If you restrict the intake of calories over a longer period of time, you can fast and activate it with autophagy. It seems to have some remarkable health benefits. This includes weight loss, changes in the risk factors for diabetes and heart diseases as well as a longer life. For years, researchers have been trying to find out why fasting is related to durability. Laboratory mitings and monkeys that take part in laboratory studies tend to live longer than their regularly dieted peers.
Detoxify the body
What is Ganau autophagy? The word comes from the Greek car (self) and phagein (to eat). So the word literally means eating yourself. In essence, it is the mechanism of the body to get rid of all the destroyed and old cell mechanisms (organelles, proteins and cell membranes) if there is no longer enough energy to maintain it. It is a regulated, orderly process to reduce and recycle cell components.
Research results show that the restriction of calories turns on genes that instruct the cells to protect resources. The cells are thus transferred to a preservation or “hunger mode”, in which they are remarkably resistantly resistant to diseases or cellular stress. They also enter into a process that is known as an autophagy. The body begins to clean the old, undesirable and not required cell material and to “repair and recycle” damaged parts.
In a study, mice showed a high number of autophagosomes after 24 hours. These were signs that the test animals fast with autophagy and this also works. Now we have to be careful to link this directly to humans, since the metabolism of the mouse is much faster than with us. Although autophagy is very difficult to measure outside of a laboratory environment, many experts agree that this process occurs in humans after 18 to 20 hours of fasting. However, you only achieve the maximum benefit after 48 to 72 hours.
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If this sounds scary, you should keep in mind that intermittent fasting can still bring you advantages. At regular intervals (a few times a year, depending on your personal risk factors), you should consider a longer fasting time if you are completeActivate autophagywant. Thus, you also enable spring cleaning for your body, which can renew cells. Of course, you should always consult your doctor before starting fasting.
Diet for losing weight through autophagy
There is a similar, better known procedure called apoptosis, which is also referred to as programmed cell death. Cells are programmed according to a certain number of divisions so that they die. Even if this sounds macabre at first glance, you should be aware that this process for maintaining health is of fundamental importance.
Cells grow old, although it is better to let them die when their useful life is reached. It sounds really cruel, but that's how life is. This is the process of apoptosis in which the cells are intended to die after a certain time. It's like renting a car. After a certain time, you will get rid of the car again, regardless of whether it still works or not. Then you get a new car. You don't have to worry about it that it collapses at the most unfavorable times.
The stimulation and autophagy fasting remove several undesirable cell materials and proteins. In addition, they support the production of growth hormones that regenerate fresh cell material and promote cell renewal. For example, if your body recently had an infection, the autophagy may destroy bacteria or viruses.
Autophagy is therefore not only associated with the increase in longevity, but also helps researchers better understand degenerative diseases such as Parkinson's and Alzheimer's. If the process does not take place often, the body collects a variety of cellular material. These include proteins that are available in large quantities in many diseases and even cancer: amyloid beta or dew protein. The researchers believe that extended seizures of autophagy the brain of theseexcess proteinscould clean, which may prevent the development of these diseases.
Replace old parts of the cell
The same process also takes place on a sub -cellular level. You don't necessarily have to replace the entire car. Sometimes you just have to replace the battery, throw away the old and install a new one. This also happens in the cells. Instead of killing the entire cell (apoptosis), only a few cell parts are replaced. This is the process of autophagy, in which subcellular organelles are destroyed and replaced by new ones to renew them. Old cell membranes, organelles and other cell debris can be removed. This is done by signals that are sent to the lysosome, a specialized organelle that contains enzymes to reduce proteins.
Autophagy was first described in 1962 when the researchers in liver cells from rats after the infusion of glucagon found an increase in the number of lysosomes (the part of the cell that destroys the material). The scientist Christian de Duve awarded the Nobel Prize shaped the term autophagy. Damaged subcellular parts and non -used proteins are marked for destruction and then sent to the lysosomes to end the work.
How can you fast with autophagy?
While pharmaceutical companies are working on creating a pharmaceutical panacea to stimulate autophagy, some diet and fitness blogger claim that certain nutritional supplements can activate autophagy. However, there is only a proven way to trigger it: by fasting. Nutrients withdrawal triggers autophagy. The signaling in the body contains two key paths when the nutrients of the body are exhausted: MTOR or mammalian cells of rapamycin regulate the nutrients that influence cell growth, protein synthesis and anabolism.
It is also associated with the activation of insulin receptors and the new formation of tissue. AMPK or AMP-activated protein kinase helps to maintain the energy high-homoostasis and to activate the body's reserve mechanisms. Both MTOR and AMPK are tailored to the presence of nutrients in your body. These two paths help your body decide whether to activate a growth reaction (MTOR) or pass into autophagy (AMPK).
Autophagy also works with two key hormones: glucagon and insulin. People with diabetes or hypoglycemia have problems with regulation or are hypersensitive to insulin. When the insulin level increases, glucagon drops and vice versa. When fasting, the insulin level and the amount of glucagon increases, which means that you can fast with autophagy and stimulate it. However, it is not that simple.
To induce autophagy, you need a low liver glycogen, which you normally only reach after 14–16 hours of fasting, or more likely even after 24 hours. Despite these great advantages, the fasting required for the activation of autophagy is not something for everyone. Some people feel weak and moody and have problems sleeping during such a fast. Strive for a balance and always inquire with your health service providers.
Any methods, information and tips in this article are based on current studies and medical sources (at the time of publication). However, they are not suitable for self -diagnosis and treatment and do not serve as a substitute for competent, medical advice.
The diet method described is safe for many people, but not for everyone. If you are pregnant, breastfeeding or medical problems, speak to your doctor before starting.