What vegetables can you plant together? These planting partners are ideal for mixed culture in raised beds

The aim of a mixed culture in a raised bed is to make optimal use of the available space, prevent diseases and keep pests away by combining different types of vegetables. But which vegetables can be planted together to ensure a rich and high-quality harvest? These are the basic principles.

What vegetables can you plant together? The basic principles of mixed culture

The idea is actually quite simple: you combine the crops in such a way that there is no root competition and the nutrients in the soil can be absorbed by all plants. Vegetables that have similar soil and location requirements are selected first. It is also important to combine shallow and deep roots. And the last step – finding the right planting partners that get along well. Good planning is the be-all and end-all of successful mixed culture in raised beds.

A mixed cultureis composed of the following plants:

  • Vegetables that get along well.
  • Herbs and crops that attract pollinating insects.
  • Herbs and crops that protect against pests.
  • Crops that improve the soil (including pre-cultivation and post-cultivation of tomatoes)

Which vegetables for mixed cultivation in raised beds? Suitable planting partners

  • Planting mistakes for carrots:Beans, peas, lettuce, onions, radishes and tomatoes get along very well.
  • Suitable planting partners for corn:The vegetables can be combined with melons, potatoes, peas, kidney beans, cucumbers and pumpkins. All plants have similar requirements for location and soil
  • Plant partner for garlic:Beetroot, carrots, corn, radishes, eggplant, spinach, tomatoes, cucumbers and peppers.
  • What to plant with onions?Beetroot, carrots, cabbage, salads, cucumbers, peppers. You can find out more about thisread in this article.
  • Planting partners for peppers:Basil and onion
  • Tomatoes get along with:Basil, lettuce, carrots, cucumbers and pumpkins.
  • Combinations forCucumbers: Beans, beetroot, corn, onion, peas, radishes.
  • Saladcombine with radishes, corn, pumpkins.
  • Planting partner for potatoes:Beans, corn, salads, spinach, radishes, cabbage.
  • Planting partner for radishes: eggplants, salads, watercresses, nasturtiums.
  • SpinachPlant together with beans, coriander, beans and strawberries.
  • Strawberriescan be planted together with borage, caraway, chives, salads, onions, sage, spinach, pumpkins.
  • Zucchini:Beans, corn, peas, radishes.

What attracts pollinators? These plants provide food for bees and butterflies

The first group of plants fulfills a special function: these perennials are real bee magnets and attract pollinators. For maximum effect, move the flowering species and into the raised bed.

Fragrant and flowering plant partners that attract bees:

  • Nettle, catnip and dill
  • Stonewort, marigold, echinacea
  • parsley and chives
  • Chamomile and cabbage
  • Borage, coriander and real sage
  • Oregano, basil and thyme

Plants against pests in the vegetable patch

There are certain plants that can keep pests away in raised beds. And there are some who even fight them successfully. Marigolds, for example, can successfully combat harmful nematode species. For the best possible results, place young plants in the bed. Then you can plant other useful herbs and vegetables that keep various pests away.

Also interesting:Planting marigold flowers in the vegetable patch: advantages & tips

Which plants deter pests?

These crops keep pests away from tomatoes:

  • Parsleyand basilkeep aphids off tomatoes.
  • Garlic and spring onions help against predators such as snails, mice and squirrels.
  • Coriander, dill, lemon gas and rosemary protect tomatoes from spider mites

Protect cabbage plants from pests

  • Mint, lavender and mugwort help against coal owl
  • Garlic against weevils
  • Marigolds form a sticky film that attracts aphids. The pests then stick to the marigold.

These plants repel pests on carrots

  • Alfalfa and garlic help prevent click beetle infestations.
  • Dill and onion can be used as natural repellents against naked flies.

What protects against Colorado potato beetles?

  • Mehrrettich
  • Coriander
  • rain fern

What can you do against spider mites on cucumbers?

  • Brunnenkresse

Useful plants that improve the soil

Plant the raised bed with chives, beans or peas to increase the amounts of nitrogen in the soil. These plants can absorb nitrogen through the air and have beneficial bacteria in their roots that then bind the nitrogen and release it into the soil.

Using crops can increase the amounts of nitrogen in the soil

  • Broad beans
  • French beans
  • Incarnate-Klee
  • Chickpeas
  • Sweet peas

What do you plant after tomatoes?

If you want to increase the amounts of calcium in the soil, then plant buckwheat right after. Tomatoes need a lot of calcium for flower and fruit formation, buckwheat is a good option for green manure after cultivation.