Strengthen your children's immune system

Although the development of the immune system begins in the womb, parents should strengthen children's defenses and promote their health. Compared to an adult's immune system, the child's acquired immune system lacks experience with foreign antigens. In addition, the innate immune system is not yet fully developed at birth. Here are some important information and tips for strengthening children's immune response that can help you in everyday life.

Prevent pathogens and strengthen children's immune system

Children and parents need to be smart about their nutrients and vitamins in order support immune systemand protecting themselves from all the other germs they are exposed to either in the classroom or at home. For those going back to school or kindergarten, this can be a double-edged sword for parents. On the one hand, it's great to get her out of the house andback to everyday school lifeand having the hustle and bustle. On the other hand, it often means that they are sick more often. In addition, contact with many other classmates also means more pathogens. Especially in young children, this means more bouts of common infections such as gastrointestinal illnesses, coughs and colds.

So what can you do to ensure your little ones have a top-notch immune system capable of tackling any infections that come their way? First and foremost, be prepared and find the right balance between learning good hygiene practices to help toddlers avoid germs. The pandemic has taught people some good practices, such as washing hands with soap and water. You can also make sure your kids' bags are stocked with essentials to keep them protected on the go, with hand sanitizer and tissues almost essential these days.

Pay attention to the importance of nutrition in children

Make healthy eating something the whole family does easily. Children learn from their role models and parents or guardians as they watch and copy. For example, if you eat whole foods, balanced meals are normal. A healthy diet also provides you with the nutrients your body needs for good immune function, including vitamin C, zinc and iron. However, most of the immune system is located in the intestines. The function of these defense cells depends, among other things, on the intestinal bacteria. For this reason, children benefit from well-nourished intestinal flora.

In addition, regular intake of fiber-rich foods is very important if you want to strengthen children's immune system. Therefore, make sure you eat enough plant-based foods such as whole grains, legumes, vegetables, fruits, nuts and seeds. This variety of fiber types promotes a diverse microbiome and trains your immune system, helping it function as it should. The majority of parents agree that theIntake of fruitand vegetables and a balanced diet are the most important factors in building your child's immunity.

Avoid antibiotics and only give them in emergencies

If there is an increased susceptibility to infections due to a congenital or acquired immune deficiency, the pediatrician will initiate a well-reviewed treatment process. With normal development, medicinal measures to strengthen the immune system are not necessary, as the child's immune system grows and matures. The immune system is trained and strengthened for later. Antibiotic medicines are prescribed more than 154 million times per year for anything from a wound to an ear infection. The purpose of antibiotics is primarily to kill bacteria that cause infections, and sometimes they are undoubtedly life-saving. However, taking antibiotics may be unnecessary in many cases. This is important because antibiotics not only destroy pathogenic bacteria, but also kill the beneficial bacteria in the gut microbiome.

When a doctor prescribes antibiotics for your child (or you), don't just accept the prescription without asking a few questions. How necessary are these antibiotics? How likely is it that your child's natural immunity will solve the problem without the medication? Are there more natural antibacterial options? Doctors who focus on natural health sometimes recommend alternatives like colloidal silver over antibiotics to boost children's immune systems without depleting the microbiome.

Strengthen children's immune system with vitamins or nutritional supplements

Consider supplementing to replenish important nutrients, especially if your child is a picky eater, has food restrictions for any reason, including vegetarian, or if you simply have difficulty always eating healthy. The combination of multivitamin and minerals can be a good safety measure. The basis for a well-functioning immune system is a varied, balanced diet with lots of fruit and vegetables according to the food pyramid. Only with the right mix of nutrients can the child's immune system optimally defend itself against pathogens. The following vitamins and minerals are particularly important for a strong immune system:

  • Vitamin A supports both the innate and adaptive immune systems. It is involved in maintaining the skin and mucous membranes, the external barrier against pathogens. Vitamin A is found in animal foods such as liver, and its precursor beta-carotene is found in colored fruits and vegetables such as carrots, spinach, tomatoes and apricots.
  • Vitamin D supports, among other things, the macrophages (phagocytes) of the non-specific defense system and the lymphocytes of the specific defense system. It is formed in the skin by sunlight. It is mainly found in fatty fish such as herring or salmon, as well as in porcini mushrooms and chicken eggs.
  • Among other things, vitamin C protects the cells of the immune system by intercepting free radicals (antioxidant effect). It activates macrophages and is found, for example, in citrus fruits, peppers and brassicas.
  • Among other things, zinc improves the maturation of certain immune defense cells. Meat, milk, cheese, legumes and whole grain products are particularly rich in the trace element.
    Selenium is important for both the innate and adaptive immune systems. Good sources of selenium include nuts such as peanuts and Brazil nuts, as well as certain types of fish such as herring and tuna.
  • Iron improves the activity of macrophages and, among other things, increases the number of lymphocytes, which are white blood cells. It is found in meat and meat products.

Tips and home remedies for self-help and natural healing methods

Immuno-boosting agents can strengthen the defenses of adults but can be dangerous for children. For example, garlic is not permitted for children under 10 months. Honey should also not be given to children under one year of age. The use of the dietary supplements mentioned above should also be discussed with a pediatrician before taking them for the first time. In addition to microbiological therapy, which is intended to rebuild damaged intestinal flora, phytotherapy and certain methods such as traditional Chinese medicine, Schüssler biochemistry or nutritional therapeutic approaches can also be used to strengthen the immune system.

Try alternative means instead of medication

In addition to the complaints, homeopathy also takes into account the specific mental and constitutional requirements regarding the physical disposition and mental structure. However, before using herbal medicines, you should first consult your pediatrician. Helpful options include:

  • Ribwort plantain to relieve dry coughs
  • Marshmallow for irritated mucous membranes
  • Fresh purple coneflower (Echinacea purpurea) specially prepared for children (from 2 years)

To strengthen the immune system in children, you could also use the following remedies:

  • Echinacea D2 stimulates the immune system. Be careful with small children, those with a daisy allergy or chronic illnesses.
  • Dulcamara D12 for complaints due to damp weather
  • Silicea D12 for a tendency to slow suppuration. Silicea stimulates the activity of the body's immune cells.
  • Calcium carbonicum if the symptoms worsen due to physical and mental exertion, cold, moist air, water or washing.
  • Thuja D12 if you have a tendency to inflammation of the respiratory and urinary tract as well as cold hands and feet, sweaty skin, warts
  • Ferrum phosphoricum D12 for tiredness, lack of concentration due to a disorder in iron metabolism.

Take the right actions

Also, give yourself and your little ones enough time outdoors where they are exposed to the flora of microorganisms around them, rather than a bleached, chemical-laden floor in a house with closed windows and little air movement. As the saying goes, laughter really is the best medicine. Additionally, laughter lowers stress hormone levels while supporting white blood cells, which are responsible for fighting infections.

In addition, you can support the child's health through the following simple measures:

  • Sufficient fluid intake prevents the mucous membranes from drying out and thus reduces the susceptibility to infections. Still water or herbal teas are recommended.
  • Avoid dry air, for example by ventilating or using a humidifier
  • Sauna and Kneipp treatments – even in a weaker form – harden the body. However, the prerequisite is that the child is not too small and goes voluntarily.

Strengthen children's immune system with essential oils and herbs

Eucalyptus and oregano have been proven to have antibacterial and immune-modulating properties. Try diffusing such scents in your indoor environment to support the immunity of the whole family. Eucalyptus oil has an energizing effect, while food-grade oregano essential oil can be added to meals to improve taste as well as the child's immune system.