With these design and decorative tips, the pergola becomes even more beautiful

The pergola effortlessly has become the main actor outdoors. But it is still better - with the following tips, garden owners create maximum effects. Depending on how you want to design your pergola, there are very different styles to choose from. Whether romantic, Asian or modern: we show you how a simple pergola can become even more beautiful.

Varied pergoles open up many possibilities

As is well known, the pergola fulfills several tasks at the same time. From a purely functional point of view, it is sun protection; A shadow dispenser thatExisted in so many designs and designsthat there is the right solution for every commitment. At the same time, it is an eye -catcher that increases the ambience of the entire outdoor area. Whetherwith curtainsOr not, whether in a classic wood look or very modern, whether rectangular or round: Pergoles have conquered the German gardens, roof terraces and winter gardens in the storm.

And due to this distribution, the desire for individual beautification is quite understandable. There are no lack of possibilities and the first example already shows that neither the costs nor the effort have to be particularly high.

Simple, but stunning

A pergola is perfect for creating a romantic atmosphere. Many variants take care of this, but with the help of a chain of lights and a fireplace, the effect is significantly reinforced. The light chain in particular ensures a friendly, peaceful touch and puts the scenery in a glamorous light in the evening. Exclusivity and elegance are also part of the game.

Asian design as a prime example

Asian looks have been serving as a role model for decades, especially in garden design. And that's no wonder:Japanese gardensTap with attention to detail, with fine lines and with exactly the right degree of minimalism. So it is not surprising that there are also pergolas in pagoda style. Combined with other elements such as plants in the bonsai style and bamboo furniture, a touch of tea ceremony blows through the pergola.

Closed, but still free

Pergoles are automatically associated with summer weather and fresh air. But that is not always the case in Germany. Closed pergolas are ideal in order to be able to spend time in the elegant shelter outside of summer. The exact design is a matter of taste because there are many options. Glass fronts, for example, are very popular with which a ground -level winter garden is created. Rustic wooden walls based on the model of a mountain hut are also possible, natural stone also often comes into play and ensures a variety, thanks to which an individual living experience arises.

Back to the Roots: Pergoles with natural charisma

Natural designs are strong on the rise. They are symbolically forthe natural living, which in turn confirms the trend towards sustainability. Of course, this is also possible with a pergola. Weathered wood allows countless creations, the elements do not even have to be bought in the specialist shop, since nature itself has a lot. With the right care, natural pergolas achieve a high durability and can be a great price-performance bargain. A tip on this: With vegetation (e.g. ivy), the pergola not only looks more natural, but even becomes a habitat for animals such as birds or ladybugs.

Good news: Pergoles are not a question of money

As tempting to listen to the examples mentioned, it is also clear that they are always associated with some time and money. However, the financial burden is limited. Smaller pergolas are already available for well below 100 euros, larger constructions are also within the framework. Compared to many other purchases for the garden, for example withHigh quality teak garden furnitureSo these costs are almost negligible.

Of course, this applies all the more if as much initiative as possible is introduced, be it with the materials used or when building. Depending on the shape of the pergola, the amount of material required is also not particularly high. The simple nature of the pergolas also becomes a financial advantage that more and more garden owners skillfully exploit.

Bild 1: ©istock.com/JamesBrey
Bild 3: ©istock.com/KatarzynaBialasiewicz
Photos 2-6: © pxhere.com CC0