Creating a perennial bed in autumn: tips and steps for a beautiful garden bed full of flowers

Even during the autumn season, nature offers a wide range of blooming beauties with which you can decorate the garden now. But you shouldn't wait too long, because the plants still need enough time until the ground freezes in order to develop their roots well. When should you plant the perennials? Early autumn is therefore the best time. We would like to give you a few tips that will be useful to you when you create a perennial bed in the fall.

Why autumn is so perfect

Especially for perennials,that bloom in spring, now is exactly the right time to plant. The reason for this is that the soil is still nice and warm after the long, hot summer, which helps the roots to establish themselves in the new location. In spring, however, it has not yet warmed up after winter. This does not prevent the plants from developing well, but it makes it more difficult for them and takes a little more time.

Isn't the frost dangerous?

Frost will not cause your perennials to die. Only the above-ground parts of the plant die, while the roots continue to grow until the ground freezes.

Creating a perennial bed in autumn – this is the best way to proceed

The right preparation and planning are important so that the perennial plants can quickly get used to the new place and you are completely satisfied with your choice of plants. Here are a few important steps and tips:

Prepare the bed

Loosen the soil where you are planting the perennial bed in the fall. This not only ventilates it, but also makes it easier to remove weeds and old roots. Then work in compost (30 to 50 liters per m²) to improve it with nutrients and rake it smooth. Now that isBed readyto be planted.

Create a planting plan

Think about how you want to design the bed. What plants and colors and how many rows would you like. You could use one for the perennial bed beforehandCreate a planting planand plan or you can simply prepare the bed and place the selected pots in it before planting them. This way you can swap back and forth until you get the combination you want.

Would you like onebee-friendly perennial bedinvest? Then choose the flowers accordingly. Or how about just combining native perennials? You have thatSpoiled for choice, that's why planning is important. Also consider the location, because not every perennial likes full sun, for example. It will be easier for you to find the right combination if you choose perennials that are currently blooming. This way you have a direct overview of the flower colors and can combine them more easily.

If you create a wider herbaceous bed in autumn, it is advisable to create several rows. And then you should also consider the height of the plants you choose. For example, on a wall, the tallest ones should be at the back and gradually become lower towards the front. In a free-standing bed, such as a round one, the tall perennials are in the middle, while the others are arranged in a circle and also become lower towards the front.

The care after you create the perennial bed in autumn

After planting, distributeorganic fertilizer. You can contain weeds or even avoid them altogether if you lay down a layer of mulch at the end. Another advantage is that moisture is stored better and this is important so that the plant can establish itself well. Under no circumstances should the soil dry out.

Now that the major heat periods are over, frequent watering is no longer necessary (another advantage of fall planting). Once a week when there is no rain should be enough.

Tipp: Immerse the selected plants in water before planting so that the roots can soak up well.

Perennial bed examples

Let your imagination run wild and createinteresting arrangements and combinations. Here are a few ideas:

  • The groupCreate a perennial bed in autumn: Choose three plants of the same variety and color and put them together in groups. For example, in one place you combine three anemones, in another delphiniums and somewhere else chrysanthemums.
  • AddtextureAdd: Combine the perennial plants with ornamental grasses for additional interesting structure. You can also achieve this with special types of perennials such as the fat hen, which differs from native ones in its leaf shape.
  • A variety,multiple colors: Many perennials have several colors in their flowers. You can also use this to create beautiful compositions. For example, alternate two colors in a row or plant a group of three with three different colors.
  • Combine in rows: As mentioned above, plant the tallest perennials at the back and the lowest at the front. Between these two rows add medium height varieties. This way you guarantee that no flowers are hidden from others and remain clearly visible (and of course get enough sunlight)