An unhealthy lifestyle with little exercise and poor nutrition can, in addition to age and personal disposition, cause theIncrease blood pressure. This in turn increases the risk of many diseases. For this reason, it is important to stay active and eat right. As in so many cases, nature provides just the right foods. Today we are listing some foods that lower high blood pressure. Find out below which foods could be effective against high blood pressure - both for prevention and therapy.
Before we get to the list of foods for high blood pressure, we would like to give you some general onesTips for lowering high blood pressuregive. Because it's not enough to just consume certain foods that lower blood pressure every now and then. You should pay attention to the right diet in general and as a preventive measure if you have high blood pressure. Which foods lower blood pressure and which increase blood pressure? Check out these lists:
Which foods?reducethe blood pressure:
- Food oils that are as unprocessed as possibleunsaturated fatty acidscontain
- fresh fish; Reduce the meat (salt sparingly, preferably season with herbs instead of salt)
- mineral water
- Herbal teas and fruit teas, unsweetened
- fruit and vegetables
And which fruits and vegetables lower blood pressure? You'll find out right away!
Foods that increase blood pressureincrease:
- foods high in fat and sugar
- too much salt
- cured or smoked meat and fish
- too much sausage
- too much cheese
- Fast Food
- industrially produced confectionery
- frequent alcohol consumption
Electrolytes for high blood pressure
The body needs sufficient electrolytes to live and function. However, they have different effects on blood pressure. For example, we now know that potassium lowers blood pressure when consumed in increased quantities. So eat potassium-rich foods for high blood pressure (e.g. bananas). The same applies to magnesium. However, with sodium, i.e. salt for example, it is the other way around. People tend to overdo the salting these days. However, if you want to counteract high blood pressure with food,It is better to reduce your salt consumption.
Foods for high blood pressure – cocoa
Let's start with a food for high blood pressure that will please anyone with a sweet tooth. The coveted chocolate can actually normalize your blood pressure, but only if it's really dark. But why does this food lower blood pressure? This is due to the cocoa, which is contained in larger quantities in dark and dark chocolate, and more precisely to the flavanoids (plant substances). One study has shown that a slight reduction (both systolic and diastolic) of up to 2 mmHg is possible in a period of 2 to 12 weeks (that's how long the study lasted). The participants consumed an average of 670 mg of flavonols. By the way, dark chocolate is also a wonderful,natural appetite suppressant!
Green leafy vegetables
If you want to lower blood pressure through diet, you should also often eat green leafy vegetables. As already mentioned, arefoods rich in potassiumIdeal for high blood pressure and this vegetable contains plenty of it. Kale, spinach, romaine lettuce and rocket are particularly recommended here.
Regulating high blood pressure through food – beetroot
Not everyone likes the earthy tasteRoot Bait, but this root vegetable is definitely healthy - among other things because the vegetable has a blood pressure lowering effect. This food for high blood pressure contains plenty of nitrates. The substance is converted into nitrite by saliva and has the ability to dilate the vessels, which in turn has a positive effect on both systolic and diastolic blood pressure. That's why beetroot capsules are also offered for blood pressure. So beetroot is a perfect natural blood pressure reducer! Whether the vegetable can reduce high blood pressure in the long term and in what quantities it should be consumed still needs to be researched.
Which vegetables also lower blood pressure? How about garlic?
Which foods lower blood pressure – Garlic
Garlic lowers blood pressure. Various studies have shown that it is a good food for high blood pressure. Here it is the systolic blood pressure that is reduced, and the high sulfur content is responsible for this. Although more studies are needed to prove this effect, it definitely won't hurt to give it a try. Finally tastes goodGarlic in dishessimply wonderful!
Pomegranate for high blood pressure
Also, according to some opinionsthe pomegranatecan affect blood pressure. And it is actually a fruit that is rich in vitamins and plant substances. But can you really lower your blood pressure with this food? This has not yet been confirmed. There are now a number of studies that have examined whether this food can be effective against high blood pressure. The pomegranate juice and extract in the form of capsules were tested. However, the results so far are contradictory and therefore doubtful. So if you are looking for foods that lower blood pressure, you should try other foods.
Lemon for high blood pressure
Does lemon lower blood pressure? In combination with garlic, it is said to work wonders as a cure! Boil 5 lemon slices and 30 garlic cloves in a liter. You then store the finished drink in bottles and drink a small shot glass full of it every day for 3 weeks. Then take a week's break and repeat the treatment. This combination of foods for high blood pressure is also said to help you lose weight, which is also important for good blood pressure. For each kilo lost, the systolic value should decrease by up to 2.5 mmHg and the diastiloic value by 1.5 mmHg.
Walnuts for high blood pressure
Thata handful of nutsMost people now know that , naturally unsalted, are recommended per day. Walnuts are also wonderful foods that lower blood pressure significantly. For this purpose you should consume three nuts a day. They contain omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids, which, as we already mentioned, are important for regulating blood pressure. But that's not all! Antioxidants, potassium, zinc and many vitamins can also be found in walnuts.
What foods for high blood pressure – oatmeal
With just 40 g of oat flakes you can cover your daily needs and have a positive effect on blood pressure. This is thanks to the oat beta-glucan and potassium, which can be found as ingredients in the flakes. So it's worth starting the morning with a delicious, homemade mueslioder Porridgeto start.
olive oil
You already havefrom the Mediterranean dietheard? If not, we recommend that you inquire about it. It is an extremely healthy diet that also has a positive influence on blood pressure. Olive oil, an important product in this diet, lowers blood pressure and is ideal as a food against high blood pressure. Polyphenols and especially the unsaturated fatty acids in the oil ensure this effect. Oleic acid has the ability to lower blood cholesterol levels.
Apple cider vinegar for high blood pressure
Apple cider vinegar is a proven home remedy, which is good for health in many ways. For example, it contains potassium and magnesium, which, as mentioned above, can lower blood pressure. The apple cider vinegar can be used as a cure or in the form of a drink with mistletoe and honey. The drink in particular is said to have proven effective in the fight against high blood pressure, as many doctors explain.
Raisins and dates as foods against high blood pressure
Sweets should be avoided if possible and you might have a craving for them, for examplewith the help of dried fruitsbreastfeeding. But which fruit lowers blood pressure in dried form? Raisins! And a study also gives tips on how best to eat them: a handful three times a day. The fruits are said to lower blood pressure levels step by step. Therefore, arm yourself with patience. The first successes should be noticeable after 4 weeks at the earliest and 12 weeks at the latest. However, always monitor your measurements during this time. Dates are also beneficial and, like raisins, contain a lot of potassium.
Reduce high blood pressure with food – yogurt
Reach for yogurt or skimmed milk more often. 400 g per week is recommended and it is best to choose low-fat natural yogurt that you consume without sugar. This food for high blood pressure is so good because it contains lactic acid bacteria.
Lower blood pressure naturally with diet – potatoes
Phonols, potassium and antioxidants are the active ingredients in potatoes thata lowering effecthave on blood pressure. This is particularly true of the colorful varieties such as blue and red potatoes. The plant pigment carotenoids is also present in large quantities there, which is also positive for the heart. Of course, that doesn't mean that you can now snack on tons of greasy fries. It is important that youPrepare potatoes healthilyand eat.
Watermelons are rich in the amino acid citrulline. In our body this is converted into arginine. This in turn causes the blood vessels to expand and the blood to circulate better - an important prerequisite for preventing or counteracting an increase in blood pressure. Which other fruit is beneficial for high blood pressure?Like watermelonsareKiwisrich in antioxidants such as lutein and amino acids and thePineapplehas a blood-thinning effect, making it a fruit that lowers blood pressure.
Hardly anyone can imagine their salad without these delicacies. And you don't have to! Lycopene, folic acid and potassium are contained in large quantities in tomatoes and ensure that our body can break down not only toxins but also cholesterol. The latter is again important so that deposits do not form on the vessel walls. A good variant, umTo consume tomatoesIf you want to use foods for high blood pressure, the tomato juice would be. Drink a glass daily to enjoy its positive effects.
Foods for high blood pressure – no alcohol!
If you are looking for foods to combat high blood pressure, it is of course also important to know which ones you should definitely avoid. It will come as no surprise to you that we...Discourage alcohol. Alcohol is a bad idea, especially if you have blood pressure problems. It works as follows: At the beginning it dilates the blood vessels, which lowers blood pressure. For some, this makes it seem as if it is suitable as a blood pressure lowering agent. However, this phase only lasts for a short time, because afterwards the blood vessels constrict and blood pressure rises. In addition, this means that blood pressure cannot be regulated. If you are already taking blood pressure medication, alcohol can also affect it. Also, don't forget that alcoholic drinks contain plenty of sugar. This increases the fat mass on the stomach, which also has a negative effect on blood pressure. Make sure you have at least three to four alcohol-free days a week.
What other foods lower blood pressure?
Of course, the foods mentioned are far from the only ones you can try to lower your blood pressure. Here are some more:
Natural blood pressure lowering foods:
- Chili
- Herbs (e.g. parsley, wild garlic, nettle, lavender and celery)
- Weißdorn
- Hibiscus
- brown rice (thanks to the aleurone it contains);notreated, conventional rice!
- apricot
- Avocado
- Honigmelone
- hazelnuts
- Pistachios
- Almonds
- buckwheat
- rye
- Spelt
- fennel
- Cauliflower
- Broccoli
- Kohlrabi
- Mushrooms
You can find a few high blood pressure recipesin this article.