Shouldn't you eat anything after 6 p.m. and does that help you lose weight?

Lose weight without giving up anything, but just by adhering to a time limit? Sounds really good, doesn't it? You've probably heard of the rule that you shouldn't eat anything after 6 p.m. This rule is also followedwith so-called interval fasting, so this is actually not a new idea. But why shouldn't you eat anything after 6 p.m. and does it really make a difference in terms of weight loss? Let's get to the bottom of the matter and see whether the claim is really true.

Don't eat anything after 6 p.m. and lose weight - sounds like a dream, right? But is this actually possible and how exactly is it supposed to work? Eating late disrupts the body's fat metabolism, according to a 2017 study from the University of Pennsylvania's Perelman School of Medicine. In other words, the body burns less fat during this time. For this reason, it is more beneficial to eat your last meal earlier in the day. This gives the body the opportunity to eat more before going to sleepto burn fat.

Meals preferred during more active times of the day

In the study, scientists tested two groups, one of which ate dinner after 7 a.m., while the other spread their meals throughout the day (no earlier than 8 a.m.) and had their dinner no later than 7 p.m. Both groups always ate the same amount of food. Nevertheless, the participants in the second group gained weight in contrast to the others with regular eating plans.

Eating after 6 p.m. – study explains the role of hormones

According to this study, the body also tends to store the calories it has gained in the evening as fat stores instead of burning them. That's what Kelly Allison claimsUniversity of Pennsylvania's Center for Weight and Eating Disorders and explains that the reason for this is the appetite-stimulating hormone ghrelin. It peaks earlier in the day, while the appetite-suppressing hormone leptin peaks later. If you eat earlier, you will feel full for a longer time.

In July 2017, the University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center also conducted a similar study, but on nocturnal mice. Those mice whose normal feeding times were not changed but were simply given a smaller amount of food lost weight. The other mice received the same amount during the day, when they would be sleeping, and maintained their original weight.

But does the time really have to be adhered to?

We have good news because according to nutrition experts, it's not the time that matters. After all, the body has no idea what time it is. But it has a biorhythm to which the metabolism adapts. This means that you should adjust your meal to your bedtime. Digestion usually takes 3 to 4 hours. Give your body enough time before bed to do this work.

He should also be given a recovery period of about12 hoursbe granted. It doesn't matter whether you don't eat after 6 p.m. because you go to bed around 10 p.m. and then have breakfast at 6 a.m. or whether you postpone everything for a few hours.

Is it unhealthy to eat after 6 p.m.

So as long as you take this 12-hour break and also eat a healthy, balanced diet, not eating anything after 6 p.m. is not necessarily unhealthy. Don't forget the digestive break after meals. And if you happen to be running late and want something quick to eat before you go to bed, grab iteasily digestible foods.

Can you still eat fruit after 6 p.m.?

Researchers in a study published in “Nutrients” in 2015 reassure: Asmall snackis still allowed and makes no difference as long as it doesn't have more than 150 calories. Then it doesn't put any strain on the digestive system during the actual resting phase or on other organs and the body can burn the few calories.

Don't eat anything after 6 p.m. - experiences and conclusion

So as you can see, not wanting to eat anything after 6 p.m. has its advantages. However, you don't have to stick to a specific time, but rather to time periods. This is why 16/8 interval fasting is so beneficial because it gives the body enough time to rest.

Can you lose weight?

Don't eat anything after 6 p.m. - how much weight do you lose and can you really lose weight this way? According to researchers at Brigham Young University, it can. They asked 29 male participants not to eat between 7 p.m. and 6 a.m. They lost an average of almost half a kilo during the test period of two weeks. However, when they were allowed to snack at night for the next two weeks, they gained almost a kilo.

However, whether and how much you lose weight is individual and depends on various factors such as the ratio of calories gained and calories burned, your own metabolism andsporting activityaway. It is important that you feel comfortable with the lifestyle and/or diet you choose.

Only in children and adolescents up to 18 years of age was it found that the time of dinner played no role in weight gain. This is the conclusion reached by scientists from King's College in London who conducted a study on children and teenagers of this age. Using survey questionnaires, the children were asked when they usually ate. Those who stopped eating after 6 p.m. didn't show any signs of it eitherincreased risk of obesitylike those who eat afterwards.

Studyder Perelman School of Medicine;Study resultsdes University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center;Studyon the health effects of eating at night from “Nutrients”;Studyfrom King's College London on children and young people;Brigham Young UniversityCourse of study and resultswith men.