You are probably already in the middle of cultivation, because it starts in February and for a few plant species even in January. While these are already busy growing on your windowsill, the time comes to grow more vegetables and flowers. So you want to bring plants forward in March? What's coming up this month?
Real tomato fans probably know that now is finally their time. But what else can you sow in the prepared seed pots?
Preparing plants in March for beginners: What you should prepare
It is of course clear that you need soil and containers. But there shouldn't be anyconventional potting soilbecause this would do more harm than good in this initial phase. So what materials and conditions should you provide when planting in March?
- Special growing soil. This is low in nutrients because the seedlings do not need nutrients yet.
- Growing pots. You can buy these or you canuse egg carton, yogurt cup, etc.
- A bright location. This doesn't just apply to light germinators, which, as the name suggests, need light in order to germinate. Even dark germinators, where the seeds are necessarily covered with soil, need enough light after germination in order to thrive. However, strong, direct sunlight is not a good idea.
- warmth and humidity. But no wetness! Seeds need a combination of both to germinate. For some it is even worth soaking them in water for a few hours before sowing. Drainage holes and/or drainage are also beneficial, as is covering the pots with foil or another type of hood that retains moisture.
Growing vegetable plants – what goes into the growing pots now?
- Artichoke – Also possible from mid-January. Quite a long germination period of two to three weeks at 20 to 25 degrees.
- Sow eggplants - You can sow them as early as the beginning of March, making sure that the temperature is around 21 degrees.
- Cauliflower – As early as mid-February or now at the latest, at temperatures of 15 to 10 degrees.
- Broccoli – Grow from January to March. At 15 to 20 degrees, the first seedlings appear after 10 days at the latest.
- Chili – The pods are actually grown as early as February, and some varieties even as early as January. Since these develop quite quickly and sometimes produce fruit throughout the entire season, you can also start in March.
- Fennel – late March or early April at the latest
- Celeriac – early March
- Kohlrabi – Also from February, at temperatures between 16 and 20 degrees.
- Leeks – March and April
- Chard – February/March and April/May outdoors
- New Zealand spinach – Between mid-February and early April
- Paprika – Actually best in February. But you can now toostart with that. But don't wait much longer.
- Beetroot – From the beginning of the month
- Red cabbage – February/March in a covered cold frame or on the windowsill; then the first harvest in early summer
- Salad – March at the latest, better still in April
- Sorrel – can be sown at the beginning of the month
- Chives – End of the month
- Tatsoiv – the whole month is suitable
- When do you prefer tomatoes? These popular vegetables germinate at temperatures between 20 and 25 degrees and are ready to be sown from mid-March. If you can't make it by then, you still have until the end of the month. The general rule is that tomato plants should be planted between 6 and 8 weeks before planting outshould be preferred. The planting date is after the Ice Saints.
- Savoy cabbage – March is really the last period that you shouldn’t miss; February is better
- Zucchini – at the end of March at the earliest, as they are fast germinators
Also interesting:Practical tricks for sowing: growing vegetables made easy!
Herbs that are now ready for cultivation
What would a dish be with that?Vegetables from your own gardenwithout the right herbs. There are cold-sensitive species that you might prefer indoors if you are already into growing your own vegetable plants. This gives them a head start on growth later when planting out.
- valerian
- Basil
- Currykraut
- Dill – Can also be added to the bed.
- Lavender
- mint
- Oregano
- Parsley – Can also be sown in the bed now.
- sage
- Thymian
- Lemongrass
- Lemon balm
Prefer plants in March - It's now the turn of these flowers
It's not just useful plants that belong in the garden. Ornamental plants should also not be missing to create a beautiful variety. But instead of investing a lot of money in larger flowers, you can instead grow them cheaply from seeds, right now. Which flower seeds are suitable for growing in March?
- Begonias
- Cosmos
- Hardworking Lieschen
- Garden foxtail
- Bell vine
- Grasnelken
- Mini nasturtiums
- Snapdragons
- Marigold
- Veil herb
- Sunflower
- Tagetes
- Zinnie
Which flowers can already be plantedfind out here.