Flowering and wonderfully fragrant houseplants create a cozy atmosphere in your own four walls and immediately make every room more homely. In order for us to feel comfortable, our home should look as comfortable as possible and very few households can manage without at least one potted plant. Have you discovered some unwanted visitors while watering your plants? Fungus gnats and all kinds of pests are every hobby gardener's absolute nightmare, and rightly so. Considering the damage that the small flies cause to our plants, it is important to take timely action. In the spirit of sustainability, we explain in our article how you can fight fungus gnats without chemicals! So read on and find out which ones hereHome remedies for pestsreally help!
What are fungus gnats and how do you recognize an infestation?
Fungus gnats (Sciaridae) are small, black flies with light-colored wings. At first glance they resemble fruit flies, but they mainly live near houseplants. The pests are mainly found in the cold winter months and usually enter the house via poor-quality potting soil from the store in which the larvae already live. Although fungus gnats are completely harmless to humans, they can cause quite a bit of damage to plants. Young plants die when infested and older plants no longer appear as fresh and their growth is stunted. To prevent this, you need to take countermeasures as quickly as possible and fight the fungus gnats. Luckily there are manyeffective home remedies, which help us get rid of pests without any chemicals.
Typically, fungus gnats have a lifespan of about 1 week, but that's no reason to be alarmed. In this short period of time, the females can lay up to 300 eggs and thus spread to all the plants in the house. In order to combat the pests, you should of course know how to recognize an infestation. The small flies sit in dozens on the potting soil and fly up when you water or lift the plants. Are your houseplants increasingly dying or stunted? Or did you discover small, glassy-white larvae in the soil while watering? Then you are definitely dealing with a mosquito infestation. And now it – fighting fungus gnats!
While chemicals are always a quick way to get rid of pests in the home, there are many effective home remedies you can use to combat fungus gnats. Natural andorganic solutionsare safe for your plants as well as for you and your children. And here are the best methods at a glance.
Yellow signs against pests
Yellow panels are a very simple and effective way to combat fungus gnats without chemicals. These are thin cards made of cardboard that are coated with a drying adhesive. You can either hang these near the plant or stick them directly into the ground. The flies are then attracted to the color and stick to it. To get rid of the pests in an environmentally friendly way, it is best to purchase yellow boards made from organic and non-toxic materials. Alternatively, you could have oneMake your own glue trap. It's that easy:
- Dissolve sugar and water in a 3:2 ratio and bring the mixture to a boil.
- Once the solution starts to boil, stop stirring it.
- Check the temperature with a thermometer and cook the mixture until it reaches a temperature of around 110 degrees Celsius.
- Place the pot in a bowl of cold water and let cool.
- Then coat a piece of yellow construction paper with it, stick it into the ground and you're done - it's that easy to fight fungus gnats without chemicals!
- It's even quicker if you simply coat the construction paper with a thick layer of honey.
Fight fungus gnats with apple cider vinegar
Apple cider vinegar is not only a real all-rounder in the kitchen, but can also be used in a variety of ways in the household. So it's no surprise that we can use it to fight fungus gnats without chemicals. However, when using this method, you should make sure that the plants do not come into contact with the vinegar solution - otherwise the soil will dry out. And this is how it's done:
- Mix about 4 tablespoons of apple cider vinegar with 2 tablespoons of water in a bowl and add a few drops of dishwashing liquid.
- Stir well and place the vinegar solution next to the plants.
- When the fungus gnats are attracted to the smell of vinegar, they then drown in the water.
Fight fungus gnats with cinnamon
Cinnamon not only tastes wonderful, but is actually one of the most effective home remedies for fungus gnats. You have two options to choose from as to how you can get rid of the pests with the spice.
- To combat fungus gnats, sprinkle plenty of cinnamon powder onto the potting soil. With this very simple trick you can prevent the larvae from hatching. Very important: Since cinnamon does not kill the pests but rather deters them, place the infected plant as far away as possible from the other houseplants.
- Bring a liter of water to the boil and dissolve 2 tablespoons of cinnamon powder in it. Allow the mixture to cool completely and use it to water the plants for about 1 week.
Wine to combat pests
Yes, you read it correctly! You can also fight fungus gnats with wine! Similar to the vinegar method, the small flies are attracted to the sweet smell of the wine. And no, you shouldn't sacrifice your wine collection for this - a cheap wine from the store should be enough. To do this, place a glass of white wine near the infected houseplant and let the fungus gnats drown in it.
Fight fungus gnats with tea tree oil
Tea tree oil is increasingly being used for cosmetic purposes because of its anti-inflammatory and antibacterial properties. But this little miracle cure can do a lot more and is a great alternative to fighting fungus gnats without chemicals. To do this, add around 15-20 drops of tea tree oil to a liter of water and water the affected plant. However, this only kills the larvae in the soil and that is why you should also use yellow tablets.