Here's how to prepare a vegetable patch to get a better harvest

You can get the hardest part of spring season gardening done in a timely manner by preparing your vegetable patch. Starting a vegetable garden is a great way to enjoy fresh and healthy food. You can also teach your children where food comes from. You can start at any time of the year, but spring is the best season for such garden care. In this guide you will find practical tips that can help you ensure a lush growing season for your raised beds.

Tried and tested methods you can use to prepare your vegetable patch

The best way oneGarden bed for springPreparing involves working one garden area at a time. First, dig up the ground thoroughly to remove weeds and stones. Then rake it level so the surface is easy to manage. You can sow some seeds directly into the ground as early as March, but you should read the instructions on the package. Preheating the soil with a cold frame cover or foil protection can improve germination rates. In addition, this step helps in sowing seeds earlier.

If you are inGardening raised beds, you should try to stick to the one basic rule: do not step on the ground inside the vegetable beds. The biggest advantage of this type of gardening is the light, fluffy, well-drained soil you can develop, which facilitates vigorous plant growth. Walking on the bed compacts the soil, reduces aeration and slows the activity of valuable microorganisms beneath the soil surface. If you do need to stand on the raised bed, you can place a long board over it and step on it while you prepare your vegetable patch.

Choose a suitable garden area

Vegetables need a lot of sun to grow, so choose garden soil that gets plenty of light. As a rule of thumb, an area that you think would be great for sunbathing is also an ideal spot for growing your own. In addition, also make sure that there is protection from the wind, which can weaken the stems, break or even damage fragile leaves. If there is no wall or hedge around your future or existing vegetable patch, consider building such a fence. Woven branches, for example, are a cheap, flexible and environmentally friendly optionTo shield the garden bed.

Having access to a faucet or rain barrel also saves you the countless back and forth with the watering can. Drawing a plan for your new vegetable garden also helps prevent future problems at an early stage. Plan beds in groups of four to make it easier to rotate your vegetables around the plot to prevent pests and diseases from accumulating. You can also use cut flowers such as gladioli, sunflowers and sweet peas.

Prepare and mark the vegetable patch

Once you have found a sheltered spot that gets at least five hours of sunshine per day, you can start marking. It is best to do this in a square or rectangle of the desired size. To ensure the sides are straight, you can place stakes at the corners and run garden twine between them. Check your right angles by measuring the diagonals and adjusting them if necessary. Now cut off any existing turf with a sharp spade and remove it. It isno need to throw away peat. You can simply compost the soil. Remember to place it in the pile with the roots facing up to prevent it from growing back.

Fill the beds with a mixture of soil-based compost and topsoil. When preparing soil for your vegetable patch and growing in it, it is a good idea to have oneSoil pH testwith a kit to find out how acidic or alkaline it is. Neutral garden soil is best as most vegetable plants thrive in it. Also, start small by not digging up the entire garden only to realize you've taken on too much. Instead, dig up a small area and do it right. Cover unused garden areas with foil or thick cardboard to keep weeds under control.

Turn the soil and fertilize

Use a rake to prepare the soil for vegetable beds and dig and dig it to a depth of about 30cm. You should thoroughly loosen the soil, which expands when turning. This just means you're getting a lot of air into the soil. At this point you should do your best to remove all weeds. Always remove the plant by the roots, otherwise it will simply grow back. A little effort will save you time and effort later. All soil types also benefit from regular composting. OrganicMaterial such as horse manure, helps sandy soils retain water and gives clay soils a lighter consistency to prevent waterlogging. So, to prepare your vegetable patch, you should add at least one bag of compost and dig it in thoroughly. If you've made your own home compost, even better. If not, beginning your vegetable growing journey is the perfect time to do so.

Grow simple plants and prepare the vegetable patch

Planting in spacious rows gives your vegetables more room to thrive. Some types of vegetables are easier to grow than others. If you've never grown your own vegetable patch before, or if you're growing vegetables with children, it's a good idea to choose easy-to-grow plants first. Zucchini, potatoes, beans, strawberries, radishes and beets are some great vegetable crops for beginners. As you prepare your vegetable patch, you can sow your seeds. Read the back of each packet for details about when and how to sow. Also, don't forget to label your rows so you know what you're growing and where. Whether you grow your vegetables from seeds, seedlings or cuttings from your local garden center, it's important to make sure you leave enough space between plants to allow for growth and ensure they don't compete with each other for water and nutrients.