Which plants for shallow bowls depending on the season and how you can design them

Plant bowls are extremely pretty to look at because, on the one hand, they offer a lot of space for a lavish design, but at the same time they don't look as bulky as some pots, for example. Nevertheless, they are a challenge. Why is this so and which plants are suitable for shallow bowls?

Those:@elegantearthinc/ Instagram

That's what I'm going to explain to you today and give you a list of beautiful flowers and greenery that you can use for your own bowl arrangement. By the way, you can use it to decorate not only the garden, the terrace or the balcony. With the right choice of plants, you can also create seasonal decorations indoors.

Why isn't every potted plant suitable?

Those:@getplantinghort/ Instagram

You can probably already guess: plant bowls are very flat, which is why only compact plant species will feel comfortable there. An important requirement is that the selected flowers have shallow roots, because if the selected species needs root depth, it will soon die due to lack of space.

Important:Flower bowls without drainage holes should have a drainage layer and be watered sparingly to avoid waterlogging!

Combine any type of plant you like, but make sure that all specimens in the arrangement have the same or similar location and care needs. So what are suitable plants for shallow bowls?

Planting shallow plant bowls for outside: ideas for spring

Those:@fleurichcreations/ Instagram

You can plant bulbs in bowls, but also a number of other flowers tooin the balcony boxFind space:

  • Green plants that thrive all season long
  • Crocuses
  • Daffodils
  • Primroses (when it's no longer too cold)
  • Purple bells
  • The buttercup
  • Steinkraut
  • Pansies
  • Tulips
  • violet

If you plant pansies in a bowl, you can not only combine them with other flowers, but you can also stick with the violas and simply choose different colors here. Moss is also very popular as a gap filler, which is suitable for planting in spring bowls as well as for other seasons.

An arrangement for the summer

Those:@johnsgardencompany/ Instagram

Now the more frost-sensitive flowers also come into play. Combined with green plants such as ivy, grasses and succulents or suchwith colored foliageThe result is an interplay that is perfect for the cheerful summer atmosphere.

  • Begonias
  • Cisanthe
  • ivy
  • Do it
  • Lady's mantle
  • Fuchsien
  • hostas
  • Geraniums
  • Hussar buttons
  • Konkardenblume
  • Herbal plants
  • Lieschen
  • Lobelien
  • faithful to men
  • Ice plant
  • cloves
  • petunias
  • Snowflake flowers
  • Summer azalea
  • Sunflower
  • Pansies
  • Storchschnabel
  • Succulents
  • Lantana
Those:@plantandpotteryoutlet/ Instagram

Speaking of succulents

These pretty specimens have several advantages:

  • They thrive even in the blazing sun and need little water as they store it in their fleshy leaves.
  • You can create a versatile arrangement from different types.
  • The plant bowl will be usable all year round if youPlant the bowl with succulentsthat are hardy (e.g. sedum and houseleek).
  • As it gets colder, the grey-blue leaves usually change color to beautiful autumn shades and thus adapt to the autumn mood. They will then decorate your flower bowl in these colors until spring.
Those:@homesteaddesigncollective/ Instagram

Plants for Shallow Bowls: Autumn Planting

Now, of course, it is the autumn flowers that are suitable plants for shallow bowls. These shouldalso frost tolerantbe, because the first frost awaits us in October. But which ones are shallow-rooted and really suitable?

  • Mountain forest cranesbill
  • Besenheide
  • Chrysantheme
  • Goldnessel
  • grasses
  • Lily cluster
  • Girl's eye
Those:@asimplystylednest/ Instagram
  • Purple bells
  • mock berry
  • Mock strawberry
  • Barbed wire plant
  • Pansies
  • Succulents
  • White deadnettle

Are there options for winter too?

Since the flower bowl basically offers even less protection from soil for the roots than even a box or smaller pot, the question arises as to whether it is possible and makes senseto design for the winter. Absolutely and it doesn't even get boring. By the way, you can also fill gaps with pine greens that you simply stick into the ground.

Those:@oliverandrust/ Instagram

Also keep in mind that the material from which the bowl is made should be winter-proof.

  • Christrose
  • Erika
  • Gaultheria
  • Autumn gentian
  • conifers, for larger bowls)
  • Low false berry
  • Sternmoos
  • Pansies
  • Winteraster

Since the selection isn't that big, you can also use other decorative elements such as stones, bark or roots to add versatility and fill gaps.

Those:@sloatgardens/ Instagram

Here's a great example of lettuces you can pick regularly. To make the whole thing not so boring in terms of color, you can also add edible flowers so that you can make a delicious salad out of anything in the bowl. Here they are pansies, but these are by no means all edible flowers.

Plant bowls for the cemetery

You can also use all the flowers mentioneduse for grave design, as long as you can meet their location and care needs. If you don't have the opportunity to water regularly, choose plant species that tolerate drought, such as succulents.