Low, hardy perennials for the front areas of the perennial bed and for rock gardens

Are you already planning the perennial bed for the new autumn planting? Small, hardy plants are the right choice for the front areas, so that the taller ones behind them are not hidden by the front rows. And low, hardy perennials abound. Which ones come into question?

In principle, the majority of the small flowers are just dwarf versions of the large species and are around 5 to 30 cm high. Whether hardy perennials for sunny, dry locations or for shady areas, there is something for everyone.

You like the girl's eyes, the delphiniums and the irises, but they are just too high for you. No problem, because this and other species have smaller varieties that you can choose instead. Otherwise, you can also choose the following copies:

Carnations for sunny locations

What is special about the small carnations (Dianthus) actually, that you might not like? The flowers shine in beautiful color combinations in summer, the leaves and stems have an attractive silvery-gray undertone and they also exude a pleasant scent. In addition, the pretty flower is quite drought-resistant. Perfect hardy perennials for the blazing sun and, due to their low growth, also very popular for the outermost edges of the bed!

Fantastic Japanese orchid for beds and pond plants

The sight of this flower's beautiful blooms can be downright addictive! With a height of 30 to 40 cm, it remains quite small, but thanks to its flowers in purple, pink or white, it comes into its own and can steal the show from many other specimens. The Japanese orchid (Bletilla striata) likes it sunny to partially shaded and moist but well-drained so that it can enter the flowering phase from May to July. In the first winter you should protect the root areas from frost with brushwood or other winter protection.

Low, hardy perennials for shade – Carpet St. John’s Wort

The carpet St. John's wort (Hypericum chalice) of the variety 'Rose of Sharon' grows between 25 and 30 cm high and blooms with yellow flowers from June to August. It is also interesting that the berries then decorate the plant in red, so that an interesting play of colors is created during the transition phase as soon as they have changed color and yellow flowers are still present, but others are still closed. These perennials aresuitable for the shade, but can also stand in the sun.

Flax with delicate, sky blue flowers

The variety 'Nanum Saphir' of the pretty flax (Perennial flax) produces pretty light blue flowers in June, which last until August and are particularly effective against flowers in contrasting colors. These specimens are idealPerennials for sun and droughtand are even suitable for roof plants. If the plant is in a suitable location, it will spread itself through seeds.

Gold basket with bright yellow flowers

The pretty gold basket is just 10 cm high (Chrysogonum virginianum) of the variety 'Andre Viette' - a true continuous bloomer, considering that the flowering phase lasts from May to August. In addition, these yellow, low flowers give you evergreen perennials that decorate the bed with their leaves even in winter. The plant is undemanding and cushion-forming, so it tooIdeal as a ground coveris.

Small, blue summer gentian

You can also get low, hardy perennials with the summer gentian (Gentiana septemfida var. lagodechiana). It blooms from July and into September, grows to a height of 20 cm and is particularly impressive because it is quite rareblue flower color. The soil should always be fresh and never dry out, which means a certain amount of care due to the sunny location that the flower prefers. If there is enough moisture, the plant is also very suitable for the rock garden.

It turns blue-violet with the dragon's head in the bed

The dragon head (Dracocephalum ruyschiana) blooms from July and until August with attractive labial flowers and at a height of around 30 cm.A sunny locationis very suitable and the soil can dry out for a short time without causing any damage to the plant. You don't need to fertilize at all because it likes it low in nutrients. You can use the strong flower colors to create a colorful bed with other perennials in strong colors.

The following low, winter-hardy perennials are also perfect for the garden

  • Anemone (Anemone japonica)
  • bearskin grass (Festuca gautieri 'Pic Carlit')
  • Blaukissen (Aubrieta)
  • Tomentose Hornwort (Cerastium tomentosum)
  • goose cress (Caucasian Arabs)
  • Gemstone (Doronicum orientale ‘Little Leo’)
  • Grasnelke (Maritime armoury)
  • Heidegünsel (Oregano vulgaris)
  • Autumn cushion aster (Aster Dumosus-Hybrid)
  • Sweetheart Lily (Hosta tokudama)
  • Kriechender Günsel (Ajuga Reptans)
  • Lichtnelke (Lychnis x arkwrightii)
  • Moossteinbrech (Rent a car)
  • Night candle (Oenothera macrocarpa)
  • clove root ('Diana' Mountain Gaelic)
  • Cushion bellflower (Campanula poscharskyana)
  • Polsterphlox (Phlox subulata)
  • Strandflieder (Goniolimon tataricum)
  • Teich-Knöterich (Akin to bistorta)
  • Carpet yarrow (Achillea tomentosa)
  • Bleeding Heart (Dicentra Hybrid)
  • spurge (Euphorbia polychroma)
  • Dwarf Marguerite (Anacyclus depressed)

Also read:Bellflower as a ground cover: Which species are suitable?