Build your own bird bath: 25 DIY ideas for your garden or balcony

It's not just for us humansCool off in the garden poolWelcome on hot summer days: Birds are always grateful for a bird bath. Wild birds need water not only to drink, but also to care for their feathers. However, as humans continue to change the landscape, natural water sources are no longer accessible to many native bird species. Migratory birds also have difficulty reorienting themselves every year. This is where hobby gardeners can come to the rescue and build a bird bath themselves. We offer you numerous ideas for yoursgarden or your balconymade of concrete, clay, stone or glass, which you can make yourself with a little skill. Choose a bird bath on a rod and add accents in the middle of the flower bed. Or choose a hanging bird bath that saves space on the balcony.

Build your own bird bath: an overview of the different materials

Depending on where you want to place the bird bath, different materials are available. We give you an overview of the possibilities:

1. For birdbaths on rods that are in the middleinto the flowerbedLight materials such as clay or ceramic are suitable. However, since they are only partially frost-proof, you should either place the bird bath in a place protected from the wind in winter or check it for cracks every spring.

2. A bird bath made of concrete is stable and safe. The material offers numerous design variations for creative hobby gardeners. For example, you can make a leaf-shaped bird bath yourself and then display it effectively on the terrace or balcony.

3. A stone bird bath is very solid and stable, will last for years and does not need any frost protection.

Make your own clay bird bath: DIY idea for the balcony

If you have a bird bathfor the balconyIf you want to make it yourself, then you are certainly looking for space-saving options. A good idea that you can quickly implement is to build a low bird bath and stage it among the plants and flowers. It looks particularly natural and attracts not only birds but also butterflies to the balcony garden. By the way, it has another advantage: you always have access to it and can easily change the water every day.

A place protected from the wind but, above all, protected from rain is best suited for this bird bath. You need the following materials:

  • Round saucer for clay flower pots with an inner diameter of at least 20 cm and a height of at least 6 cm.
  • bricks
  • River stones

Build a substructure out of 6 bricks and place the round coaster on top. The clay bird bath is difficult to tip over thanks to its weight. For more stability, you can place river rocks on the bottom of the coaster.

Build your own bird bath: DIY variant also for the garden

You can use the same coaster to build an outdoor bird bath. But so that it is clearly visible, place it on a post or tree stump. Place the homemade waterer in one placespace in the gardenwhere the birds can notice enemies such as weasels, wild boars, badgers or cats early enough. We also recommend a wind-protected and, ideally, sunny location. For example, places directly under trees are less suitable, as leaves can get into the birdbath and pollute the water.

Build your own hanging bird bath

If you want to save space, you can hang the bird bath. All you need is a rattan hanging basket and a flower pot saucer that fits inside. For stability, place rocks on the bottom of the coaster and fill it with water. Hang the bird bath on a sturdy tree branch.

If you have oneHave a kitchen garden, then you can distract the birds with a bird bath on the other side of the garden. Trees where the birds like to hang out are also suitable, for example for nesting. Such trees and bird bushes include rowan, barberry and black elderberry.

Build and design your own bird bath

In a corner on the balcony, on a stepladder or aComfortable stoolarranged, the next bird bath cuts a particularly good figure. This medium-high bird bath has another advantage: the birds will definitely notice it quickly and you can store the watering can on the steps of the ladder. This means you have the necessary accessories within easy reach when you want to change the water in the trough. To prevent the saucer from tipping over, you can place a small flower pot in the middle of it.

Build your own vintage bird bath

You haveVintage Leftand plates lying around at home? Then you can make a vintage bird bath for your balcony yourself. Simply turn a long glass vase upside down and place it on a wooden stump. Then place the plate on the vase and attach it with hot glue. The rule applies: the more colorful the plate, the better. Deep plates are well suited for soups and plates with floral patterns and nature motifs in cheerful colors.

Make your own concrete bird bath: instructions

For the next bird bathmade of concreteyou need the following materials:

  • Large plant leaf
  • Dry concrete
  • Water
  • Sand
  • Plastic bucket in which you can mix the concrete
  • wooden stick
  • Color spray
  • Gardening gloves
  • Paint brush
  • olive oil

Make a sand mountain out of the sand. Moisten the sand and place the sheet on top. Use the brush to apply a thin layer of olive oil to the leaf. Meanwhile, mix the concrete in the plastic bucket, following the manufacturer's instructions. Spread the concrete on the sheet and allow it to harden. You can then carefully separate the plant leaf and color the concrete leaf green with color spray. Allow the paint to dry and fill the birdbath with water. Complete!

Build your own bird bath on a stick

Have you bought a birdbath on a stick but want to spruce it up? Carefully remove the drinker from the stick and attach a vintage plate in its place. Then build a strange tower out of several coffee cups, coasters and a teapot. Drill holes in the dishes and carefully push the rod through them. Complete!

Build and design your own bird bath with stickers

For the next craft idea you will need the following materials:

  • Birdbath, a deep plate or a round tray
  • Wall sticker, self-adhesive
  • Tomato trellis
  • Evergreen perennial, ferns or other foliage perennial of your choice
  • Hot glue or glue for metal

First stick the wall sticker on the waterer. Then attach the bird bath to the tomato trellis. For more support, you can place the plant at the bottom of the trellis.

Build your own bird bath for the balcony: glass bowl and old lamp

The next bird bath is made from the frame of an old table lamp and a shell-shaped glass bowl. It is a cool eye-catcher for the Mediterranean-style garden and cuts a particularly good figure in the middle of the lawn or flower bed. To make it even more eye-catching, you can place it directly in front of a bird bush. Since the birdbath is quite low, you should place it in a place where the birds' natural enemies cannot reach it. If you have a high and sturdy garden fence and don't have any wild animals or cats in your garden, the height shouldn't be a problem.

This is how the bird bath is made: First, take apart the old table lamp. All you need is the lamp base, which you can paint with a spray paint or acrylic paint. Then glue the glass bowl onto the lamp base and let the glue dry. The new bird bath is ready. It only has one disadvantage: In order to change the water, you have to lift the entire birdbath with your foot and then carefully place it back down. To prevent it from sinking too deeply into the ground over time, you can place the bird bath on a paving stone.

Build and design your own bird bath

You can not only design your bird bath with wall stickers, but also paint it. Download a free ladybug template from the web, print it out, and trace the image onto the birdbath. First, draw just the contours of the ladybug in pencil and then fill them in with paint. Colors like red and green attract not only birds but also butterflies to the garden.

Small glass bird baths for the balcony and garden

All you need is a beautiful glass bowl and river stones to make an attractive bird bath yourself. You should change the stones regularly so that no algae or bacteria can form in the water. Place the bird bath in a sunny or partially shaded place, because the water in the glass heats up very quickly in summer when the waterer is in the blazing sun. Glass bowls are a cost-effective alternative that you can display anywhere.

It is questionable whether you should place a glass bird bath on the balcony railing. Even if you fill the bowl with gravel and also put a brick in it, there is always the risk of it tipping over and falling. But if you have created a cozy reading corner in the garden, you can place it on the railing of the gazebo, for example. The terrace is not very suitable for this because we like to stay there in the summer and the birds wouldn't come if there were people around.

Cool idea for a stone bird bath with a galvanized lid

Tin trash cans are clearly a thing of the past, but if you have a galvanized lid lying around in the garage, you can use it for your next DIY idea. To make this stone bird bath yourself, you will need the following materials:

  • galvanized cover
  • flat stones
  • small round or oval stones
  • possibly vintage bird figures

Build the structure out of larger flat stones and place the lid on top. Place an oval stone in the center and add water. Now the birds can come and refresh themselves in the cool water, clean their feathers or simply drink water.

Build your own bird bath and decorate it with sea glass

If you have a Mediterranean garden, then the next DIY idea is for you. Arrange an old white tray on a classic sandstone column. Decorated with stylized natural ornaments, the stone column brings a touch of romance from the Mediterranean. The impression is completed by the blue sea glass in the tray. Surrounded by lavender and Mediterranean plants, the bird bath is a real eye-catcher.

Build your own modern bird bath

Building a modern bird bath is not a difficult task. All you need is a puristic ceramic bowl and several tree branches on which you can attach the bowl. This bird bath looks particularly good in a puristically designed garden. It can be staged particularly effectively with suitable lighting in the flower bed or in front of the garden fence.

Since ceramic is very durable, you do not need to overwinter the purist bird bath. It can stay outside and will not take up space in the basement or garage. Another advantage: You don't need to build the branch structure every year.

Whether modern or rustic, with solar panels or sea glass: a bird bath enhances the garden and balcony and offers migratory and resident birds water in the hot summer months. In the photo gallery below you will find more inspiring DIY examples that you can recreate.

Build your own solar bird bath

The solar bird bath is colored with spray paint and combines water feature and bird bath in one design

Birdbath on a stepladder in bright pink

Make your own birdbath on a stick

Stone bird bath decorated with sea glass. Vintage plate in the middle completes the design

Bird bath in the middle of the flower bed: The water should be changed daily