: Open areas can do quite a bit and that bothers the neighbors if you get together until late at night. Privacy screens, but also hedge plants have the great property of reducing noises.
- Smoke reduction: Sometimes the pressure or the wind is so unfavorable that the smoke of the fire cannot pull it up, but stays deep below and, to everything, also mutually pulls into the neighboring garden. This can be avoided with protection.
- Light insulation: In the evening, bright light can be insulated by lamps so that the neighbors don't mind. It is also collected where you actually want it, namely in your seating area. A particularly cozy atmosphere is created.
What could the privacy screen for the barbecue or fireplace consist of?
Fortunately, there are numerous variants, so that you can adapt the fencing to your garden style and taste. The question is how quickly you want to finish the protection, because depending on the species it can sometimes take some time:
These variants are particularly trendy
You can wall a wall if you want, but not everyone likes the massive effect. A very interesting garden element are also ruins that can gradually become lower according to your own ideas so as not to look quite as massive. Alternatively, you can choose these trends:
- Hedge plants
They are the right choice if you like it, of course, but also attach great importance to clear structures. The disadvantage is that it takes some time for the plants to reach the desired height. Alternatively, you can also buy large hedges directly, but they are also more expensive.
- Spellier with or without climbing plants
Whether around corner or a single page, climbing aids are also a wonderful option for a naturally acting privacy screen. There are plenty of suitable plants. From one -year -olds like Wicken orThe beautiful ThunbergiaThey are spoiled for choice up to several years such as roses, clematis, wild wine and even ivy. Most of the time, these plant species grow quite quickly compared to hedges and thus quickly guarantee privacy.
Walls made of thin strips that are not planted also look very chic. This option is particularly suitable for modern outdoor areas.
- Metal protection
And here the corten steel with its rust look can be mentioned, which is still very popular. Metal walls are set up within a few hours and last years. However, since metal plates can look quite boring, we recommend laser -cut models that give the barbecue area or the seating around the fire bowl that certain something.
- Pallet
The upcycling of pallets for various purposes has been very trendy for several years.Especially as a privacy screenYou can be used wonderfully uncomplicated - a project on which even beginners can try. Flower boxes can be integrated or other types of decorations attached. This variant is cheap and still aest ethical.
If the privacy screen for the barbecue area is supposed to be there particularly quickly
As a transition, while planning a permanent privacy screen or growing the plants, you can also choose a few particularly fast variants. The Euro pallets already mentioned are one of them. Or how about it:
- Curtains
If you have a roof or if you are considering building a sheet of three bars, you can have one in no timeHang up curtain. This can also be opened or closed as you like, depending on whether you need your privacy or need more sunlight on your barbecue or seating area with fireplace.
- Sail
Sun sails are also quickly attached and protect against looking, sun and wind. They are available in different colors and designs and they are relatively inexpensive compared to long -term solutions. However, keep in mind that you are not so durable either because you lose weight due to the sunlight before tearing at some point.
- Stretching
This can be particularly useful for Mediterranean or Boho external areasVery beautiful paraventbe. But that does not mean that you cannot find something suitable in more modern explanations. You can even build an individual model yourself (here, too, pallets are very practical again) and set up. The advantage of paravents is that they are mobile, especially if they are also equipped with wheels. They can be turned or moved away if necessary. Foldable models are also space -saving if you should stow them down. The disadvantage is that you can fall over with stronger wind and therefore cannot stand outside.
Not only the seating area itself, but also the privacy screen is upgraded when you design it with a few additional features. Of course, whether and to what extent this is also depends on the type of privacy screen. How about:
- Lamps or fairy lightsAt the privacy screen of the fireplace or the barbecue area
- Hanging buckets and boxes for vertical gardens
- Mirror as a decorative element and/or to make a small barbecue optically appear larger
- Built -in shelves or cupboards (especially for barbecue areas very practical)
- Macramee
The privacy screen for the barbecue area or the fireplace becomes a multifunctional element of your outdoor area.