Growing Jerusalem artichoke: How to care for the undemanding useful and ornamental plant

Tomatoes are particularly popular among beginners when it comes to growing vegetables. But there is another lesser-known plant that is worth trying out - namely the Jerusalem artichoke tuber. It is extremely easy to care for and also has decorative properties. Would you perhaps like to grow Jerusalem artichokes?

Foto: iMarzi/ Shutterstock

Plant once, harvest again! Is this only possible in the bed or is the tuber also suitable for the pot? What requirements does the plant have in terms of location and care?

Growing Jerusalem artichokes in the garden

Foto: Iva Vagnerova/ Shutterstock

Anyone who loves potatoes should definitely try it once, as the tuber is considered a wonderful substitute for our beloved potatoes. To cultivate, start from seeds.

When do the seeds come into the bed?

Foto: iMarzi/ Shutterstock

You have a period of one and a half months to make Jerusalem artichokes (Helianthus tuberosus) to sow. This begins in mid-March and therefore lasts until the end of April. So you still have some time. If you stick to this period, you will even be able to harvest fruit this year, namely in autumn.

Didn't make it during this period? No problem, the plant or tuber survives the cold winter. This means that you have another chance to sow in October or November at the latest. In this case, you can harvest Jerusalem artichoke tubers in spring.

Growing Jerusalem artichokes: Which location is best?

Foto: iMarzi/ Shutterstock

Jerusalem artichoke likes it sunny. Like any other plant, it also needs enough space to develop well and not have to compete for nutrients.

  • There should be a distance of around 60 cm between the individual seeds.
  • The seeds are dark germinators. Therefore, you should dig sufficiently deep into the soil, which in this case means between 5 and 10 cm.

Otherwise there are no special requirements for the location. Jerusalem artichoke feels at home in pretty much any soil, but if you really want to pamper it, offer it a humus-rich soil that is slightly sandy to avoid waterlogging. Only lime should be avoided.

Why people often talk about root barriers

You may already know the term from bamboo bushes. For invasive plants that spread quickly and uncontrollably, a so-called root barrier is recommended to keep the spread under control. This risk also exists with the Jerusalem artichoke plant, which is why you can take appropriate measures before sowing.

How to properly care for Jerusalem artichokes

You already know that they are very easy to care for. All you have to do after sowing or planting outdoors is to water every now and then, which is very practical because the plant is relatively drought tolerant. In any case, this is better for you than waterlogging.

Fertilizer is actually unnecessary unless your garden soil is really very poor in nutrients. Then it is enough if you mix a little compost into the soil when sowing/planting out. Be sure to avoid fertilizers that are high in nitrogen.

Foto: Olga_Anourina/ Shutterstock

Good neighbors for the tuberous plant

If you plant Jerusalem artichoke tubers in a vegetable bed, it is worth knowing which planting partners are best and which are not. Ultimately, the plants should complement each other and not compete.

Are well suited: Beans, peas, lettuce, spinach, onions
You should avoid: Kohl

Rules when growing it as a potted plant

This is a space-loving plant. So if you grow Jerusalem artichokes in a pot, you should use a sufficiently large container. Each plant also gets its own flower pot, which must be of good weight or should be additionally weighted so that the tall plant does not constantly tip over in the wind.

The tuber also needs sufficient nutrients in the pot. You can either fertilize regularly or mix a substrate in advance that will support the plant throughout the season. A mix of garden soil, compost and sand is best.

Plant tubers directly. These need a layer of soil of 10 cm above. From now on, water regularly without causing waterlogging. You can choose between sun and partial shade as a location.

Photo: Andris Tkacenko/Shutterstock

Worth knowing:It is not uncommon for Jerusalem artichokes to be used as a privacy screen, as the pretty above-ground parts of the plant grow up to 3 meters high. Since they can be such undemanding potted plants, they are also perfect if you want to screen off your balcony.

When do you harvest Jerusalem artichokes?

Foto: Gargonia/ Shutterstock

In autumn or spring, we already mentioned that. But the real question is: How do I know when the tubers are ready to harvest? You can use the foliage as a guide: it turns brown in autumn, which is a sign that the tubers are preparing for winter. At this point, the Jerusalem artichoke tubers are also ripe and can be removed from the ground.

By the wayYou don't necessarily have to harvest the tubers (or at least not all of them). If you leave them in the ground, the above-ground parts of the plant will die in winter, as this is a perennial. In spring, as soon as the plant is warm enough, it will sprout again reliably, without you having to do anything about it.