Check out these interesting and original ideas on how to decorate the terrace in the garden.
If there is a tree on the path, it is not necessarily an obstacle. You can simply place the garden furniture around the tree. In this way theBaumBecome the accent in the patio landscape. The low stone wall can be used as a bench. The stone tile floor was laid out on a sand surface. This way, weed growth is prevented, but moisture can still reach the tree roots.
This wooden idea is a pleasant place for gatherings with family and friends. Here you can enjoy a cup of coffee and relax under the shade of the treessummer daysput.
If the area is built in L shape, you can also adapt a same shape bench very easily. In this way, the bench will contribute to the pure design and simple veranda structure.
If the tree is growing in the backyard, you can build a path around the tree and place plaster and brick planters on either side. In the picture you can see a path leading to a two-level veranda.
The flooring here is made of wood and frames an old tree. In this way, the natural environment of the garden landscape is retained.
If your patio is one level up and has stones underneath, don't worry. You can create a kind of natural steps in the stone for a natural look. The structure was supported by tubular steel, colored in black so that it does not stand out. This creates an optical illusion that the wooden steps are only supported by the stones.
So that the natural shape of the pine tree can be retained in the garden, the deck design was coordinated with the landscape and the tree was integrated into the veranda.
Your outdoor area can also be built in isolation from the house. For example, next to a pond with koi carp. The wooden veranda is surrounded only by natural elements and is perfect if you are looking for relaxation and peace.
If you have a tree in the garden, this illustration suggests an original solution. A path covered with bricks leads to an area framed by spiraling stone walls. At the end the wall forms a small pool of water. The tree is next to it.
This idea also adjoins a small swimming pool. The wooden veranda was constructed so that the old tree that is there can spread its shadows over the seating area.
Stone structures that protrude from the porch add more individuality to the patio design. In this way, stones can become the main accent in the porch decor.
If a tree is in the middle of the yard and is interfering with the construction of your porch, stay calm. Instead of cutting down the tree, you can simply build around the tree. This will make your garden landscape look much more natural.
Check out this wheelchair friendly idea. The wooden ramps fit very well with the natural landscape and can be easily integrated into the garden design with foliage plants and other decorative options.
The old Douglas fir in the picture should definitely be kept. That's why the designers looked for a creative solution that would allow this. The wooden veranda was carefully built around the tree trunk so as not to disturb its growth.