The right location, theregular fertilizationand watering play a crucial role in plant growth. However, tap water in many regions of Germany contains lime. Some plant species can cope with this, but others cannot thrive in high water hardness and wither, yellow and die. We will tell you in the article why this is and how you can descale the water.
Descaling water: Which plants are sensitive to high water hardness?
But why can high water hardness actually have a negative effect on plant growth? Certain minerals in tap water can increase the hardness level. If the plants are watered with hard water over a longer period of time, the lime content in the soil increases. Accordingly, it also increasesSoil pH, which becomes moderately to strongly alkaline. Plants that prefer acidic soil in particular cannot cope with the high lime content. They cannot absorb the nutrients and growth is inhibited and, in the worst case, the plant can even die.
Woody plants that prefer acidic soil include rhododendron, azalea, rowan, hydrangea, Douglaise, horse chestnut and false cypress. Grasses and perennials that thrive best in acidic soil include orchids, ferns, irises and daffodils. There are also many crops that prefer acidic soil with a pH below 6. Examples include zucchini, radishes, blueberries and potatoes.
Whether you should descale the irrigation water or not depends primarily on the soil pH and secondly on the types of plants you have in the garden. So the first step is to determine the soil pH value. If you have slightly acidic or normal soil and the plants thrive best in alkaline to normal soil, then you should descale the irrigation water.
A sure sign that the hardness of the irrigation water is too high is the color of the leaves. If a white-grey layer forms on the plant leaves after watering, then you should definitely descale the irrigation water.
Descale water used for indoor and balcony plants
There are several methods how you can descale the irrigation water. If you want to descale the water for your houseplants, you can use the tap water:
1. Check the hardness of the tap water. Special test strips are sold in pharmacies for this purpose. Pour tap water into a clean glass and hold the test strip in the water for about 15 seconds. Depending on how the strip changes color, the degree of hardness can also be determined.
2. Pour tap water into a pot and bring it to the boil. Use a tea filter to remove the limescale residue on the surface of the water. Alternatively, you can find special descalers to add to the water at garden centers.
3. Alternatively, you can also use a jug with a water filter. To be on the safe side, ask the manufacturer whether the drinking water filter descales the tap water.
4. You can also use the water from the dehumidifier or dryer as water for houseplants.
Descale the water used for garden plants
The situation is different if you want to decalcify the water used for garden plants. You have several options in this regard:
Boil the tap water
1. Pour tap water into a suitable large container and bring to the boil. Then let it cool down and use it to water the plants in the garden.
Use rainwater
2. Water the garden plants with rainwater. Collect it in a rain barrel and use it to water your ornamental and kitchen garden. Do not water germinating plants and seeds with rainwater. It could contain germs and young plants are particularly sensitive.
Descale the water with coffee grounds, bark or pine needles
3. Use tap water and then mulch the flower bed with pine needles, coffee grounds or composted bark. They will lower the pH of the soil.
Descale the water with vitamin C or vinegar
4. Alternatively, you can add vinegar to the tap water or dissolve vitamin C tablets. They can also lower the pH of the soil.
Allow the irrigation water to stand
5. If you have a large garden, you can simply pour water into a barrel and leave it for about 3 days. The lime will settle at the bottom of the vessel. You won't get the water completely free of lime with this process, but it is still a good option for long dry periods in summer.
It is not always necessary to descale the irrigation water. It mainly depends on the pH value of the soil and the hardness of the tap water. Depending on whether you are using the water for the garden or for the...Indoor or balcony plantsIf you want to use it, different methods can be used.