Plant Phlox in the garden as a single plant and ground cover

Phlox is a very popular plant for the garden thanks to its lush flowers. It is also quickly recognized by amateur gardeners. But there are also exceptionally pretty species that differ from the typical and well-known varieties. For this reason, they are more difficult to recognize and are usually missing from gardens. We would therefore like to introduce you to different types of Phlox and give you some tips on care.

The flame flower should not be missing in any garden. They are extremely easy to care forPlant species, which you can plant in just about any area of ​​the garden. Since the different species also have different flowering times, you can combine them perfectly to enjoy bright colors for a long period of time throughout the entire season.

Annual and perennial species

The phlox plant, also known as the “flame flower”, is available as both an annual and a perennial species. It grows bushy and has many small flowers that cover the entire plant. The perennial species are again divided into two categories. On the one hand, there are the low-growing ones, which you can use wonderfully as ground cover, and on the other hand, there are the taller varieties in the form of bushes.

Phlox drumonii

Among the annual variants, the most important isPhlox drumoniipopular. Since this species grows up to 30 cm high, it is ideal for adding colorful accents in the form of small bushes. There is no need to maintain a large distance between the plants, as the roots grow deep into the soil, but not very wide. However, the stem of this species is heavily branched. So if you want to plant this species, you will get exactly the bushy growth you expect.

flowering time

The colors of the flowers of this Phlox species are extremely diverse and can also be wonderfully combined with each other. The long flowering period from the end of June to the end of September transforms your garden into a true flower dream that you can even replace and renew every year. Propagation only occurs with the help of seeds. These are sown in March.


This type of phlox loves the sun, so you can easily find a sunny place for it. If necessary, partial shade can also be chosen. The Phlox drumondii does well there too. The plant doesn't like waterlogging at all. Therefore, make sure that the soil is well-drained but also nutrient-rich so that a lush flowering period can be guaranteed. Water only moderately often.

Phlox Arendsii

Would you like toPlanting garden phlox, is also thatPhlox arrangementa great choice. This is again a one-year-old plant that dies in the winter. If you want to have them in the garden again next year, either buy new plants in the spring or by dividing the plant.

As a potted plant

It is best to plant this phlox in a place with light shade and permeable soil. It is wonderful for decorating fences or house facades and also looks very good in the rock garden. The flame flower also looks very pretty in a flower pot. For this purpose, choose a model for the floor of the terrace or a pot for hanging. You can also decorate the windows with the Arendsii.

Fragrant flowers

The Arendsii blooms in June and July, and the flowers can be either light purple, purple or white in color and have a pink or red eye. They smell wonderful, especially in the evening. With a height of 40 to 60 cm, these plants are wonderful as a bush.

Phlox subulata

If you have decided to plant a perennial phlox in the garden, you can do that tooPhlox subulatachoose. At 5 to 10 centimeters, it grows very low and is therefore perfect as a ground cover. A densely growing white or pink carpet is formed thanks to the many flower stalks, each about 1 cm in diameter.

How to propagate the plant

This type of Phlox blooms in May. The duration of the flowering period is approximately one month. However, the plants are no less attractive afterwards. The tiny leaves also grow on them, so Phlox subulata is also very suitable as a green ground cover. By dividing, you can expand the covered area every year.

Plant Subulata

The variety is very drought-resistant and also gets along well with calcareous soil, which must be well-drained. Abundant blooms are best promoted in a sunny spot. This species is therefore very suitable for designing a rock garden. Wherever you plant this variety, consider its low height. A place in the front row of the bed is better so that the plant can be clearly seen.

Phlox douglasi

It also has similar requirementsPhlox douglasi. One difference is the flowers, which are larger in this species. The choice of colors is more diverse and they are also particularly strong. The environmental requirements can be compared to those of Phlox subulata. So follow the subulata when planting this species.

Phlox divaricata

Of the taller, perennial species, two in particular are particularly common in gardens. One of them is thisPhlox divaricata, which grows between 25 and 50 cm high. The larger the bush gets, the fewer the leaves on the stems, which are sticky. But that doesn't make these plants appear bare.

The phlox blooms just as profusely and in a light blue color. They appear in spring and more precisely in April or May. If you want to plant the phlox and propagate it little by little, the best way to do this is to divide it. Find a place in the garden in the sun or at least partial shade, where the soil should be nutrient-rich.

It doesn't have to be watered often. Moderate watering is completely sufficient. In principle, you can decorate any sunny area in the garden with Phlox divaricata. It is particularly popular as an accent in the rock garden or as a plant along a garden fence. You can also decorate the terrace with this representative.

Phlox paniculata

Phlox paniculata is also one of the popular species for the garden. This is the largest representative of the flame flowers on our list and grows between 60 and 120 cm high. It is again a perennial plant, but it is recommended to replace it every 5 years. Over time, the plant loses its aesthetic appearance.

Propagation and flowering

If you prefer division as propagation, keep in mind that this should be done for this species up to 2 years of age. The flowers of the species just mentioned are quite large. You can choose between different shades of pink, as well as white flowers, which appear in late summer and more precisely in August and September.

Location for the Phlox panicula

A place in the blazing sun should be avoided as the leaves could then burn. The shade in turn promotes the formation of mildew. Therefore, partial shade is the perfect location for the plant. The soil must be well permeable to water and rich in nutrients.

Paniculata as a single plant

Since this species grows quite tall, it should be planted as a single plant in the garden. This is the best way to show it off. This type of phlox can be wonderfully combined with other colorful flowers. You can also use them if you have divided beds in the garden according to their flowering time. With it you can ensure that you can still enjoy the splendor of flowers in late summer.