Fertilizing your lawn in autumn: When and how to apply the last fertilizer + recipes for homemade fertilizers!

It's easy to think that just because the calendar has turned to fall, you're done with lawn care for the year. Surely you don't need to fertilize at this time of year, right? Wrong thought. The last fertilizer application of the year is the most important. Let's explain how and when to fertilize the lawn in the fall and why it's so important!

Why fertilize the lawn in autumn

Like all of us, your lawn gets tired at the end of summer. Your lawn has struggled through a long, hot and unforgiving summer. He has endured excessive heat, humidity and drought. He has been trampled by children, dogs and overuse. Weeds, insects and disease have taken their toll. Your lawn is hungry and tired. He wants a good meal before heading off into a long, well-deserved hibernation.

This is the last chance for your lawn to compact and return the turf density to what it was in early summer.Autumn fertilizer helpsin regenerating roots lost due to the hot, humid or dry summer weather. Fall fertilization strengthens your lawn so it can better withstand the harsh winter conditions ahead.

When should the last fertilizer be applied?

You're probably wondering when you should fertilize your lawn in the fall. The best time to apply the last fertilizer is between August 15th and October 1st. Ideally, the last lawn fertilization should occur six to eight weeks before the average first frost in your area. So if that date is October 10th, you should aim for August 15th to September 1st as your last fertilization. If you schedule fall fertilization around the average frost date, your lawn will have enough time to absorb all the nutrients before it enters the dormant phase. It is neither necessary nor beneficial to carry over nutrients over the winter.

If you fertilize too late, you force your lawn to stay up later than it wants to sleep. Late fertilization of cool-season grasses allows them to grow actively as cold, snow and ice usher in winter, which can lead to winter damage and disease next spring.

Which fertilizer to use in autumn

Although phosphorus is critical for root growth during seeding and turf establishment, and in the fall to support root regrowth, many soils naturally contain phosphorus, so it is not necessary to apply more phosphorus. If you live in a phosphorus-free community,use fertilizerwith readily available sources of nitrogen and a fertilizer high in potassium. This means your lawn is well looked after until winter.

Liquid or soluble fertilizers with similar NPK ratios can also be used. However, keep in mind that the recommended application rates of sprayable lawn fertilizers provide fewer nutrients per application compared to granular products. However, applying a fall fertilizer with a spray bottle is still an acceptable method. You may need to do two applications a few weeks apart to get the full benefit.

*Fertilizers are provided with an NPK number. N stands for nitrogen, which promotes green, leafy growth; P for phosphorus, which contributes to root formation; and K for potassium, which ensures vigorous growth.

Also read:Healthy lawn in autumn: combating diseases and pests + care tips!

How should fertilization be carried out?

Proceed with autumn fertilization in the same way as with any other fertilization. Follow the application recommendations for the selected product. It is always a good idea to split the application in half and then make two passes in different directions. An example: If your autumn fertilizer is supposed to cover an area of ​​5,000 square meters according to the package leaflet, set your spreader to an area of ​​10,000 square meters (5,000 x 2). This closes the spreader flap, allowing only half of the recommended amount to flow through. Then make two consecutive passes with this spreader setting. This way the entire recommended amount is applied in two passes instead of one. This ensures even coverage and reduces the risk of parts of your lawn being missed.

After youyour fertilizerAfter spreading, you should wash your spreader thoroughly. This will remove any remaining fertilizer residue that can corrode the spreader's components over the winter.

There are some key ingredients you probably already have around the house that can promote the health of your lawn. This includes:

  • Bier:Beer contains many nutrients, which nourish both the lawn and the microbes and bacteria that promote its health.
  • Soda: Soda (NOT diet soda) is high in sugar, which feeds the same microbes with carbohydrates.
  • Soap or shampoo: This makes the soil more absorbent and receptive to your home-made lawn fertilizer. Just be careful not to use antibacterial soap, as that could kill all the good microbes you've been feeding.
  • Ammonia: Ammonia is made up of hydrogen and nitrogen, and plants thrive on nitrogen.
  • Mouthwash: Surprisingly, mouthwash is a great pesticide that won't harm your plants.

Make your own lawn fertilizer: recipes

Here are some easy lawn fertilizer recipes that you probably needmake yourselfwithout having to go to a store. Simply mix the ingredients and apply them to specific areas of the green area to fertilize your lawn in the fall:):

Recipe 1

1 can of non-diet soda
1 Can of Bees
120 ml dishwashing liquid (NOT antibacterial)
120 ml ammonia
120 ml mouthwash
38 liters of water

Recipe 2

1 Can of Bees
1 can of non-diet soda
1 cup baby shampoo
38 liters of water

Recipe 3

16 tbsp (240 ml) Epsom salt
230 g. I'm ammonia
230g. Water

Recipe 4

1 can of tomato juice
120ml fabric softener
450 ml water
160 ml orange juice

Apply one of these homemade lawn fertilizers to your lawn every week or two until you achieve the desired look. Be careful not to fertilize too much! Too much of anything good can be bad, and a buildup of even the best nutrients can harm your lawn.

Find herethree home remedies you can use to fertilize your lawn.