The stinging nettle (Urtica dioica) is a perennial flowering plant that grows worldwide and is one that we all tend to quickly avoid when we encounter it. But their scientifically and traditionally proven health benefits are very valuable upon closer inspection and cannot be dismissed out of hand. Not only are the stems and leaves of the plant of medical importance, but also the roots, which are said to have an anti-inflammatory effect. We have taken a close look at the super plant for you and look at why you should perhaps drink nettle tea every now and then.
Did you know that the Latin name of the nettle “Urtica dioica” was derived from the Latin word “uro”, which means “to burn”? Hardly anyone has not burned themselves on the plant. Apart from this rather unpleasant attribute, the nettle is a gift from nature. Once the plant has been processed in some way, such as heat during cooking, drying or freeze-drying, it loses its burning effect and can be consumed painlessly. The nettle scores astrue superfood, because it delivers:
- vitamins A, C, K and some B vitamins
- Minerals: calcium, iron, magnesium, phosphorus, potassium and sodium
- Fats: linoleic acid, palmitic acid, stearic acid, oleic acid
- Amino acids: contains all essential amino acids
- Kaempferol, quercentin, coumarin and other flavanoids
Areas of use: What can I use nettle tea for?
Due to this rich composition of active ingredients, nettle has been used all over the world for thousands of years to heal a wide variety of ailments. A lot of promising research is being conducted today, but it is increasingly being pointed out that further research needs to be done to substantiate the evidence found.
Has an anti-inflammatory effect
Nettle has a number of active ingredients that help reduce inflammation. For example thiscontained flavonoids, which bind free radicals in the body and can thus reduce inflammation. In arthritis patients, study results have suggested that taking nettle can effectively help reduce pain, so study participants were able to reduce chemical painkillers.
Prostate symptoms and urological conditions
Animal studies have provided evidence that the plant can intervene in the mechanism of converting testosterone into dihydrotestosterone and can therefore provide relief from the symptoms of an enlarged prostate. Studies with human subjects demonstrated that the use of nettle helped treat both short- and long-term urological diseases without side effects. It is repeatedly pointed out that it is not known to what extent treatment with nettle active ingredients is more effective than that with conventional pharmacological agents and that research still needs to be carried out.
Drinking nettle tea: hay fever
Hay fever is an allergic reaction of the body and results in inflammation of the nasal mucosa. Scientists found evidence that nettle stimulates inflammatory processesallergic reactiontrigger, prevent. They classified nettle as a promising remedy in the fight against hay fever, but this needs to be researched in further human studies.
Lowers blood pressure
Nettle has traditionally been used as an antihypertensive agent. Studies also indicate a blood pressure-lowering effect in several ways. On the one hand, it stimulates the production of nitric oxide, which has a vasodilating and vaso-relaxing effect. On the other hand, it offers ingredients that can have a relaxing effect on the heart as calcium channel blockers.
Lowers blood sugar levels
Both animal and human studies indicate that nettle active ingredients may lower blood sugar levels and act as a type of natural insulin. In a 3-month study with 46 human subjects who took 500 mg of nettle extract 3 times a day, there was a significant differenceLowering blood sugar levelscompared to the placebo group. Of course, these are just indications, more research needs to be done.
How do I prepare nettle tea correctly?
You can get dried, packaged nettle tea at the pharmacy or drugstore. If you would like to consume this, please follow the instructions printed. However, if you want to make tea from fresh nettle leaves, you can try the following recipe:
- For 1 cup of fresh nettle leaves, use: 2 cups of water.
- Put the water with the fresh nettle leaves on the stove and boil it together briefly.
- Turn off the heat and let the broth steep, covered, on the turned off stove for 5 minutes.
- Complete! Strain the tea into the cup and add some honey, cinnamon or stevia.
Contraindications and interactions: In which cases should I not drink nettle tea?
- As a general rule, before you decide to add nettle tea to your regular routine, you should speak to your doctor first. Even though it is a very safe natural remedy, that does not mean that it is weak. Or that notDrug interactionsthat you already take regularly. This can be the case with blood thinners, medications that regulate blood pressure, diuretics, antidiabetics or lithium.
- So if you suffer from diabetes, cardiovascular disease, kidney disease or any other disease – talk to your doctor first.
- Nettle tea is not suitable for pregnant and breastfeeding women because the plant affects the menstrual cycle, can trigger contractions and increase the risk of miscarriage. Due to insufficient studies, children under 18 should not drink nettle tea either.