Trash TV & Skandale: These were the most controversial reality shows in television history

Reality and trash TV are per se, let's say, especially- and have always provided controversy. In this country we only think of the first (and extremely successful) consequences ofBig Brotherin which the candidates were filmed day and night, or on it, as inI am a star - get me out of here!Pereal testicles were eaten for the first time. But even if you can hardly imagine it: it is even worse. We have onceSome of the most controversial reality TV showslisted.

These were the most controversial reality shows in television history

But reality shows are still extremely popular:Too hot too handle,Love is blind, theJungle camp- the list is long. But if you take a look at what concepts have partially devised and then implemented, you really only want to take your head - and slowly understand why the world is in such poor condition.

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- The term alone is an affront. Because with art the whole thing has about as much to do as car tires with the Blaufussötel. As a pickup artist, even men who think they are irresistible and usually pass on to others absurd, sexist and humiliating dating tips. The producer JD Roth apparently thought this was the perfect starting point for a television show, his sick idea with the formatThe Pickup ArtistImmediately implemented in 2007 and was even able to win the well -known broadcaster VH1 from the broadcast. The concept was the following: eight men who had a hard time getting to know women was provided with a kind of coach: Erik "Mystery" by Markovik. He should help the men to tear women on women together with his "wingmen". Sounds bad? It was too. Because this, completely sexist, discriminatory, misogynistic and degrading show, could not be endured from the outset. Even thoroughbred pacifists would have preferred to beat the head of the diaper softness. Especially since "tricks" were also shown that can be used to "open" women - for example by so -called, an emotional manipulation in which insults are packed into compliments, which is to reduce the female self -confidence. When it later came out that the winner of the series was not an actor, as in the show claimed, but in reality and the whole show was under suspicion of fake, this was only marginally interested in the whole Schmu.

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And where we are already at toxic ideas of men: in a different, but no less discriminatory direction, the concept ofBridalplasty- A show that in 2010/2011 at E! Entertainment ran. This show is based on the mistake that women have to meet the visual ideas of the groom in the event of marriage. The concept therefore looked like that a group of women competed against each other in order to win free beauty operations and the orientation of a glamorous wedding in the event of a win. How absurd can the idea for a reality show please be?! And as if that weren't already sick enough, the sometimes very hard criticism of the committed cosmetic surgeons led to eating disorders with some candidates - with offensive statements such as: "You have perfect breasts ... for breast enlargement."

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And where we are already under misunderstood ideals of beauty and objectification: also the five years (!) Reality showToddlers & Tiarashit such a notch. However, the fact that minors were also pulled in here was worse - the protagonists of the show were children. In the show, a group of small children and their families were accompanied during the preparations for children's beauty competitions. The fact of sending children to beauty competitions alone should cause lifelong irreparable damage in children. But then to explore the whole thing in front of the public and to document their objectification for eternity for eternity, you really would like to reintroduce the beating - for the parents. It really hurts in your soul to watch how this ignores all your children's objections and simply rise with her parental power over her, sometimes even ask you to be common to your concure women. And what cruel effects this program had on the participants became apparently at the latest when one of them at the age of 16, after an excerpt from the show became a meme years later, committed suicide in a tragic way.

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Are you still with us? Pretty hard tobacco, isn't it? Suddenly the concept of the reality show appears again in a completely different light, right? The Japanese show was also extremely controversialSusunu! Denpa Shōnenfrom 1998, which sounds more like the plot of a horror film. For the series, the participants were suspended for months of traumatizing situations: Tomoaki Hamatsu, for example, had to be socially isolated and splinter in an apartment for 15 months (!) While it was permanently filmed. In order to get vital things, he had to perform various tasks. Is particularly perfidious, and that was later in the documentary about the series calledThe ContestantFrom 2023 again clearly that Hamatsu was believed in advance that the film material would be recorded and processed again before broadcast - but everything was shown live. Apart from the psychological damage that the show caused per se, Hamatsu also had to deal with bullying afterwards. An absolute scandal to torture people for the purpose of entertainment.

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In 2004 a reality TV show was already running on the US broadcaster Sky1 in which someone from the-Community was in the center. "Oh, as progressive", you could think at first, but that wasn't the show. Because the concept was the following: Several men should vie for the favor of a model - so far, so well known, so knack. But it got worse: the model Miriam Rivera was a transgender model, but nothing was said about the male participants. As such, this is already so hostile to transgender and repulsive how a show can only be, but if you also looked at how aggressively the men became after Rivera's gender was dissolved and became clear that it became a trans -Wrad felt attracted -that was just shattering. And those responsible for the show have fully aware that Rivera is harmed - emotionally and physically. A candidate dismantled parts of the set and also started the director. The damage this show has done was shown 15 years later: because Rivera also committed suicide. Her brother said at the time that this show broke her.

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And where we are already in the exploitation of the LGBTQIA+community: the reality show broadcast in 2003 also went in a similar directionBoy meets Boy- a kind of early version ofThe Bachelor, just with queer men. At least that's how it was specified. On the show, the queer bachelor James Getzlaff had the opportunity to meet 15 other men, in the end to choose one as the winner of his heart and win $ 25,000. However, some of the participants were heterosexual (which Getzlaff didn't know) and Getzlaff should only win the show if he actually opted for a queer participant. If, on the other hand, if he opted for a heterosexual man, he should get the money. The heteros not only had to play "queer", Getzlaff was also completely shown, which was absolutely shabby, disrespectful and humiliating - and is still. For some other candidates of the show, participation also had far -reaching consequences: one of them was released from the US Navy after having outed the show as a queer. We really live in a bad world.

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The greasy title aloneWho’s your Daddy?Sounds like a very lousy kink, and the show is at least as shabby. That's what it went: TJ Myers, who never got to know her biological father, were introduced eight different men, all of the specifications to be their biological father - and it was actually one of them. Sounds terrible? It was too. In a feature film, this may work as a plot, but if the feelings of a real person are involved, it looks very different - especially when seven men are paid for to have poor daughter knowingly. Perfide to the mark.

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A lot of Boei has always been done around Prince Harry - especially in the UK - and sometimes you cannot completely hide your malicious joy when people fly on the face. But the way the creators of the reality TV showI wanna marry „Harry“Since work went, there was a lot too far. The concept of the show was the following: Before Harry Meghan Markle married, a group of women was guided to fight his wife. Only: The "Harry" on the show was of course not Prince Harry, but a red -haired man named Matthew Hicks, who has a certain resemblance to Harry. Nevertheless, the participants were informed that it would be the real Harry, in which everything was shot in a castle -like backdrop, people on the street allegedly recognized him as Harry and butler were committed to "his royal highness". Now one could lead in the field that the participants should have realized that it could not have been the real Prince Harry - may be. But those responsible for the show even hired false therapists to confuse the women and to ensure that they believe the lies-a massive manipulation, especially since the participants were isolated from their environment as a precaution. The winner of the show, Kimberly Birch, described the experience with the show with the words: "Your own reality started to collapse and you didn't know what was really going on."

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The concept of the reality TV show co-produced by Ice Cube is still less than twenty years oldBlack. White.- but was just as wrong at the time as it is today. The idea was as simple as it was stupid: a light and a dark-skinned family should swap the roles- by making their skin colors over. Some people will think: seriously? Yes, seriously. Unfortunately. It really runs down your back with this stupid social experiment because everything is wrong. After all: after a season, this shit was discontinued.

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The birth of a child is probably one of the most intimate moments that you can have as a person. Logical that resourceful reality TV makers (you certainly don't have to gender here, because such ideas can really only come from men): Let's make a show out of it! ForBorn in the Wildyou even have the idea with thatJungle campCrossed, because: The birth should take place in the wilderness, so quasi "as in the old days" (yes, it was really great when there were no medical care for pregnant women and many of them died during the birth process). And the participating parents can definitely also be congratulated: Not only that they have jeopardized the health of mother and child by participating in this show, in retrospect, every child will surely be happy that the whole world will be there at birth was. Or?