Colds and viruses lurk everywhere in winter. For this reason, in the cold season it is even more important ourKeep your immune system activeand to support it in its normal functioning. One of the most notable contributing nutrients is ascorbic acid, better known as vitamin C. By consuming vitamin C, you can strengthen your immune system in winter and stay healthy during cold season. But which are the best sources of vitamin C?
Since the body cannot produce the vital vitamin C itself, an external supply is necessary. If you are looking for an innovative way to provide the body with plenty of vitamin C, you can try the delicious combination of orange-flavored Sencha green tea and acerola cherries. TheGreen tea treatment with vitamin C Kusmi Tealasts 4 weeks and is a wonderful way to strengthen your immune system and get through the winter healthy. Green tea is rich in antioxidants that protect against free radicals and thanks to acerola, this tea is naturally enriched with the important vitamin.
Eat foods rich in vitamin C
Vitamin C is tooabundantly present in foodand goes far beyond the well-known oranges and orange juices. Many types of fruit and vegetables provide the vital nutrient. The largest sources of vitamin C include citrus fruits, tomatoes, potatoes, strawberries, green and red peppers, broccoli, Brussels sprouts and kiwis. You can enjoy these foods raw or cooked, but it's important to know that fruits and vegetables lose vitamin C when heated too much or stored for too long. To retain the most nutrients, eat them as soon as possible after purchasing them and consider steaming the vegetables for only a short time to reduce nutrient loss. It is also better to buy fruits and vegetables rich in vitamin C that are currently in season and grown locally.
Strengthen your immune system in winter with vitamin C as a dietary supplement?
Although it is generally recommended to get vitamin C through food, many people also turn to supplements to meet their daily needs. These are generally harmless to health if they are dosed correctly. Our body needs around 100 milligrams of ascorbic acid every day (95 mg for women and 110 mg for men), although higher dosages should always be agreed with a doctor depending on the situation. In principle, people who suffer from metabolic diseases or kidney problems should not take vitamin C supplements.
When is a vitamin C infusion an option?
A vitamin C infusion is a treatment in which high doses of vitamin C are administered. This treatment is only recommended if there is an indication for it, such as a deficiency that cannot be covered by oral intake. Before a vitamin C infusion, it is important to consult a doctor to determine whether it makes sense and is harmless to your health in the relevant case.
That's why vitamin C is important in winter
In winter, the body's defense system is less able to attack the numerous pathogens. Additionally, when temperatures are low and the air is drier, viruses feel more comfortable and can more easily cause a cold or even more serious illnesses such as the flu. Taking vitamin C through food, in a tea or as a dietary supplementsupports the function of the immune systemand gets it going again. Ascorbic acid can also reduce the severity of an infection and contribute to a faster recovery.