It's a long way to the gym and it's too cold outside to jog in the park? Two reasons not to go to sport again. If you still don't want to miss out on your workout, you should consider training at home. The advantages are obvious: you save time, can train undisturbed and don't have to wait until one or another piece of equipment finally becomes available. There are an incredible number of exercises for which you require absolutely no equipment and which you can do with your own body weight in a very small space.
Sometimes it's a bit tricky to find the right start, but if you make fitness part of your daily routine, it'll soon be part of a successful day! A 30 day challenge can help with this. We have put together a few ideas for all kinds of sporting challenges for you to fulfill a long-held goal or simply to feel fit. “Stop Wishing, Start Doing”! Accept the challenge!
How does the 30 day challenge work?
The 30 day challenge involves completing an increasing number of exercises every day for a month, each day increasing from the previous day. There are also rest days for the purpose of muscle regeneration. There are now different challenges in which different parts of the body should be stressed. The goal: get fitter and visibly lose weight in just 30 days.
30 days is not just a convenient period of time. There are many practical reasons for choosing this particular period. Habits can be formed and changed in just four weeks. 30 days give the body enough time to get used to the new stress and adapt to the change. In order to have a good feeling at the end, you have to really implement the training program seriously and also change your diet for the best results.
Do these exercises achieve anything?
10 minutes of training per day is enough for a firm bottom and toned thighs? This turns out to be possible. There are many participants who report that their body has changed after the outcome of the challenge. Are you looking for the inspiration you need to take on the challenge and lose a few pounds yourself? Then take a look at the before and after photos online. Thousands have taken part in the challenge and are sharing their successes on their blogs or social media accounts. Even if you are skeptical about the result, it wouldn't be a bad idea to see for yourself.
The warm-upbefore a training is required. The aim of the warm-up is to prepare the body for the stress that lies ahead. This means that you are ready for action, the muscle tension is optimal, the joints, tendons and ligaments are mobilized. It also helps prevent injuries. The warm-up can be done in different ways. Here we give an example of a simple warm-up program:
(Duration: approx. 4 minutes)
Turn your head:
Take a stable stance with your hands on your hips. The head is pointed straight forward. Now turn your head to the right side. Then to the left side. Hold at the end point for a few seconds. Repeat 5 times.
Nod head:
Head is lifted (looking towards the ceiling) and the chin is then placed on the chest. Hold briefly at the end point. Do this 5 times.
Tilt your head sideways towards your shoulder:
Look ahead. Now bend your head to the side. Perform the exercise on both sides. Repeat 5 times.
Circling your shoulders:
Stand upright with your arms hanging loosely at your sides. Rotate your shoulders forward a few times, then backwards a few times. Do 5 times.
Hip stretch:
Stand upright, feet shoulder-width apart. Hands on waist. Rotate circles with your hips, clockwise and counterclockwise – 5 times.
Joint circles:
Stand straight. Lift one leg forward and circle with your foot. Rotate your ankles clockwise and then counterclockwise – 5 times. Repeat with the other foot.
Stand upright, feet shoulder-width apart, hands hanging along your body. Alternately tap the floor with your feet. Alternately lift and lower your toes. Do this for 20 seconds.
Stand upright. Extend your arms forward, palms down. Raise your right knee until it touches your palm. Alternately lift your leg and walk in place for 20 seconds.
Jogging in place:
Stand upright. Start jogging in place at a comfortable pace. Do this for 20 seconds.
Tips for success
Correct exercise execution:The fact that the challenge is done at home without professional guidance requires more knowledge for correct technique with each exercise. With the wrong form you can end up in pain and not see any real results. Therefore, to avoid one or another injury, you should make sure that you do each exercise correctly. There are many videos online that could help you with this.
Know what sets and reps are when training:For example, you do 3 sets of 8 reps each. This means that a sentence contains repetitions. You have to do 8 repetitions of an exercise, stop to take a quick breath, then do 8 repetitions again, rest and do 8 more. The individual repetitions are done directly one after the other. The muscles should always remain tense during a set. Don't take long breaks!
It's best to get oneTraining calendar, where you can happily tick off the days as a reward. By the way, there are also fitness apps that could help you with the challenge.
Document your 30 day challenge:Comparison photos speak to the success or failure of your training program. Slip into your favorite bikini, stand in front of a full-length mirror and take a photo. On the thirtieth day of the challenge you will be able to see whether and how your body has changed. Has your stomach become firmer? Have you let go of the bacon? Make a collage of the photos and discover the differences!
If you want to lose weight through exercise, you don't need a crash diet, but a clever oneDiet change.And that doesn't have to be torture at all: it's just important to eat balanced and healthy. A good diet is nothing more than a colorful mix of fruits, vegetables, healthy fats, water and whole grains.
Challenge ideas
We have put together some of the most popular challenges for you. These are currently very trendy and are enjoying great popularity because even untrained participants can achieve good results. Depending on which muscle group you want to train, you can choose one of these sporting challenges. The magic words are: discipline and correct exercise execution!
What is Challenge Plank?
When doing the forearm support, it is important to stand straight like a board, do not arch your back, and do not allow your hips to sag. The stomach should remain tense at all times. This is how you train your core muscles. There are also different variations like side plank or single foot plank. When doing the plank challenge, you should hold the exercise for 20 seconds on the first day, and a month later - at least 270 seconds.
When doing push-ups, posture is extremely important. Place your hands slightly wider than your shoulders, tense your bottom and stomach and then slowly lower your body towards the floor. The challenge starts with 15 push-ups and the final day includes 40 push-ups. Goal of the challenge: Have toned, muscular arms after 30 days!
Squats are a complex exercise that works the legs and butt. The squats also train the thighs and even the upper body. Daily squats will get you there! On day 1, start with 50 squats. Ideally, you will reach 250 squats by day 30.
Stand upright with your feet shoulder-width apart. Tense your stomach. Then bend your knees and stretch your butt backwards, just as you wanted to sit down. Bend your upper body slightly forward.
Crunch means abdominal press in German. With this exercise you willtrains the rectus abdominal muscles. Start with 20 crunches on day 1 and increase the number by 5 until you reach 150 crunches on day 30. There is a rest day every 4 days.
Lie on your back and bend your legs so that the soles of your feet are flat on the floor. The arms are folded behind the head, elbows pointing to the right and left sides. Lift your chest off the floor and breathe out. Then breathe in and lower your upper body back again. To maintain muscle tension, keep your head, arms and shoulders in the air.
Lunges – lunges in German
An equally effective exercise for a firm bottom is lunges. Your thighs will be trained here. Stand upright, your upper body tense. Take a large lunge forward with your right leg. Bend your knee at a right angle and get your left knee nice and low. Keep your balance. Come back up and switch legs. For the challenge, start with 20 lunges on day 1 and increase the number by 5 lunges per day. 3 remaining days are planned. Ideally, 150 lunges should be achieved on the 30th day.
Sit up
In the so-called “sit up” the feet remain on the floor, the legs are bent and you should come up with your chest towards your knees. Together with crunches, sit-ups are considered the classic abdominal exercises.
Combined exercises
If you don't just want to focus on one exercise, but also want to actively train your arms or stomach, you can choose a challenge plan that combines different exercises. For example, 15 sit-ups, 5 crunches, 5 leg raises and 10 second planks. The workload should be increased slightly every day. There are also rest days in between.
If you already know each exercise and its effects well, you can create a training plan yourself that is tailored precisely to your needs.
Do you want to get in shape for the summer? Simply bring your workout home and take part in the 30 Day Bikini Challenge! The training program includes exercises that work out the problem areas of the stomach, legs and buttocks.
Day 1: 3 push-ups + 10 second plank + 25 squats + 10 crunches
Day 2: 4 push-ups + 12 second plank + 30 squats + 15 crunches
Day 3: 5 push-ups + 15 second plank + 35 squats + 20 crunches
Day 4: Rest day
Day 5: 5 push-ups + 20 second plank + 40 squats + 25 crunches
Day 6: 6 push-ups + 25 second plank + 45 squats + 30 crunches
Day 7: 7 push-ups + 30 seconds plank + 50 squats + 35 crunches
Day 8: Rest day
Day 9: 7 push-ups + 35 second plank + 55 squats + 40 crunches
Day 10: 8 push-ups + 40 seconds plank + 60 squats + 45 crunches
Day 11: 9 push-ups + 45 second plank + 65 squats + 50 crunches
Day 12: Rest day
Day 13: 9 push-ups + 50 second plank + 70 squats + 55 crunches
Day 14: 11 push-ups + 55 second plank + 75 squats + 60 crunches
Day 15: 12 push-ups + 60 second plank + 20 lunges + 10 sit-ups
Day 16: Rest day
Day 17: 12 push-ups + 65 second plank + 25 lunges + 15 sit-ups
Day 18: 14 push-ups + 70 second plank + 30 lunges + 20 sit-ups
Day 19: 15 push-ups + 75 second plank + 35 lunges + 25 sit-ups
Day 20: Rest day
Day 21: 15 push-ups + 80 second plank + 40 lunges + 30 sit-ups
Day 22: 16 push-ups + 85 second plank + 45 lunges + 35 sit-ups
Day 23: 17 push-ups + 90 second plank + 50 lunges + 40 sit-ups
Day 24: Rest day
Day 25: 17 push-ups + 95 second plank + 55 lunges + 45 sit-ups
Day 26: 18 push-ups + 100 second plank + 60 lunges + 50 sit-ups
Day 27: 19 push-ups + 110 second plank + 65 lunges + 60 sit-ups
Day 28: Rest day
Day 29: 19 push-ups + 115 second plank + 70 lunges + 70 sit-ups
Day 30: 20 push-ups + 120 second plank + 70 lunges + 75 sit-ups
Toned arms
Tag 1: 6 Tricep Dips + 4 Push-ups + 8 Mountain Climbers
Tag 2: 6 Tricep Dips + 4 Push-ups + 8 Mountain Climbers
Tag 3: 6 Tricep Dips + 5 Push-Ups + 10 Mountain Climbers
Tag 4: 6 Tricep Dips + 5 Push-Ups + 10 Mountain Climbers
Day 5: Rest day
Tag 6: 8 Tricep Dips + 6 Push-Ups + 10 Mountain Climbers
Tag 7: 8 Tricep Dips + 6 Push-Ups + 12 Mountain Climbers
Tag 8: 8 Tricep Dips + 8 Push-Ups + 12 Mountain Climbers
Tag 9: 8 Tricep Dips + 8 Push-Ups + 15 Mountain Climbers
Tag 10: 10 Tricep Dips + 8 Push-Ups + 15 Mountain Climbers
Tag 11: 10 Tricep Dips + 8 Push-Ups + 15 Mountain Climbers
Day 12: Rest day
Tag 13: 8 Tricep Dips + 8 Push-Ups + 12 Mountain Climbers
Tag 14: 8 Tricep Dips + 8 Push-Ups + 12 Mountain Climbers
Tag 15: 8 Tricep Dips + 8 Push-Ups + 12 Mountain Climbers
Tag 16: 8 Tricep Dips + 9 Push-Ups + 15 Mountain Climbers
Tag 17: 10 Tricep Dips + 9 Push-Ups + 15 Mountain Climbers
Tag 18: 10 Tricep Dips + 9Push-Ups + 15 Mountain Climbers
Day 19: Rest day
Tag 20: 10 Tricep Dips + 9 Push-Ups + 18 Mountain Climbers
Tag 21: 10 Tricep Dips + 10 Push-Ups + 18 Mountain Climbers
Tag 22: 10 Tricep Dips + 10 Push-Ups + 18 Mountain Climbers
Tag 23: 10 Tricep Dips + 10 Push-Ups + 20 Mountain Climbers
Tag 24: 10 Tricep Dips + 10 Push-Ups + 20 Mountain Climbers
Tag 25: 10 Tricep Dips + 11 Push-Ups + 20 Mountain Climbers
Day 26: Rest day
Tag 27: 12 Tricep Dips + 11 Push-Ups + 22 Mountain Climbers
Tag 28: 12 Tricep Dips + 11 Push-Ups + 22 Mountain Climbers
Tag 29: 12 Tricep Dips + 11 Push-Ups + 22 Mountain Climbers
Tag 30: 12 Tricep Dips + 12 Push-Ups + 25 Mountain Climbers
30 day challenge for a flat stomach
Day 1: 15 sit-ups + 5 crunches + 5 leg raises + 10 second plank
Day 2: 20 sit-ups + 8 crunches + 8 leg raises + 12 second plank
Day 3: 25 sit-ups + 10 crunches + 10 leg raises + 15 second plank
Day 4: Rest day
Day 5: 30 sit-ups + 12 crunches + 12 leg raises + 20 second plank
Day 6: 35 sit-ups + 15 crunches + 15 leg raises + 25 second plank
Day 7: 40 sit-ups + 20 crunches + 20 leg raises + 30 seconds plank
Day 8: Rest day
Day 9: 45 sit-ups + 30 crunches + 30 leg raises + 38 second plank
Day 10: 50 sit-ups + 50 crunches + 30 leg raises + 38 second plank
Day 11: 55 sit-ups + 65 crunches + 33 leg raises + 42 second plank
Day 12: Rest day
Day 13: 60 sit-ups + 75 crunches + 40 leg raises + 50 seconds plank
Day 14: 65 sit-ups + 85 crunches + 42 leg raises + 55 second plank
Day 15: 70 sit-ups + 95 crunches + 42 leg raises + 60 second plank
Day 16: Rest day
Day 17: 75 sit-ups + 100 crunches + 42 leg raises + 65 second plank
Day 18: 80 sit-ups + 110 crunches + 48 leg raises + 70 second plank
Day 19: 85 sit-ups + 120 crunches + 50 leg raises + 75 second plank
Day 20: Rest day
Day 21: 90 sit-ups + 130 crunches + 52 leg raises + 80 second plank
Day 22: 95 sit-ups + 140 crunches + 55 leg raises + 85 second plank
Day 23: 100 sit-ups + 150 crunches + 58 leg raises + 90 second plank
Day 24: Rest day
Day 25: 105 sit-ups + 160 crunches + 60 leg raises + 95 second plank
Day 26: 110 sit-ups + 170 crunches + 60 leg raises + 100 second plank
Day 27: 115 sit-ups + 180 crunches + 62 leg raises + 110 second plank
Day 28: Rest day
Day 29: 120 sit-ups + 190 crunches + 62 leg raises + 115 second plank
Day 30: 125 sit-ups + 200 crunches + 65 leg raises + 120 second plank