Water features in the garden – design ideas with a pond and garden fountain

Water features in the gardenThis is certainly one of the dreams of many gardeners. The pond can become a striking center of your garden composition as it undoubtedly quickly attracts attention. However, you should approach decorating these places with caution because certain conditions must be created there so that the plant and flower species around them thrive. Plants such as irises, also known as water irises, bergenias, or water-loving rose varieties, play an invaluable role in the decoration of such damp places in the garden. A water system always fits organically into the surrounding nature and creates harmony and beauty in the outdoor area, making your garden come alive. If you decide to create a water garden, you will never regret it! It's really worth it!

The soil around the naturalWater facilityis practically always wet and swampy. Typical coastal plant species can be grown there. You will definitely thrive there. If you place a gazebo or bench around your pond or pool, you can create a small relaxation area there. You could decorate it with climbing plants and create a wonderful place to relax. If your water feature is located at the edge of the garden, you can liven up the atmosphere in the courtyard with an arch or fence decorated with climbing plants. Flower and plant species such as clematis or clematis, hops, wild vine plants, sweet peas or sweet peas, nasturtiums and others look very interesting and striking here. To further decorate this damp corner, you can plant perennials and ornamental shrubs here. To complete the external layout, you can also add beautiful flowering shrubs to the fence, for example viburnum, pipe bushes (Philadelphus), hawthorn.

Water features in the garden – divide the area around the pool into zones

The area around the pool can be divided into three zones according to the level of humidity:

1. Wet zone – shallow water on the shore, 10-40 cm deep

2. Wet area near water.

3. Dry area with normal garden soil suitable for trees and perennial herbaceous plants.

Water features in the garden – plan the location of the footpaths in advance

When designing theWater features in the gardenYou also need to plan the location of the footpaths in advance. It is necessary to calculate the convenient and practical approach to the water basin. This amazing corner also requires appropriate selection of plants by considering the wet conditions. Do you want to achieve a romantic look there? No problem! Then you can place various water-loving plants in pots and baskets around your water system. This gives your whole outdoor area a special touch, doesn't it? On the banks of the pond, in the moist soil, the swamp roses thrive wonderfully. They form excellent arches. The water surface of the pool reflects the beautiful shapes of the plants and their bright colors. So you can enjoy a wonderful picture of the water every day. The swamp roses bloom within 6 weeks and spread their delicate scent throughout the garden. Next to them, the canna (canna) blooms in yellow and orange colors and creates an unforgettable picture with its large leaves.

If ita waterfall in the gardenis, the water feature becomes particularly notable. As for the vegetation here, where the depth of the water layer can be up to 5 cm, we can recommend the following types of plants: water irises, vervain, ferns and much more.

Water features in the garden – plants create a natural look

Approximately away from the water system you can have the following plant species: goat's beards (Aruncus), rhubarb, primroses, ferns.

Hostas thrive wonderfully in wet, moist soil. However, to create an impressive composition, you could have plants with different flowering times, such as spirea, meadowsweet (Filipendula), day lilies, geraniums and others. The irises, water irises and others create a beautiful spectacle when their colorful and beautiful flowers are reflected in the water.

Plants on the bank

When the plants are grown in the next zone, the design of the riparian zone is usually completed. Every spring there are loads of bright golden yellow flowers, including the common marsh marigold. After the colorful primroses bloom in summer, the irises, marsh callas, ferns and rhubarb are added to create a unique water garden look.

The plants in the moist areas of the garden require more care. During the growing season it is necessary to ensure constant soil moisture. In times of drought, when the substrate dries quickly, the plants should be watered thoroughly.

Garden pond and garden fountain

Water features in the garden – waterfall

Garden path made of paving stones

Stone garden fountain

Create an allotment garden – cozy seating area and garden pond

Waterfall provides refreshment in the hot summer days