Tips for losing weight through diet & exercise depending on your body type

Every woman has a specific body shape and structure. These characteristics show us, so to speak, the weak areas of our body when it comes to the perfect figure and therefore which area of ​​the body we should pay particular attention to in order to successfully lose weight and achieve our dream figure. So if we want to lose weight in a healthy way through certain diets and exercises, we should follow our body shape. We have put together some tips for losing weight in this article.

Tips for losing weight with an apple shape body

Ladies who have an apple-shaped body usually have their problem area in the stomach area. That's where they gain weight the fastest. This is reminiscent of the shape of an apple. The legs, on the other hand, are quite slim. TheTips for losing weightshould therefore be aimed at this problem area in order to be able to lose weight successfully.

It's best to choose an endurance sport if you want to lose weight on your stomach. Weight loss tips include:Exercises on the treadmill, which should also be at a slight angle so that you are walking uphill, so to speak, is perfect. You should also prefer to climb stairs instead of using the elevator. This helps to shed the pounds in your stomach area. You should avoid the cross trainer because it might not be good for your legs.

You can also lose weight on your stomach with the right diet. Helpful belly weight loss tips include eating fresh fruit, legumes and oatmeal. Healthy fats, such as those found in fish and nuts, are just as suitable. In contrast, you should avoid animal fats. Drink plenty of water and herbal teas.

Body with pear shape

In contrast to the apple shape, the pear shape has a slimmer stomach, while the hips, thighs and buttocks are fuller. In addition, the waist and breasts are less pronounced. If you recognize your body here, you can use the following weight loss tips to do something about the problem areas.

Endurance sports that focus on the lower areas of the body and promote weight loss there are the best option. This is the perfect way to lose weight on your legs. Running or riding a bike are good weight loss tips. In order to create a balance in the body structure between the hips and upper body area, you can also combine strength training for the upper body.

The tips for losing weight are also beneficialin terms of nutrition. This should be low in fat. You can eat fruits and legumes without any worries. However, it is best to consume products such as potatoes, bread and white beans in small quantities, as these contain a lot of starch, which in turn shapes the problem areas.

Rectangular body shape

This body shape largely lacks curves and more pronounced body areas. This body type is also compared to a banana. The body is straight. Women with this body shape want more pronounced hips, a slim waist and a slightly stronger upper body, which can be achieved with the following weight loss tips.

One of the weight loss tips is undoubtedly aerobics. However, you should not use any additional weights at the beginning. Only when you have achieved the desired figure can you add weights to the exercises. The cross must be spared. Therefore, avoid sports exercises that put too much strain on the back or even cause pain.

If you want to gain weight in certain areas after losing weight, you should definitely not go without proteins. Chicken, fish and legumes are rich in proteins and are therefore welcome on your menu. Pasta and rice products should be avoided. Don't forget to always provide your body with enough water.

Hourglass as a body shape

This body type is characterized by a slim waist, while the upper body, hips, buttocks and thighs are well defined and have approximately the same width. If women with this body shape gain weight, distribute the additional kilos evenly between their upper and lower bodies. The same applies vice versa – when losing weightthe kilos fall offabove and below equally.

Sport for what is considered to be the perfect body shape should consist of both endurance and strength training. A balance should be achieved. These tips for losing weight are the best way to balance your proportions. After all, you want to lose weight but also maintain that great body structure, right?

Proteins are also recommended for those with an hourglass body. But white meat is only one possible product. Eggs and milk also contain plenty of it. Other tips for losing weight include eating vegetables and avoiding heavy meat and nuts. Drink enough water. This promotes detoxification of the body and contributes to weight loss.