The Mexican orange flower is a wonderfully blooming and fragrant pot plant for the balcony and garden

Orange flowers are native to Mexico and surrounding areas and were introduced to Europe in 1826. They are named after the Swiss gardener Denis Choisy. The Mexican orange flower (Choisya ternata) is grown not only for its beautiful flowers in late April to late May, but also for its evergreen leaves. They are pale yellow to lime green in color and bloom from March to November.

If the Mexican orange flower is right for you – read this list

Read the following checklist to decide whether Choisya ternata is suitable for the conditions in your garden or balcony.

  • They grow best in full sun, but can also grow in partial shade.
  • Some of the plants are frost-resistant down to around -3°C
  • They have no preference for any particular soil type, but will not grow in extremely acidic or alkaline soils.
  • Orange flowers tolerate periods of drought, especially when grown outdoors. Its leaves are leathery and retain moisture well.
  • They tolerate neglect well, especially because their nutritional needs are low and they do well without itgrowing pruning.
  • They produce attractive white flowers (with a citrus scent) from late April to early June and sometimes a second bloom in October/November.
  • Choisya ternata can be grown outdoors and in containers and are also great for low hedges.
  • The plant usually reaches a height and width of around 1.8 m, but can reach up to 2.5 m under ideal conditions.

What types of Mexican orange flowers are there

Choose the following:The original plant that flowers more than the other varieties. The leaves are green and the flowers are pure white. It is also the one most likely to produce a second bloom in the fall. The best variety if you only have a partially shaded spot available.

Choisya dewitteana “Aztec Pearl”:Like Choisya ternata above, but best in full sun.

Choose the following “Sundance”:This variety has been available for many years and also produces masses of flowers from late April to late May, although not as many as Choisya ternata. The second flowering in autumn is also less common. The advantage, however, is the attractive lemon-green color of the new foliage.

Choisya dewitteana “White Dazzler”:The leaves are dark green (lighter when first appearing), long and thin. The flowers are pure white and form all over the plant in late April to late May, with a second, weaker bloom in September. At the center of each flower are attractive and showy stamens of golden color. The flowers have a specific citrus aroma.

In many ways it is similar to the “Aztec Pearl” above, but grows lower and does not require pruning. These two varieties of orange flowers are considered hardy. The shrub is very easy to care for and grows to around 1.2 m wide and high. It is the hardiest of all varieties and can survive the harshest northern winters.

“White Dazzler,” like the other varieties, is not picky about soil conditions and will grow almost anywhere as long as it gets a good dose of sunlight.

Instructions for planting all varieties of Choysia in the garden

All orange flowers require the same care, which fortunately is very minimal once they are established!They are ideal for containersand pots. The key to planting is choosing the right location:

  • Choose a bright place.
  • The Mexican orange flower is cold tolerant down to -3°C, but can also tolerate a few degrees less if protected from wind. The combination of wind and cold are the real enemies of this shrub.
  • Amend the soil by incorporating well-rotted compost and provide enough space for plants to grow up to 6 feet (1.8 m) wide and tall (more compact varieties also exist).
  • Water them well and be careful not to let them dry out in the first year and they will take care of themselves from then on.
  • If you want to maintain their shape or size, the best time to prune is shortly after flowering, usually mid-June.

Follow these steps to ensure your shrub is planted correctly

  • This shrub should be planted in a full sun or slightly shady location.
  • If the soil is heavy or not well-drained, add plenty of well-rotted compost and dig it in well.
  • It can be planted all year round if the ground is not frozen and is well watered in dry conditions. Mid-March to April and mid-September to October are the best times to plant this shrub as natural rainfall is sufficient for it to become well established.
  • Dig a hole twice as wide as the root ball. Place the plant in the hole and fill it with soil so that it is the same depth as the pot. Fill the soil around the root ball and tamp it down. Water well so that the soil around the root ball becomes firm.

Potted plant for balcony - Mexican orange flower is perfect for this

Mexican orange flowers can be grown in containers but require a little care in the winter. The container plant is more susceptible to frost damage than a plant in the garden. We therefore recommend growing the Mexican orange flower in pots from November to Marchwind-protected balconyto plant. If very cold weather is expected, they can be temporarily brought indoors for a week or so. The lack of light isn't ideal, but it won't visibly affect them if it's only for a short time.

Another factor when cultivating this flowering shrub in containers is the size – both of the container and the plant. The larger the planter, the better for the flower, as larger containers require less frequent watering. When choosing a variety for the balcony, we recommend one of the slower growing varieties, such as. B. Choisya dewitteana “White Dazzler”. It requires much less pruning than some other varieties.

Plant in ordinary all-purpose soil and use a container about 40cm wide. Plants grown in containers dry out easily in warm weather and may require watering two or more times per week in very warm weather. A handful of blood, fish and bone fertilizer monthly from April to September provides enough nutrients for a healthy crop.

Pests and diseases of Choysia ternata

This container plant is remarkably free ofpests and diseases. Problems with leaf dieback are almost always due to cold weather. In most cases, the Mexican orange flower fully recovers in the spring. Sometimes slugs attack the bark and leaves and the solution is to spread slug pellets.

Another option is to sprinkle dry, multi-purpose compost around the base of the plant. Snails hate this because it dries out their mucus quickly and prevents them from moving.
Other easy-care shrubs and perennials in this series include camellia, hellebore, skimmia, hebe, spotting orange, lilac, potentilla, pittosporum and rose of Sharon (Hibiscus syriacus).