The best diets: According to experts, these are the most effective diets for losing weight!

With spring and summer just around the corner, many of us are already committed to getting in shape and losing those last winter pounds. Dieting and losing weight are two topics that concern us throughout our lives. Keto, Paleo, low-carb, etc. – the list of diets that promise us true miracles is now huge and you can quickly lose track. But don't worry, because we're here for you! We've done some research for you and put together the best diets for 2023 that, according to experts, can help us lose weight healthily.

What are the best diets for 2023?

Which diet should we choose to be healthy andto lose weight sustainably? We all know that the yo-yo effect is inevitable with radical crash diets. If you want to lose weight and stay healthy in the long term, you should change your eating habits. Every year, the American news magazine “US News & World Report” publishes a list of the best diets of the year with the help of health experts. The following 7 criteria are taken into account:

  • Is the diet easy to follow?
  • Is the diet suitable for short-term weight loss?
  • Is the diet suitable for long-term weight loss?
  • Is the diet safe for health?
  • Can this be used to prevent and treat diabetes?
  • How does the diet affect our heart health?
  • The correct distribution of nutrients.

The Mediterranean diet as one of the best diets in 2023

Eating with pleasure and losing weight healthily? All of this is possible with the Mediterranean diet! As the name suggests, this diet focuses on Mediterranean cuisine. You don't have to count calories and you could enjoy pasta with healthier side dishes and sauces every now and then. Fresh fruits and vegetables, fresh herbs, healthy fats, and fish and seafood are an integral part of the Mediterranean diet. How about, for exampleOne-Pot-Pasta Myth Girlfor dinner? Or juicy salmon from the oven? Numerous studies have already confirmed that this nutritional model reduces the risk of certain diseases such as type 2 diabetes and cardiovascular problems, while promoting a higher quality of life. It is important that you significantly reduce your salt consumption. The Mediterranean diet completely avoids pork and you can only eat beef once a week. The Mediterranean diet is not a crash diet, but rather a long-term change in diet.

DASH diet for high blood pressure

DASH diet is also one of the most effective and best diets for 2023 according to experts and it is not difficult to understand why. The abbreviation DASH stands for “Dietary Approaches to Stop Hypertension” and the diet was originally developed to treat high blood pressure. In contrast to other diets, no food groups are eliminated from the menu and you can enjoy everything in moderation. Fruit, vegetables, fish, poultry and whole grain products are the focus of your diet. However, red meat as well as sugary, fatty and salty products should be avoided. Hydrogenated vegetable fats such as palm and coconut oil can also lead to higher blood pressure and are taboo on the DASH diet. So if you want to lose weight with this, you should always keep an eye on your portion sizes and know the calorie density of the food.

Lose weight with intermittent fasting

Intermittent fasting is still considered one of the best diets for 2023 and is an excellent way to lose weight in the long term. This is a type of periodic fasting and you abstain from eating completely for a certain period of time. The 16:8 method is probably the most popular variant of intermittent fasting, in which you fast for 16 hours and are allowed to eat normally for the remaining 8 hours. However, you shouldn't stuff yourself with junk food and chocolate. To achieve the best possible results, eat a healthy, balanced diet and avoid eating huge portions. The diet not only helps you lose weight, but is also good for our health. According to scientific studies, intermittent fasting significantly reduces the risk of type 2 diabetes and heart disease.

Flexitarian diet as one of the best diets for 2023

You couldn't become completely vegan, but you would like to reduce your meat consumption a little? Then perhaps the flexitarian diet would be the best diet for you! Flexitarians are a type of part-time vegetarian. Or to put it another way – plant-based foods often end up on the plate, while animal foods such as meat, fish and dairy products are only consumed occasionally. Whether that's once or three times a week is up to you - the main priority is healthy enjoyment. Since meat is not often on the menu with the flexitarian diet, pay attention to higher quality and choose foods that are species-appropriate and organic. According to nutrition experts, meat consumption for adults should be between 300 and 600 grams per week and for this reason the flexitarian diet is considered one of the best diets for 2023.

The Mayo Clinic Diet

A healthier lifestyle and weight loss go hand in hand on the Mayo Clinic diet. You develop new eating habits by breaking bad ones and replacing them with good ones. Or think of it this way: Instead of eating 100 grams of chocolate, treat yourself to onePancake casserolewith a huge salad. What will keep you full longer? The Mayo Clinic diet is all about consuming foods with a lower calorie density more often. No food groups are banned as long as you pay attention to the recommended daily serving amount. The diet consists of two phases. In the first phase we should try to change our bad eating habits. For example, it is allowed to only eat fresh fruit and vegetables. Eating in front of the television is also strictly forbidden. The second phase is about changing our eating habits in the long term. The focus is on eating lean meat, fish, whole grain products as well as fruit, vegetables and nuts.

The MIND diet

Lose weight and strengthen our memory at the same time? The MIND diet is a combination of the DASH diet and the Mediterranean diet and is also named one of the best diets for 2023. In order to protect our brain and improve its health, the focus is on 10 food groups. These include green leafy vegetables, berries, healthy fats, nuts, legumes, whole grain products as well as fish and lean meat. Fast food, sugar, salt, butter and red meat, on the other hand, are completely eliminated from the diet. Weight loss is not the main goal of the MIND diet, but it is a nice side effect.


Any methods, information, and tips in this article are based on current studies and medical sources (at the time of publication). However, they are not suitable for self-diagnosis and treatment and in no way serve as a substitute for competent medical advice.

The nutritional method described is safe for many people, but not for everyone. If you are pregnant, breastfeeding, or have a medical condition, talk to your doctor before starting.