All orchids need a very light dose of fertilizer two to three times a month. In addition to using commercially available NPK fertilizers, there are also several ways to support plant growth using home remedies. Many orchid lovers useBanana peels, rice water and other DIY fertilizers to improve the growth and resilience of your orchids. Can you fertilize orchids with tea? In this article you will learn all about the advantages and disadvantages of theUsing tea bagsas orchid fertilizer.
If you have differentHome remedies as additional fertilizerused for orchids, one naturally wonders whether they are effective in the long term. Is tea good for orchids as a fertilizer? Tea consists of 5% nitrogen, 2.5% potassium, 0.8% phosphorus, 0.6% calcium and 0.5% magnesium. This high nitrogen content has a particularly positive effect on the condition of the soil. Tea is also good for orchids because of its high content of tannins, polyphenols and tannic acid.
Nitrogen in tea bags promotes the growth of orchids
Nitrogen is already contained in commercially available orchid fertilizers and represents the first number in a three-digit ratio. As a rule, we use a balanced fertilizer, e.g. B. with NPK ratio of 10-10-10. Once the roots have begun to grow and new leaves appear, higher nitrogen fertilization is required. Nitrogen accelerates the production of chlorophyll and ensures strong, healthy leaves.
Are tea bags safe for orchids?
The tea itself will not harm the orchid, but the bag it is made from can pose a risk. Most tea bags will naturally dissolve over time and become part of the potting substrate. Many vegetable growers use tea bags in their compost pile without causing any problems. The only thing you need to pay attention to is the type of fabric or paper the tea bag itself is made of. Some tea bags are made from paper, silk or polypropylene, a sealing plastic. You should definitely pay attention to the third material, polypropylene, as it is made of plastic and is not biodegradable.
Which tea should you use to fertilize the orchids?
Depending on what type of PH your orchid prefers, you can choose between black tea, green tea and herbal tea.
Regular tap water is alkaline, which is ideal for many bacteria.Black teahas a pH value of 5.0 to 5.5 and is therefore ideal for lowering the pH value of the potting substrate.
If you have terrestrial orchids, such as B. Paphiopedilum, which prefer a higher alkaline pH, you shouldgreen teause. It has a pH value of 7 to 10.
If you are not sure,which orchidyou have or what pH level you prefer, you should choose oneherbal tealike chamomile or nettle, which is more neutral.
Fertilizing orchids with tea: 3 proven methods
1. Soak orchid roots in tea
For a truly dehydrated orchid or one with a weak root system, you will need to supply as much nitrogen to the roots as possible. To do this, you need to remove the old potting soil so that only the healthy green roots remain, even if there are very few of them. Place a tea bag in a suitable vase and add water. Let the tea steep for a short time until the color begins to change. Don't make a highly concentrated tea, as anything too much can kill the plant more quickly.
Place the orchid in the vase with tea during the day and take it out at night to air dry. The next morning, put it back in the vase with the tea.
This method of fertilizing orchids with teapromotes the rapid formation of healthy, green roots. With healthy roots, your orchid can overcome dehydration, and the roots will absorb the water and nutrients it needs to grow strong again.
The entire process takes approximately three weeks. Repeat the steps over and over again, changing the water every three or four days.
2. Distribute the tea bag contents over the potting soil
If your orchid has not dried out and the roots are healthy, but you want to give it an extra boost, the next method is for you. Cut open the used tea bag and sprinkle the contents over the potting soil.
As you can imagine, this method delivers a high concentration of nutrients all at once. That's why you canUse sparingly twice a year. When you water the orchid, the tea penetrates the orchid substrate.
The disadvantage of this method is that the tea breaks down the orchid soil over time. The first watering is well received, but after a month the remains of the tea are still in the pot. They lower the pH of the bark, which is good because orchids (most orchids except terrestrial ones) prefer a slightly more acidic potting medium, around 5.5 to 6.5 pH. But over time, this low pH can become harmful, causing the roots in the pot to begin to die. The bark breaks down due to the tannins contained in the tea.
We do not recommend this method, but we introduce it to you because you can read about it on the Internet. With the first and third methods you can expect more positive results.
3. Water orchids with tea
Use a diluted tea or add a previously used tea bag to a pot of water and let it steep. Watering your orchids with tea lowers the pH of the orchid soil and ensures a higher concentration of nitrogen. In our opinion this is the best method. You can also add a slice of lemon to the water, as lemon is a natural way to lower the pH of the water.
Tea is NOT a replacement for purchased fertilizers with a balanced NPK ratio. If you want to fertilize your orchids with tea, keep this disadvantage in mind: you have no idea what's in your tea. Each company can add thousands of additives, flavors and aromas to enhance your tea enjoyment. Exactly how much nitrogen gets into your orchid? That's hard to say. So try a small dose of tea and see how your orchid reacts to it. It is a process of trial and error. Whatever you do, don't skip fertilizing with NPK weekly.
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