There are more than 650 species of Tillandsia that can grow and thrive without soil. Why are tillandsias easy to grow? These bromeliads get the entire amount of water and nutrients through theirspecial leaves. Tillandsias only use their roots to attach themselves to rocks, trees, bushes, and the ground. Air plants come from South America, Mexico and Central America and love warm climates. If you would like to find out how youCare for tillandsias properlycan, read on.
Care for tillandsias correctly – pay attention to a few points
Even though they are easy to care for, there are a few rules you need to follow.
– ConstantlyAir circulation– as the name suggests – is the focus of keeping your plant happy.
–aerial plantsneed somethingmoisture– Spray daily from late spring to mid-autumn. In winter only once or twice a week.
–fertilizationmonthly in spring and summer with a low-nitrogen liquid fertilizer. As a rule, fertilize weekly.
– Although they love warm climates, most tillandsias mustnot full of sunbe suspended. If the tillandsia is a species that grows on trees in its natural environment, keep it in a moist, partially shaded location. If it's a ground type, likeT. cyaneaorT. lindenii, then grow indoors in bright, filtered light and outdoors in partial or partial shade.
– Never leave the air plants in one place,colder than 7 degrees, because they will die at these temperatures.
Care for tillandsias correctly – decorative elements in the room
The rootless tillandsias look great alone as decorative elements or in an arrangement in the terrarium. Choose different varieties likeTillandsia aeranthos'Amethyst', which is also called the rosy air plant. This will create a lovely contrast through its pink floral lace. You can add a little peat moss to the terrarium for additional moisture. Tillandsia species also make fine companions to orchids planted on a branch as they like essentially the same conditions. Hanging air plants are a popular design element in modern interior design.
Properly care for, grow and arrange tillandsias
Care for tillandsias properly and plant them in the terrarium
Inserted into the table decoration
under small shells
hung on a decorative tree
placed in a vase
other varieties with beautiful colors
green tillandsias
Arrangements in terrariums