Get your belly button pierced: This is what you need to know about body jewelry

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Even though the hype surrounding belly button piercing has decreased in recent years, the belly button is still one of the most popular places for a piercing - especially among young people.

By the way, the belly button piercing is a relic from the 90s. It all started with the then top model Christy Turlington and the rebellious Alicia Silverstone, who had her belly button pierced as a sign of her freedom in the rock group Aerosmith's "Crying" video. And then the trend among celebrities was unstoppable.

Not only “Bad Girls”, but also stars like Jessica Alba, Britney Spears (still very good back then), Paris Hilton, Lindsay Lohan and Jeanette Biedermann had their navel piercings and emphasized them with crop tops on the red carpet.

Getting a belly button piercing: yes or no?

The same applies to piercings as to tattoos: Before you get one, you should find out about the risks and think carefully about your decision. In many cases, the belly button piercing no longer grows completely closed. And if so, a scar remains visible.

So that you can be more confident in your decision, we will answer all your questions about belly button piercing. From the piercing process, to the cost of a piercing, to the correct care and aftercare of the freshly pierced skin.

A belly button piercing takes at least 12 weeks to heal.Credit:Getty Images

Piercing your belly button: 3 things you need to know

If you want to get a belly button piercing, you should know 3 things:

1. Belly button piercings are slow to heal. If the stomach is too tight, too toned or too thin, there is a risk that the wound will not heal as quickly because the newly pierced skin is constantly under tension.

2. When piercing the navel, it is usually not the navel itself that is pierced, but rather the fold of skin above the navel. However, there are all sorts of ways to pierce around and through the navel.

3. Due to the many different shapes that a navel can naturally have, an experienced look at the navel and appropriate advice is essential: In any case, the navel piercing should only be pierced by a professional piercer.

At what age can a belly button be pierced?

In Germany, young people are only allowed to be pierced from the age of 14 if their parents are present during the consultation and the piercing and give their consent. A belly button piercing is possible from the age of 16 with written consent from the parents.

Only when you are 18 years old can you get a piercing or tattoo without your parents' consent.

How much does a belly button piercing cost?

The cost of a belly button piercing naturally varies depending on the studio. On average, you have to expect to pay between 50 and 70 euros if you want to have your belly button pierced. The price for the belly button piercing often includes the sterile initial piercing and care products for aftercare, as well as disinfectant spray.

Once the wound has healed, you can change the belly button piercing as you wish. Simple belly button piercings are available for under 10 euros. Elaborate piercings made of silver or gold with gemstones, on the other hand, can cost several hundred euros.

Piercing the belly button: This is the process

The piercing must be carried out under sterile conditions. This is the only way to ensure that the risk of infection is as low as possible.

A belly button piercing is done while lying down. On the one hand, this has purely practical reasons for the piercer: the stomach is so relaxed and if circulation problems arise when piercing the belly button, this is far less problematic when lying down.

The belly button is cleared extensively and carefully disinfected, then the places where the belly button piercing should enter and exit are marked.

The location of the belly button piercing is fixed with special pliers and a needle is inserted through the marked points. Together with the needle, a tube is passed through the resulting hole, through which the plug (the belly button piercing) is pulled.

The hose is then removed. Afterwards you should receive written care instructions so that you know how to care for your piercing so that it heals well and you can enjoy the body jewelry.

Navel piercing: Does piercing your stomach hurt?

Every person has a different perception of pain. An anesthetic spray is usually applied when piercing the belly button, which means that the piercing is perceived as little or only a short pain.

Also read:

Belly button piercing: How long does it take to heal?

Every good piercing studio offers detailed care advice and a follow-up examination for a belly button piercing.

When it comes to healing, belly button piercing is a special case and requires a little patience: the belly button is located in a region of the body that is constantly affected by numerous movements. Running, walking and even sitting causes the belly button to constantly move. This means that the wound of the belly button piercing is constantly exposed to various stresses.

The healing time for a belly button piercing is therefore quite long: the wound needs 3 to 12 months to heal completely.

Disinfect and care for your belly button piercing: 8 tips

Proper care is important for the piercing to heal.Credit:Adobe Stock/ yurakrasil

During the healing period, the piercing is initially covered with a sterile plaster so that the miracle is not contaminated. These plasters are changed regularly in the first few days and the wound is repeatedly rinsed and disinfected if necessary.

To help your belly button piercing heal and prevent infections and other problems, follow these 8 tips when caring for your piercing:

1. ThisOnly touch the navel piercing with clean hands. So: wash and/or disinfect your hands beforehand.

2. Avoid tight-fitting clothing to avoid friction.

3. Avoid saunas and solariums in the first few weeks after the sting

4. Sweaty sports, especially swimming, are taboo in the first few weeks as the risk of a bacterial infection is too high. For ideal healing, the piercing should be kept dry.

5. The bathtub is also taboo for now: in the first few weeks after the treatment, only showering is allowed!

6. Leave the initial piercing until the wound in the belly button has completely healed. Only then should jewelry other than a belly button piercing be used.

7. For ring piercings: If you wear a ring as a belly button piercing early on, you should make sure that it is not always in the same position while healing - otherwise the belly button piercing could grow in at an angle.

8. Depending on your piercer's instructions, you should care for the area around the puncture site regularly (usually twice a day) with saline solution. Let us explain to you how to do this on the newly pierced area.

How do I know if my belly button piercing is infected?

Redness, blood and pus are clear signs of an inflamed navel piercing.Credit:Adobe Stock/ Julia

Initially, when the piercing is fresh, it can be difficult to distinguish normal healing from inflammation. But the following symptoms are clear signs that the belly button piercing is infected:

  • Persistentthe skin
  • Swelling and hardening of the tissue
  • Warming of the skin around the injection site
  • Formation and discharge of pus or blood
  • Pain in the belly button
  • Fever or circulatory problems

Especially if the latter symptoms occur, you should definitely see a doctor.

Read more:

Does my belly button piercing have to come out during pregnancy?

During pregnancy, the expectant mother should not get a new piercing - be it in the belly button or other parts of the body. For the following reasons:

  • The risk of inflammation increases during pregnancy, even in older, already healed piercings.
  • New allergic reactions to the metal may occur during pregnancy.
  • The growing belly increases the risk of rupture of the insight hole
  • The piercing can interfere with ultrasound.

Our tip:During pregnancy, switch to a fake piercing or a special pregnancy piercing made of plastic: the latter are extremely elastic and adapt to the stretching of the skin and the growing belly.

Also read:

Sources & further information on the health risks of piercing:

Short note at the end:Of course, fashion is purely a matter of taste and not everyone finds the trends and pieces shown beautiful. Our styling tips, outfit ideas and hacks are intended to serve as inspiration for you - what you do with them is entirely up to you. When it comes to piercings etc., you should of course always weigh up the health risks and inform yourself and be aware that piercings leave scars. But always remember: what you want to wear is entirely your decision. Don't let anyone tell you what you can or can't wear. After all, fashion should do one thing above all else: bring you joy!