If you are overweight, you have probably wondered what the best way to lose weight is. Since you have access to various nutrition programs today, it is not a problem to try them all and decide for yourself. Recently, the dinner-canceling movement has been gaining more and more followers. People who are overweight are starting to practice this diet method, not only,to lose weight, but also to get fitter, to get rid of cardiovascular problems and diseases, and to look younger. We'll explain to you what exactly dinner canceling is and how this method helps you stay healthy and lose weight.
Dinner Canceling: What's the point and how often do you do it?
Dinner canceling is a nutritional method that is one of the models of intermittent fasting. The schedule on which it is based is 16-8: 16 hours without eating and 8 hours eating normally. The last meal must be eaten at 5 p.m., beforehand there is a small snack, which will help ensure that you are not hungry in the evening. The goal is to allow at least 2 to 3 hours to pass between the last meal of the day and bedtime.
During Lent, calorie-free drinks such as water or herbal teas, without added sugar, sweeteners or milk, are permitted and can be drunk before the feeling of hunger occurs. You are allowed to eat one sour apple or another type of fruit at the beginning of the diet plan, but not more than 100 grams.
This method can be repeated 2 or 3 days per week. You can lose 5-6 kilos in 15 days and repeat the method for several months or even a year to stabilize the weight.
Lose weight successfully and stay healthy with dinner cancelling
The main advantage of dinner cancellation for you is that you don't have to restrict yourself at breakfast or lunch - you can eat what you are used to, within reason. The body burns significantly more calories in the morning than in the evening, which is why dinner is skipped with this method.
Not only weight loss, but also anti-aging effect
Dinner canceling works. It has been considered by many researchers as one of the most beneficial methodsfor weight lossconfirmed. Other benefits of dinner canceling include skin rejuvenation, better metabolism, better functioning of many body organs, and reduced stress on joints.
As we age, the body produces less and less of the hormones melatonin and somatropin. If you skip dinner, your body reacts by receiving fewer nutrients. In this way it produces more somatropin, and this has a rejuvenating effect.
As already mentioned, using this method you can lose weight fairly quickly and successfully. It will help you lose 2-3 kilos per week, depending on the characteristics of your body. Stick to it if you want to lose weight in the next week.
Positive experiences – cholesterol is reduced
What else happens when you skip dinner: harmful cholesterol is naturally lowered. Normally, the food we eat for dinner or after dinner is deposited in our body as a layer of fat and clogs the vessels with harmful cholesterol. Skipping dinner has been found to have a positive effect onLowering cholesterol levelshat.
The benefits of this method are numerous: increased concentration and energy, lowering blood pressure and blood sugar levels, increasing insulin sensitivity, preventing Alzheimer's disease, increasing life expectancy due to the reduction in aging processes, curbing inflammatory processes and improved sleep quality.
You have to take this into account
Skipping dinner is not a health-threatening diet as it only lasts a few hours. However, intermittent fasting is not necessarily recommended for pregnant or breastfeeding women, underweight people, sick people, people with eating disorders and children. In addition, it is good to take into account that dinner canceling should not be viewed as a dietary miracle that will allow you to lose weight without physical activity, but as an additional tool that would enhance the positive effects of a healthy lifestyle.
As with all weight loss methods that work fairly quickly, it is extremely important that you stay hydrated at all times. At the same time, you should pay attention to the effect before and during the weight loss process and try to consult the nutritionist or your doctor. There may be times when you cannot use this method due to other health problems. It can also be helpful to keep a weight loss diary in which you need to record your diet, weight and planned results. This is a very useful tip to organize the process.
Immediately skipping dinner allows weight loss because it causes the body to seek the necessary nutrients not from the food consumed, but from reserves. However, this method requires a lot of discipline: hunger attacks are very likely, as are sleep disorders, because hunger can make you more restless at night.
The following scheme will help you with dinner cancellation
You can put the dinner canceling method into action like this:
- Monday, Wednesday, Friday, Sunday: dinner
- Tuesday, Thursday, Saturday: Dinner Canceling
But if you don't feel good about it and think you can't sustain dinner canceling as a weight loss diet, you can always prepare a light and healthy dinner with few calories.