A pond in the garden quickly becomes a highlight in the outdoor area. Water creates a relaxed atmosphere and has a calming effect - but in order for the garden pond to be an eye-catcher, the right pond plants must be selected. We give you an overview of the variants.
The plants are systematized into four groups – riparian plants, marsh plants, floating and deep zone plants. As the names themselves suggest, the first group is planted in the peripheral zone, the second group loves wet soil, the third group lives completely under water or swims at the water's edge. The landscaping experts combine the different plant species and createa uniform garden concept, where the individual zones merge seamlessly into one another. Ultimately, the garden pond should fit harmoniously into the design.
Cattail species, reeds and bamboo are combined to create a cozy, exotic garden. These Asian plants can be harmoniously combined with palm trees and ferns in the garden, the last two love clay soil and cannot tolerate moisture well. That's why they are arranged in planters around the terrace, for example.
In the Mediterranean garden, meadow irises, water hyacinths, water lilies and sea jugs provide a splendor of flowers. The pond is surrounded bytall ornamental grasses and fragrant plants. The tall purple pikeweed is also attractive.
Water lilies are among the most popular aquatic plants - they are extremely easy to care for and decorate every garden pond. The different types of water lilies usually need between 50 and 70cm of water depth and between 1.5 -2.5 square meters of water surface.