The cherry laurel (Prunus laurocerasus) belongs without questionone of the most popular hedge plants. And anyone who reads “hedge” will realize that this also goes hand in hand with regular topiary. Some hedge plants can tolerate cuts easily and even radically and at almost any time, others are a little more sensitive. What does the whole thing look like with cherry laurel? When can you cut the cherry laurel, what is the best way to prune it and can it also be a radical cut? We summarize the most important things!
You should cut the cherry laurel regularly so that it becomes dense. This accelerates the growth of the hedge plant, so you can enjoy an opaque hedge more quickly. In addition, pruning the hedge givesa nice shape, which not only makes them more attractive, but also guarantees that enough light can penetrate inside so that the plant grows densely there.
But that doesn't mean that you can randomly snipe at it at any time. So, when can you cut cherry laurel or at what time of year can you cut cherry laurel? There the plantgrows very quickly(a full 20 to 40 cm per year), it also needs to be kept under control with regular cuts. And this is also necessary for the young plant. Then you can cut your cherry laurel radically without any worries.
When to cut cherry laurel - What times of the year are optimal?
The ideal period is from late winter to early spring, i.e. from miduntil the end of February. From March until October, radical cuts are prohibited in Germany due to nesting birds. So don't wait too long. It is important that you also choose a frost-free period. If you cut the cherry laurel in frost, it will damage the cuts.
You may be able to carry out a second, lighter topiary at the end of June when the flowering period is over. If you cut the cherry laurel after it has bloomed, the nesting birds should have already flown out. However, proceed with caution.
What about autumn?
Many garden plants become...End of gardening seasoncut. You probably ask yourself the question “Can you cut cherry laurel in autumn?”. Yes, you can trim it at this time of year if you feel it is necessary. However, this is usually unnecessary if you have already taken care of it at the other two times.
However, in a certain situation, autumn is the right time for light pruning and this also leads us to the frequently asked question: When should cherry laurel be cut so that no fruit is formed? Immediately after flowering, the shrub begins to produce buds for the coming year. So if you cut the plants in autumn, you prevent flowers from forming in the next season, which of course means no berries can be produced. These are poisonous for both humans and animals.
Is winter pruning possible?
Avoid pruning in winter. On the one hand, this is completely unnecessary considering that you basically have the whole year at your disposal. If you cut the cherry laurel in winter, especially when temperatures are below 5 degrees, you risk severe frost damage.
Cut cherry laurel correctly
First of all: If the cherry laurel is a solitary plant, it doesn't necessarily have to be cut. In this case, pruning is only necessary if there is a lack of space and it would otherwise be a nuisance. Even if you want to shape it in a certain way, the solitary plant needs regular pruning. Otherwise, all you need is the cherry laurel in the shape of oneTrim hedgeand as follows:
How do you prune cherry laurel?
Overall, you don't need to worry about cutting the cherry laurel. Since the plant is extremely tolerant of cutting, you can approach the matter boldly. When you cut the cherry laurel, focus on the new growth: it is recommended to shorten it to about half (in February and/or the end of June). To promote compaction, shorten the old shoots again (in February).
To ensure that the hedge is straight, you can string up a string that you can use as a guide. It is also important that the plants become narrower towards the top. This is the only way to provide the lower leaves with sufficient sunlight and reduce the risk of branches falling due toSnow in wintercancel is greatly reduced. Be sure to wear protective gloves when cutting cherry laurel as it is poisonous and can cause skin irritation.
What scissors to use to cut cherry laurel
Using electric shears is downright tempting, especially when it comes to a fairly long hedge. However, we advise against this because the cherry laurel has large leaves and these will be shredded by the device. These shredded leaves sometimes turn brown and remain for a long time as they arean evergreen plantacts. And that just doesn't look nice. That's why you should rather use classic hand scissors when cutting the cherry laurel. Always cut the shoot just above the base of the leaf.
The right cut for illnesses
Powdery mildew and shotgun disease are two diseases the plant is susceptible to. The first thing you should do when you get adetect illness, is to remove the affected shoots. Don't be too sparing with this. A radical cut back is definitely a good idea here. If the infestation is very advanced and the damage caused by it is very severe, it is also possible to cut it back to the cane. Dispose of the cut, diseased plant parts immediately. You can also remove damage caused by frost by cutting your cherry laurel generously.
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