These 7 shrubs bloom all summer long and are pleasing to the eye!

But while the butterfly bush is admired by many for its colorful flowers and long bloom period, it has an equally large number of opponents. In many areas of the USA it is consideredinvasive Pflanze– one that does not grow naturally in a particular region, but is so widespread that it crowds out native plants. Many plant experts warn that invasive plants are problematic because they can alter ecosystems and harm existing flora and fauna. Although it is not invasive everywhere, butterfly lilac has gotten a bad rap. Several US states now classify it asharmful weedsa.

Butterfly bush should be planted with caution, and only if you are willingremove the flower heads in a timely mannerto avoid spreading the seeds. Although there are many popular varieties of buddleia, including‘Black Night’(Flower color: dark purple) andPink Delight(Flower color: pink), but newer, less vigorous varieties are enjoying growing popularity. For example:

  • Buddleia x ‘Blue Chip’is a compact, 90 to 180 cm high variety.
  • Buddleia ‘Miss Violet’is another floriferous, compact variety that grows 120 to 150 cm tall and wide.
  • Other hybrid varieties bred to be seedless include‘Asian Moon’, ‘Ice Chip’and‘Purple Haze’.