Not only men dream of a clearly defined washboard stomach, but also women. The so-called six-pack is a sign of athleticism and hard work and immediately attracts many envious glances on the beach or in the swimming pool. It is not only visually appealing but also healthy. In this article we have put together many exercises for effective six-pack training for men and women that you can incorporate into your training plan. And since workouts and nutrition go hand in hand when it comes to losing weight, we have provided a nutrition plan in the second part of the article. This contains many healthy foods and contributes to a balanced diet.
You can only get a six-pack if your abdominal muscles are well trained and they only cover a small amount of fatty tissue. The muscles only become visible when the fat is burned. Therefore, getting a washboard stomach is almost impossible without an accompanying diet. For men, the dream of having strong abdominal muscles is usually easier to fulfill than for women. This is primarily due to the fact that men build muscle faster and have a lower body fat percentage than women. However, with the right training and a suitable nutrition plan, women can also achieve the goal of a flat stomach with defined muscles. Because it's not just gender that is decisive for the washboard stomach, but other factors such as age, training, diet and genetics.
Maybe you've ever wondered whether it's actually possible to get six-pack abs without working out. In fact, many boys and teenagers have washboard abs without having exercised beforehand. This can be attributed to the fact that they have a low body fat percentage due to a fast metabolism. However, this slows down as you grow up and your body can no longer burn fat as quickly. Then the six-pack goes away too. You can get a flat stomach with a strict, low-fat diet, but regular six-pack training is essential for defined abdominal muscles.
Effective six pack training for men and women
The first step to getting abs is an effective workout. However, exercises just for the front abdominal muscles are not enough. So if you think that the way to get six-pack abs is to do a few abdominal presses a day, you're wrong. If youa specific muscle groupIf you want to strengthen your muscles, you should also train their muscle counterparts. So if you want to train the six-pack, you should also include the back, buttocks and core muscle groups in the training. However, for best results, a full-body workout with the abdominal muscles as the focus is recommended.
If you work out at the gym, there are some machines that are specifically designed for abdominal exercises. These include the abdominal machine, the abdominal/back trainer, the Swiss ball, the fitness tubes and the cable pulley as particularly effective. These are perfect for different variations of crunches and core twists that strengthen the core.
However, a good workout can also be achieved without equipment, with some good exercises to do at home. Here's how you can get fit without paying for a gym visit. However, some equipment and aids, such as dumbbells orKettlebellbe beneficial for some exercises. They are perfect for home use and would make your six pack workout at home even more effective.
If you have set yourself the goal of getting six-pack abs, then you should pay attention to a correct training routine. The six building blocks to clearly defined abdominal muscles are:
- Full body workout
- Abs workout
- Stretching
- healthy diet with lots of proteins
- good sleep for regeneration
- Rest days between trainings
We start training. The exercises we present below are designed exclusively for the abdominal muscles and their muscle counterparts. You should integrate these into a training plan for the whole body and combine them with a diet to achieve better results.
The best exercises at a glance
Just crunchesare a typical exercise for the abdominal muscles that are perfect for both beginners and advanced users. This primarily trains the upper abdominal muscles.
Here's how to do it: First, lie on your back, bend your legs and hold both hands on your temples with your elbows pointing outwards. Then lift and lower the shoulder area. You should keep your back as straight as possible and not bend your elbows.
Duration: 3-4 sets of 8-12 repetitions
Cycling on the groundor the so-called bicycle crunches are perfect for an effective six-pack training. This trains the straight and lateral abdominal muscles.
Here's how to do it: Lie on your back, bend your legs to 90 degrees vertically and clasp your hands behind your head. Then alternately pull your legs up in the air by turning your upper body diagonally towards your pulled-up knee.
Duration: 3-4 sets of 8-12 repetitions
Knee raisesis a good exercise for the lower abdominal muscles, but still uses the rectus and oblique abdominal muscles, as well as the hip flexors. The exercise can be done hanging from a bar or using appropriate equipment.
Here's how it works: Stand in the appropriate position on the selected device and keep your legs hanging in the air. Then pull your knees toward your chest by rounding your back. Exhale and lower your legs to the starting position.
Duration: 3-4 sets of 8-12 repetitions
ThePlankor forearm support is a static exercise for the washboard abs that is particularly effective. Her focus is on the abdominal muscles, but she also works the triceps, chest, leg and shoulder muscles.
Here's how to do it: First, lie on your stomach with your upper body supported on your forearms and your elbows at shoulder height. Then raise the whole body by touching the floor with only the toes of the feet. Your stomach and hips should sag in line with your shoulders.
Duration: 3-4 sets 30-60 seconds each
Abdominal press on the cable pulleyis a good six pack exercise for the gym. The cable pulling device is required for this. It trains the straight abdominal muscles and can also be done with weight. However, heavy weights are not recommended for this exercise.
Here's how to do it: Kneel about half a meter in front of the cable pulley and hold a rope or bar at the back of your neck. Then bend your upper body towards the floor, exhale and return to the starting position. Do no more than 15 repetitions per set.
Duration: 3-4 sets of 8-12 repetitions
Tip: Do not train your stomach more than three times a week. Even once a week is enough if you regularly train the other areas of your body. In order to burn body fat, you should not neglect endurance training.
Exercises for women in the gym or at home
A flat stomach for women is an epitome of fitness, but for many it seems to be an unattainable goal. With the right six-pack training and diet plan, women can also get washboard stomachs. The selected exercises can be performed without equipment and are therefore suitable for both the gym and at home.
Crunchesare also particularly popular for women. You can either do straight crunches, or an alternative, such asReverse Crunchestry out. This trains the lower part of the rectus abdominal muscles.
This is how it works: Lie on your back and keep your legs bent in the air. The hands remain on the ground. Then roll your stomach by keeping your upper body fixed and lifting your bent legs. Finally, let your legs sink down again.
Duration: 3 sets of 8-15 repetitions
Leg raiseson the groundis considered a good exercise for the lower abdominal muscles and can be performed from a supine position. Only the legs are lifted straight off the floor.
Here's how to do it: Lie on your back and position your hands under your butt. Raise your legs by pressing your back to the floor and tensing your stomach. Inhale and then lower your legs in a controlled manner so that only the lower back is in contact with the floor. Then breathe out. Alternatively, you can lower your legs individually.
Duration: 3 sets of 8-15 repetitions
Side Plankor side plank is an alternative to the plank exercise. The lateral forearm support primarily stresses the lateral abdominal muscles and the gluteal muscles. It is therefore a good six-pack workout for women, as it also trains another typical problem area.
Here's how to do it: First, lie on your side and support yourself on your forearm. Then lift your pelvis off the floor until your legs and torso are in a line. The body should be stretched and the upper hand remains on the body. Then repeat the same with the other side of the body.
Duration: 3 sets 30-60 seconds each
Schwimmeris a great balancing exercise for the stomach, which also strengthens the back extensors and theglutestrained. Therefore, it fits perfectly into the workout for women.
Here's how to do it: Lie on your stomach and stretch your arms and legs. Then lift your left arm and right leg. Then lift your right arm and left leg. Repeat the exercise in quick alternation, stretching your legs as much as possible.
Duration: 3 sets 30-60 seconds each
Tip: Change the abdominal exercises regularly, especially if the training becomes too easy for you. Six-pack training is only effective if the muscles are exposed to intense stimuli. So easy is out of the question if you dream of having washboard stomachs.
Nutrition plan to complement training
Six pack exercises alone cannot give you a defined stomach, especially if you already have a small tummy. The most important thing here is the body fat percentage. Even the most intense six pack workout requires a proper nutrition plan to be truly effective.
A flat stomach requires a healthy diet with protein-rich foods that promote muscle building. A lot of protein is the perfect companion for strength training and 1.3 to 1.7 grams of protein per kilogram of weight is recommended every day. Carbohydrates, on the other hand, are not a fan of the six-pack, but should be included in the diet plan for a balanced diet. So you don't have to avoid them completely, just regulate them. Between 100 – 150 grams per day is completely sufficient. However, these are said to be the so-calledcomplex carbohydratesbe.
Tip: It's best to eat carbohydrates after endurance or six-pack training. Then they are broken down cleanly and more quickly by the organism.
Fat is also an important nutrient that everyone needs to incorporate into their diet. Unsaturated fatty acids such as linseed or olive oil, salmon, herring and nuts are considered particularly healthy and are definitely part of the six-pack diet plan. Saturated animal fats should largely be avoided, but eggs or beef can be eaten guilt-free.
In addition to the type of meal, the decisive factor for success in six-pack training is also the timing of meals. If you want to build muscle, you should eat every three hours. If meals are smaller and eaten more frequently, the nutrients can be utilized better by the body. In addition to eating, lots of low-calorie liquids are a must. Mineral water is best suited for this, in an amount of at least three liters per day.
The best foods
Before we get to the daily nutrition plan, we have put together a list of foods that contribute to the dreamy washboard stomach.
- Broccoli
- Avocado
- Cinnamon
- Cheddar
- Mushrooms
- sweet potatoes
- Spinach
- Bananas
- Apples
- green tea
- Chili peppers
- Blueberries
- Grapefruit
- Milch
- oatmeal
- brown rice
- Oranges
- Walnuts
- Salmon
The following foods are also perfect because they contain a lot of protein. We have also stated the exact amount of protein per 100 g.
- Chicken – 24g
- Pork – 27g
- Lamb – 20g
- Ente – 19 g
- Turkey meat – 22 g
- Beef – 24g
- Canned tuna – 25g
- Parmesan – 32 g
- Pumpkin seeds – 30 g
- Owner – 13 g
- Peanuts – 28g
- Soybeans – 36g
Nutrition plan for men
Since the diet and the workout simply belong together if you have set yourself the goal of getting six-pack abs, we have put together two examples of the six-pack diet plan below. Here you will get an overview of what men can eat for breakfast, lunch, dinner and as a snack.
Breakfast:125 g low-fat quark with 400 ml water and 100 g oat flakesorScrambled 5 eggs with a slice of wholemeal bread with tomato, pepper or cucumber
Lunch:200 g fish or chicken with vegetables and brown rice as a side dishorcolorful salad with olive oil dressing and fried chicken breast
Dinner:250 g salmon fillet cooked in the oven and handful of spinachormixed salad with feta cheese or tuna
Snack:piece of fruitorHandful of berriesorProtein shake mixed with wateror100 g natural yogurt with a few nuts
Nutrition plan for women
The diet plan for women usually contains less protein than that for men. Examples of each meal are provided below.
Breakfast:2 tbsp oat flakes, 3 tbsp soy flakes, 1 grated apple with 150 ml soy milkor200 g natural yogurt with 3 tablespoons of oat flakes
Lunch:200 g chicken breast with mixed lettuce and 100 g granular cream cheeseorVegetable pan with meat
Dinner:1 large tomato with mozzarella, fresh basil and balsamic vinegaror200 g turkey or tuna with vegetables of your choice
Snack:1 tsp peanut butteror1 Bananaor100 g granular cream cheeseorgreen smoothie