Greening and decorating the terrace wall – Bring nature onto the terrace!

Bare walls on the terrace can be donedecorate in a variety of ways. A very popular variant is planting. And it is actually impressive how versatile plants can be used as decoration for the patio wall. In classic flower boxes, more unusual plant containers or in the form of a vertical garden - you can find exactly the right thing for every taste and patio style. We have therefore put together a few of the best ideas for you to give you some creative inspiration. There are also great craft instructions included. Create a natural flair around your seating or dining area by adding greenery to the patio wall!

Green the patio wall with a drawer organizer

That onewith everyday objectsBeing able to make creative things is actually nothing new. So it's no surprise that a honeycomb socks organizer can be used wonderfully for a vertical garden if you want to add greenery to the patio wall. And it's so easy to make that anyone can do it.

Simply assemble the elements as described until you get the size you want. You can then color this honeycomb grid in any color using spray paint. Once the paint has dried, hang the trellis on the selected wall and you can fill it with plants. Succulentsand air plantsare best suited for this as they are more convenient to water (with a spray bottle) and generally do not require a lot of moisture. You can simply place succulents and their pots in the compartments.

Green the terrace wall with flower boxes

Flower boxes can be found in a wide variety of colors and can therefore be used in a variety of waysdecorate the terrace. In order to use them for planting on the terrace, they can, for example, be fixed offset from one another as above and decorate the entire wall.

You can also decorate narrow walls in this way by simply attaching the boxes one on top of the other - directly on the wall, on a wooden board or hanging on ropes, as desired.

Black metal flower boxes on ropes

Plant the terrace wall with flower pots

In principle, you have the same options with flower pots as with boxes. Add accents or cover the entire wall. There aregreat DIY projects, which are also extremely easy to implement. How about the following idea:

Simple wooden boards provide youwith cupboard door handlesor hooks and you can then hang the pots on them. And you can even design these yourself. At the top, for example, cans were painted with paints and made with holes for the cord. Nothing more is needed!

Such slatted walls are also very practical if you want to add greenery to a terrace wall. The gaps between the individual slats are perfect for hanging boxes and/or pots. Ideal for thesome splashes of color on the bare wallto add.

Pots on a trellis

Steel grid in a rust look for clay flower pots – industrial flair on the terrace

Green the terrace wall with the help of trellises

Use plant bags

Plant bags are also very quick to install and really practical for adding greenery to the patio walls. They are suitable for numerous plants includingSpices and vegetables.

Beds on the house wall for green terraces

If you have a bed in the middle of the terrace and right on the wall of the house, you can use it to let plants climb directly up the wall. And here we don’t just mean the classic ivy.Also espalier fruitlike in the picture above is great. For other climbing plants you will also need a trellis, depending on the type of plant, made of wood, sturdy metal or simple wire.

If you don't have a bed directly in the ground, you can simply build a raised bed and use it if you want to add greenery to a patio wall. A raised bed is practical, nice to look at and can be made of different materials. This is very advantageous if it fits your patio styleCorten steel raised bed.

Green terrace wall in rain gutters

Have you recently replaced your gutters? Don't throw away the old ones because they make the perfect flower boxes! You can cut it to suit your needs and use it for small arrangements like the one above or for long walls like the one in the picture below.

More ideas

Planting terraces – Original idea for walls and walls in a grid pattern

Use pallets and scrap wood

Modern planted terraces

Green patio with lush vertical gardens

Bring nature onto the terrace!

Decorate the patio wall with succulents

Terraces can be greened in a creative way

Plants planted in moss and glued to wooden panels