Espalier tree as a privacy screen: Evergreen, deciduous and fruit-bearing varieties for the garden

They take up little space, offer sun and privacy protection and bear fruit: espalier trees are enjoying increasing popularity with good reason. In the article we explain what the term actually means and why you should plant an espalier tree in the garden as a privacy screen. We also show the numerous design options with espaliered fruit,Roof trellisesand evergreen espalier trees.

1. What is an espalier tree?

The term “espalier tree” refers to trees whose shape is guided first upwards and then horizontally from a height of 2 meters by regular cuts and a trellis. In the end, their crowns form a roof or remain flat and can be used asWind and privacy protectionserve. In garden centers you can find special tree varieties that tolerate pruning well and are therefore suitable as espalier trees as privacy screens. Experienced hobby gardeners buy young trees with the beginning of the crown shaping, which they then shape into the desired shape themselves. Beginners can opt for ready-made “hedge elements”. These are basically espalier trees with advanced branch control and a standard trunk.

Espalier trees are used for different purposes:

  • To delimit the property
  • As wind and sun protection for the terrace
  • As a privacy screen in the allotment garden
  • Tall trees are planted in front of the garden fence as additional privacy protection
  • Espalier fruit is an option for allotment gardens

1.1. What espalier trees are there?

There are three types of espalier trees that are suitable for most hobby gardeners.

The evergreen espalier treesare mostly hedge bushes that are cut into the desired shape. Evergreen espalier trees with a standard trunk are particularly popular. Alsocertain coniferssuch as the Lebanon cedar or the green tree cypress are possible. Most of these trees remain compact and do not grow taller than 5 meters.

Spalierobstis enjoying growing popularity. The espaliered fruit trees do not take up much space and are usually aligned on a trellis on the garden wall.

Dachspalieresuch as the roof plane tree are planted around the terrace to provide shade.

1.2. How much does an espalier tree cost?

The costs for espalier trees start at 100 euros and vary greatly depending on the tree species and variety. Many hobby gardeners are not willing to spend a lot on espalier trees. This is a mistake, especially when it comes to espaliered fruit. Because the fruits stand out in terms of quality“normal” fruit treesin no way. They are often even sweeter because they get more sunlight due to the tree canopy and the cut shape. It is therefore worth investing money in high-bearing, disease-resistant espalier trees.

1.3. When do you plant espalier trees?

Most types of espalier trees are usually planted in the fall. The planting time begins in September and ends with the first frost. Only certain delicate fruit trees, such as figs, are better planted in spring.

1.4. Cut the espalier tree

Shaping and pruningare essential for the espalier tree as a privacy screen. You can prune the trees in late summer (end of August and beginning of September). Pruning is usually done in winter, when the fruit trees have shed their leaves and the evergreen espalier trees are in a dormant period. If done correctly, pruning can stimulate spring growth. Prune trees on frost-free days to allow the cuts to heal.

1.5. Dachspaliere

Roof espaliers are espaliered trees whose crowns are cut into a parasol shape. However, this is only possible from a trunk height of 2 meters. Once the tree has reached this height, its branches are stretched out using a special trellis. It is also possible to route the branches of multiple trees so that they grow together.

2. Which espalier tree to plant in the garden as a privacy screen?

If you are looking for a suitable espalier tree that offers privacy, then you can choose between several variants:

  • Espalier tree, evergreen.The evergreen espalier trees shield the garden from prying eyes all year round.
  • Espalier tree, deciduous.The deciduous espalier trees are ideal for small plots of land. During the gardening season they provide sun and privacy protection and then shed their leaves in autumn. This means that the house and garden are not shaded in winter.
  • Also certain onesEspalier fruit tree varietiescan provide the necessary privacy protection. The espaliered fruit also comes as a space-saving alternative to the orchard.
  • AlsoDachspalierecan keep prying eyes away from the garden. They are particularly suitable for properties in densely built-up areas of the city or for terraced houses.

Below we take a closer look at the four espalier tree variants.

2.1 Espalier tree: Evergreen varieties

An espalier tree that is evergreen provides privacy protection for the garden and patio all year round. Evergreen espaliered trees with standard trunks can be particularly effectively displayed in front of the garden fence or garden wall.

  • The medlar “Red Robin”:an espalier tree that is evergreen, frost-resistant and hardy. Immediately after the shape cut in autumn and after pruning in winter, it forms new reddish-brown shoots. It scores with rapid growth and increases in height by 50 cm every year until it reaches 6 meters high.
  • The Portuguese cherry laurel “Novita”is also an evergreen espalier tree. He willcut twice a year– once in spring after the end of the flowering period and once in autumn. It reaches a maximum height of 4 meters. It is only partially hardy and requires frost protection in winter.
  • The evergreen magnolia(Magnolia Grandiflora) impresses with beautiful foliage. The top of your crown is dark green and the bottom is colored bronze. If pruned regularly, it will grow up to 6 meters tall. It is sensitive to frost and, unlike other espalier trees, is only cut back in spring.
  • The large-leaved hollybelongs to the cultural group of shrubs, but can be given the right shape with a topiary and espalier. When fully grown, the tree reaches a height of around 6 meters.
  • The olive pasture:Espalier tree with standard trunk, evergreen. It scores with upright and dense growth. It grows to around 3 meters high and wide. The special thing about the olive willow is its chestnut-brown shoots, which turn gray over time.
  • The holm oakis a medium-sized tree that can grow up to 10 meters high without pruning. For the home garden, however, it is kept compact at around 5 - 6 meters.
  • The hornbeamCarpinus betulus is a wintergreen tree that retains its foliage until February. Therefore, it offers visibility and wind protection all year round.

2.2. Espalier fruit: The most important questions

Unlike evergreen espalier trees, fruit trees usually offer limited privacy. But they can decorate garden fences and beautify dull garden walls. Frost-sensitive espalier trees in particular thrive best in front of a garden wall because the stones release stored heat and protect the trees from the strong winds in winter. Below we answer the most important questions about espaliered fruit trees.

How tall does espalier fruit grow?

Espalier fruit normally reaches a maximum height of 3 meters. In contrast to espalier trees, where tall-stemmed grafting forms are preferred, most espalier fruit varieties have a low trunk. This makes gardening much easier and picking the fruit is much easier compared to normal fruit trees.

A fruit-bearing espalier tree as a privacy screen: Which species are suitable?

Apricots, apples, pears, quinces and peaches are particularly suitable for the garden.

  • Pearsare true survivors and can be grown on trellises both in the north, on sunny walls, and in the south. The autumn variety “Gute Luise” is robust and adaptable. The “Countess of Paris” variety scores with a long storage time.
  • In contrast to the pears, which thrive on a sunny wall, they preferApplesa location in the open field. Particularly high-yielding varieties include “Auralia” and “Gerlinde”. The fruits of the “Rubinola” variety have a long shelf life.
  • Peachesare true sun worshipers and cannot withstand frost. A southern garden wall keeps you warm even on cold days and therefore offers the best conditions for espaliered fruit. Suitable varieties include “Benedicte” or “Red Haven”. They bear particularly sweet and juicy fruits.
  • Apricotsare a good alternative to the sensitive peaches. They are less demanding when it comes to location and can be easily grown as espalier fruit. A sunny wall provides the necessary privacy and keeps you warm on cold days. Suitable varieties are “Harlayne” and “Kuresia”.
  • Other ObstartsThat are perfect for fruit espaliers are sour cherries (undemanding and easy to care for), kiwis (grow very strongly and are more suitable for planting pergolas), figs (can only be cultivated in the southern regions with a very mild climate).

Which espalier fruit framework?

Of course, you can buy a trellis for the fruit trees in the garden center, but experienced hobby gardeners and do-it-yourselfers can make the framework themselves. With a little patience and skill, even beginners will be able to assemble the trellis from bamboo sticks. There are many forms of espalier, the most common of which is the palmette. The tree trunk or main shoot is tied to a bamboo stick and the branches are then pulled horizontally on other bamboo sticks.

2.3. Deciduous espalier tree varieties with a standard trunk

It's not just evergreen espalier trees that are particularly popular with hobby gardeners. Deciduous espalier tree varieties also offer certain advantages.

  • DieEspalier linden treeis probably the best-known espalier tree with a standard trunk. In contrast to other tree species, it can grow very tall – up to 12 meters. It reaches a maximum growth width of 5 meters. It tolerates topiary well and is ideal for planting on pergolas and as a privacy screen for the terrace.
  • Also that oneFeldahornis a deciduous espalier tree that requires little care. It is very hardy and can easily tolerate cold winds. That's why, like the espaliered linden tree, it is suitable for planting pergolas.
  • TheAmberbaumis the most beautiful espalier tree par excellence. In autumn its foliage first turns yellow-orange and then orange-red.

2.4. Dachspaliere

Roof espalier is a collective term for tree varieties whose crown can be pulled into a roof shape. They provide sun protection for patios and seating areas. The roof plane tree is the classic among roof trellises. But the olive willow and the holm oak are also possible.