Creating a water garden: The first steps for garden harmony

ACreate a water gardenis one of the dreams of most lovers of garden design art. Nowadays, the presence of a water feature in the garden is almost mandatory because water, as one of the natural elements, creates a dynamic and picturesque garden landscape. A water garden is actually nothing new in landscape architecture, it is a well-known and essential element of outdoor design and the oldest information about water gardens comes from ancient Persia. In the traditional Chinese garden, water is an important binding element that carries a certain symbolism.

The water garden – a traditional garden element of many cultures

So, as we see, water features are present in different cultures and have always been an important element of the garden landscape from ancient times to the present. With the beginning of the industrialization of society, water was channeled to the gardens naturally, through canals, water sources, but also through large technical constructions of waterfalls. The industrial revolution led to the modernization of gardens, introducing new facilities that allow the reuse of water resources. This in turn increases the possibilities for the use of water in the gardens and helps us make new, interesting architectural decisions about how to integrate water into the overall garden landscape.

Unwind in the magical ambience

Water gardens vary in size, depth, shape, presence or absence of additional elements and many other characteristics. A small water lake is typical for a small courtyard garden today; it is relatively shallow and of limited size. This is so for two completely understandable reasons: the first relates to the limited area on which one can create a water garden, and the second reason is related to the requirement of most aquatic plants, which require a certain depth of water for their growth.

Create a water garden: Experience your garden in a new way!

At theCreate a water gardenThe rule is that you have to let water-loving plants grow in and around the water garden. This is the only way to really showcase the beauty of the water garden and decorate the outdoor area or yard. Plants such as water irises (irises), bergenias (bergenia), water-loving roses and others play an invaluable role in decorating wet floor areas. Your water garden will blend organically into the surrounding nature and will add a sense of harmony and beauty to your garden landscape. This way you will always have a vibrant garden.

Elements of the water garden

Traditional elements of a water garden from ancient times to the present include fountains, water features, and statues. Since the 19th century, boulders have been added to these elements. Today, a water garden is not complete without proper lighting that highlights the effects of moving water.

A dynamic garden landscape with water

When planning your water garden, you should also think through the possible walkways; they must at the same time give you a lot of aesthetic pleasure and enable you to operate the water basin. Of course, we should definitely not forget to take care of the aquatic plants, because without them the water garden will look completely bare and completely different.

Garden with a natural or artificial pond

The area around the pond or water lake is almost always wet and swampy. Typical coastal plants are grown around it. The garden landscape is completed by building a gazebo near the water lake or placing a bench covered and decorated with climbing plants. This creates a wonderful eye-catcher in the garden landscape and at the same time you have your private oasis of peace and relaxation! This transforms the water garden into a magnificent place for relaxation. If your small water lake or pond is at the end of the yard, you can make the atmosphere around the garden fence more lively and interesting with decorated arches, creeping clematis, hops, Virginia creeper, sweet peas, nasturtiums and other striking climbing plants. The decoration of this wet corner is achieved by planting flowering perennials, ornamental shrubs, pipe bushes (Philadelphus), various hawthorns and viburnum.

Creating a water garden: Which plants are best suited?

Choosing the right plants for each area of ​​the water garden is essential for the proper organization of this part of the garden. You know, aquatic plants usually grow in pots and containers. You can place these in the furthest zone from the pond or lake. On the banks of the pond, in the wet ground, the marshmallow thrives wonderfully. He can also form excellent arcs. The water surface reflects the beautiful shapes and colors of the aquatic plants. This sometimes takes weeks. For example, the marshmallow blooms within 6 weeks and gives us a fine scent all around us.

Garden design with water-loving plants

In the wet areas of the water garden, where the depth of the water layer should be up to 5 cm, such plants as the water iris (iris), verbena (verbena), various ferns and much more thrive. Far from the shore of the pond, goat's beard (Aruncus), rhubarb, primroses, various water-loving ferns are planted. The hostas develop wonderfully on the wet ground and bloom with colorful flowers. You can create an impressive composition if you grow plants with different flowering times, such as spireas, meadowsweet, day-lilies, geraniums and others. Beautiful scenes can be observed in the water, where the wonderful colors of the Astilbes, water lilies (Iris) and others are reflected.

Maintaining the water garden

In order to be beautiful and make us happy, the water garden requires a certain amount of care. Maintaining the water tank in good condition, preventing pollution, caring for plants in wet areas - these are not easy tasks. During the growing season it is necessary to ensure constant moisture in the soil. During prolonged drought, if the substrate dries too quickly, the plants should be watered thoroughly. So, what do you think of the idea of ​​having a water garden in your backyard?

Mini pond with fountain

Asian style garden pond

Natural environment

Artificial waterfall