If you're standing up straight, looking down, and can't see your toes, you probably need to get rid of your beer belly. Like most people, your mind probably jumps straight to solutions like “more exercise” or “a better diet” so you can lose belly fat and reduce waist circumference naturally. However, there are actually a lot of things that contribute to a beer belly, and you can find simple solutions to some of them. So here are our suggestions and effective ways to help you get rid of your beer belly.
How to Get Rid of a Beer Belly – Practical Tips
As we age, our body fat increases and it usually happens around our midsection of the body. Not only does a growing belly make it difficult to zip up a pair of jeans, but it's also not good for your health. Belly fat can lead to health problems, but you can get rid of beer belly and improve your overall health by following a healthy diet and exercise plan.
Correct posture plays a crucial role when, for exampleReduce your waist circumference as you get olderwant. The fastest way to reduce your belly naturally is to stand up straight. You will quickly notice that your midsection looks fitter and, above all, flatter. The healthy posture of the body is one of the easiest and natural things to change, which can noticeably reduce your stomach without much effort. Try the following to find the ideal position of your torso:
- First, stand with your feet slightly apart.
- However, make sure that your knees are “soft” and not locked out.
- Then point your tailbone down toward the floor, pushing your hips slightly forward.
- Start by lifting your ribs and stretching your spine into a straight position.
- Next, roll your shoulders back and then down.
- Tuck your chin back.
- Finally, lengthen your neck as if your head were pulling toward the ceiling.
What exactly is belly fat?
The two types of fat in your body are subcutaneous fat and visceral fat. The former is the fat you can pinch. Not only can this type of fat cause a beer belly, but it is also the fat on your hips and butt. However, visceral fat is the main factor behind the growing midsection of your body. This type of fat is found deep in your abdomen and surrounds your vital organs. Visceral fat is linked to heart disease, type 2 diabetes, breast cancer in women and gallbladder problems. While extra fat anywhere on your body isn't good for your health, the visceral type of fat can be particularly worrisome.
Strengthen abdominal muscles
Of course, good posture is also supported by strong muscles - especially your abdominal muscles. For this reason, try to do exercises every week that will improve your...Train your corecan. There are actually many different abdominal muscles:
- Your lower (transverse) abdomen
- The muscles on your six pack (rectus abdominus or rectus abdominis)
- Your diaphragm
- The muscles on your pelvic floor
- Your deep muscle along your spine
As you probably already know, certain types of physical exercise can help strengthen and stabilize all of these muscles to improve posture. In fact, the dual benefit of exercise is building and maintaining your muscle mass. This also means that you get a healthier metabolism and more intense fat burning. Common exercises to strengthen and stabilize the upper body include Pilates, yoga, properly performed strength exercises, horseback riding, stability ball exercises, and sports that emphasize balance such as surfing, skiing, etc.
Reduce alcohol consumption
As the name suggests, beer consumption has a noticeable effect on your waist size. For this reason, try to reduce your alcohol consumption and you will be able to get rid of your beer belly faster. Men and women who drink alcohol regularly also have larger bellies than people who are mostly sober. As a former regular drinker, you can lose more inches from your waist during a period without spirits or other alcohol. Why? Well, it's mostly due to the fact that they're no longer consuming excess, empty calories. A bottle of wine can also become calorie dense with various meals. So alcohol makes you hungry because of the carbohydrates and your inhibitions disappear. Then you reach for your fourth piece of pizza, for example.
In other words, you end up adding a full meal to that bottle of wine, which adds up to a huge amount of calories. If that's not bad enough, combining too much alcohol and food together, your metabolism is failing you. That's because alcohol is easy to burn and your body starts burning it immediately, at the expense of everything else. After you burn off the alcohol, your body begins the next easiest thing to break down - carbohydrates.
Proteins are consumed next. Eventually, your body willLose fatcan. So if alcohol is at the front of the metabolic queue and your digestion is sluggish, a large portion of the meal you ate with the wine will likely be stored as fat. To support this, several studies also show that the majority of alcohol calories consumed appear to be stored as belly fat.
Optimize water balance
You can easily get rid of that bloated, bloated, water-retaining feeling by drinking the right amount of fluids and water and controlling your salt intake. After all, your body likes balance when you are in this balanced state. If you do not help your organism by restoring balance, your body will attempt to regulate water and salt levels on its own through the process of osmosis.
So if you eat a lot of salty food and don't balance it with enough water, your body will absorb and hold onto water to dilute the salt in your cells. So if you're feeling bloated, try reducing your salt intake and increasing your water intake.
Pay attention to the portion size
You may not realize that portion size could affect your tummy in two ways. And the amount of food is one of those things that requires a bit more time and effort to portion correctly. Consider the short-term and longer-term scenarios in this regard. In the short term, eating to the point of overfilling causes your stomach to temporarily expand and protrude. Therefore, it is not rocket science to conclude that constant overeating can simply lead to a 'food baby' all of a sudden.
Luckily, this is usually a temporary feeling. However, overeating leads to fat storage in the body in the long term. This is also why regular overeating will gradually enlarge your belly. This means you need to monitor your portion size throughout each week and try to listen to your body's natural signals. This means you know approximately when you have eaten enough. If you manage the amount of food you eat 85% of the time, you'll be well on your way to getting rid of your beer belly.
Reduce stress
Yes, stress belly is actually a thing in itself. As you reduce stress and manage it better, your belly will shrink. When you become stressed and levels of the stress hormone cortisol rise, your body releases insulin into your blood. This process promotes fat storage and inhibits fat burning. Why? Well, in ancient times, this process of fat storage helped us preserve fat reserves for “lean times.” But let's be honest - we don't really have many lean times these days - just a lot of stress, which can come from many sources, such as:
- Prohibited foods, such as processed food and additives
- Blue light from electronic devices, including cell phones and tablets
- Chemicals, such as personal care products
- Other toxins and of course emotional challenges
All of these types of stressors can promote the formation of belly fat. However, if you follow a hormone-balancing diet plan, you can actually lower the levels of cortisol in the body and reduce your stress belly much faster.
Control carbohydrate intake
Carbohydrate intake is relatively easy to manage and makes a big difference if you want to get rid of your beer belly. Insulin resistance is one of the biggest health problems of modern times. Of course there are many other factors, but a big factor is the fact that too many carbohydrates. Refined, processed and sugary carbohydrates in particular can cause an imbalance in insulin and thereby promote fat storage. Unfortunately, in such cases there is also a double whammy. Aging means an increased risk of insulin resistance. In other words, you'll probably need to consider your carbohydrate intake a little more carefully after age 40. One trick is to make sure you get the right balance of carbohydrates, proteins, and fats at each meal.
Why? There are two reasons: If you eat a diet high in carbohydrates without the right balance of proteins and fats, you will become hungry faster. In this case, there are no “satisfying” elements in the meal (proteins and fats) that would lower your blood sugar. Then the carbohydrate-rich meal is metabolized quickly, so sooner or later you will become empty and hungry. The high carbohydrate content also temporarily increases blood sugar levels and gives you energy. However, if this wears off, look for something sweet or starchy to bring your blood sugar back up. As you can see for yourself, it is important that your meal is properly balanced to avoid these situations.