It is praised as a miracle cure for snails and slugs: the beer trap. But can it really keep what it promises, namely keeping the garden free of pests? We take a closer look at the question and explain whether the beer trap is really effective against snails and slugs.
Beer trap against snails and slugs: That's why the home remedy doesn't help against the pests
Snails and slugs are among the pests most commonly found in the home garden. Of course, the hobby gardener then asks himself how he can prevent the infestationFight reptilescan. Anyone looking for an environmentally friendly solution has certainly heard of the beer trap. The principle is very simple: you fill a bucket halfway with beer and place it in the garden. The reptiles are attracted to the beer and drink the alcohol, which is poisonous to them. Weakened, they then fall into the bucket and drown. This should work fine in theory, but the reality is different.
Not all snails are pests: Not all reptiles are pests. The tiger snail, for example, is a beneficial insect that contributes to the decline in the population of the immigrant Spanish slug.
SomeSnail species are protected:There are also some species that are protected. If these endangered snails are killed or injured, there is a risk of high fines.
Alsoother beneficial insects and small garden animalscan die in the beer trap. Even more so: alcohol not only attracts all snails, but also other animals and birds, which can also fall into the beer trap and drown. Beer is also poisonous to hedgehogs and snakes, among other things. The more beneficial organisms you have in your own garden, the faster they spreadSnail plagueout of.
The beer trap is not particularly effective: Theoretically, all snails should drown in the beer trap, but this is often not the case. Because some specimens drink very little and then go back to looking for food.
Beer traps also attract snails from neighboring railings
Beer traps can definitely do one thing: attract snails. The strong smell of beer is simply irresistible for the critters. And they even come in large quantities from neighboring properties. You can expect that all specimens within a radius of up to 150 meters will find their way to the beer trap. A significant disadvantage, because on the one hand the plague is twice as big and the number of pests in your own garden grows quickly, but on the other hand because the hungry “neighbors” will look for food in your own vegetable patch.
Use the beer trap correctly against snails and slugs
In order for the home remedy to achieve the desired effect, you should use it specifically. It is best to place the beer trap at the end and, if possible, outside the property. This way you can attract snails to your own garden.
Under no circumstances should you place the beer trap directly next to the plants you want to protect. While it will attract all the snails from the vegetable or flower bed, it will also attract other slugs from the area.
Then you should regularly empty the beer trap, clean it and collect the snails and slugs. Also clean the vessel regularly and then refill it with beer.
Alternative to the beer trap: This is how you can effectively fight the pests
If you act quickly in the event of an infestation and theFight pests effectivelythen the beer trap is not a good choice. It is much better if you rely on natural predators. These include hedgehogs, some species of birds and runner ducks, which can be rented.
Collecting the snails is one of the most effective methods. The snail hiding places are close to the food source. These include, for example, tall grass, under bushes, in joints on the natural stone terrace or the garden path.
You can also install a snail barrier as a preventive measure. These are usually electrically charged and scare the reptiles when they come into contact with them. A steel snail fence that is up to 20 cm high can also be very effective in preventing an infestation. Although you will have to spend more for this option, the investment is definitely worth it. Because the material is extremely durable and can serve for years.
A significantly cost-effective oneThe variant is the coffee grounds, which you scatter around the flower or vegetable bed. This method proves to be very effective in both preventing and controlling critters. The coffee grounds contain substances that are toxic to pests.