What is Souping? 3-day plan including recipes for detox soups

Detox juices and detox treatments have been on the rise for several years. They are intended to rid the body of evil toxins and toxins so that we feel fit, healthy and beautiful again. Juicing is very popular today and has even become a natural part of everyday life for many people. People who like fresh smoothies every day,Fruit and vegetable juicesdrink, can notice the difference. The latest nutritional trend from the USA is now called souping. We have summarized for you how detoxification with soups works and what it does. With this 3-day plan including recipes for detox soups, cleansing is easy.

Detox soups vs. detox juices

When you detox with soups, you give your body a break for digestion. The menu only includes light soups that are loaded with lots of vitamins, proteins and fiber. Unlike juicing, this involves adding processed foods and not just eating raw fruits and vegetables. The soups can be served cold or warm. You can eat fruit soup for breakfast and pureed vegetable soups or plain during the dayenjoy a bone broth. In contrast to the detox diet with juices, you can also follow a diet with detox soups over a longer period of time.

What are the benefits of souping?

Souping could be healthy or unhealthy. It all depends on what's in your soup! You can also consume more fluids through the soups. This is great for people who don't drink enough water a day.

Soup is also a great way to cook vegetables with a short shelf life and minimize food waste. Vegetable broth, for example, is always a good idea.

Are detox soups healthier than juices?

Juicing vegetables and fruit removes the valuable fiber that is needed for healthy intestinal flora. They ensure a strong immune system and help prevent certain types of cancer, heart disease and type 2 diabetes. Without this fiber, fructose enters the blood much more quickly and raises blood sugar levels, which could lead to food cravings, nervousness and loss of energy. So it is believed that souping is healthier than juicing because you use the whole vegetables in the soup.

If your soup is a meal and not just an appetizer, it should also contain a source of protein and healthy fat. Balancing nutrients helps you feel full, controls your blood sugar and promotes concentration.Protein in your soupalso helps prevent muscle loss. This is particularly important when losing weight or during a break from training.

Can detox soups help you lose weight?

Studies have shown that eating soup as an appetizer can help you eat less and feel full faster. How does it work? A healthy soup is low in calories but takes up space in your stomach. This makes you feel full faster even though you haven't eaten much.

Soup usually consists of water, which fills the stomach and provides 0 calories. The fiber from the vegetables and other ingredients also keeps you fuller for longer.

You also eat soup more slowly because you often wait for the hot liquid to cool down before putting the full spoon to your mouth. It takes about 20 minutes for your brain to recognize that you are full, and soup helps you eat more slowly and pay more attention to feeling full.

Hot food is more popular than cold food and chewing is better for the digestive process in the stomach. This could explain why eating soup, rather than just drinking juice, might be more filling.

Some detox programs consist of seven to eight soups per day, which adds up to about 1,200 calories. If you're worried about being too hungry, feel free to have healthy snacks between meals. Listen to your body and seek advice from your doctor before detoxifying.

What ingredients should you choose to prepare the best detox soups?

Make sure your soup contains enough protein, fiber and healthy fats. When you eat protein-rich foods, your body produces higher levels of a hormone called PYY (peptide tyrosine). PYY sends a signal to your brain that you are full and should stop eating, which can help you lose weight. PYY values ​​are usually lower in overweight people.

Protein sources: Chicken or turkey breast, eggs, ground beef, pork tenderloin, fish or seafood such as shrimp and scallops, Greek yogurt, nuts and seeds.

Fiber-rich foods: Include plenty of vegetables of different colors, whole grains such as barley, wild rice or millet, beans and lentils

Healthy fats: Try refining your soups with avocado, cashews, almonds, tahini or olive oil.

Flavor enhancer: Spices, herbs, seaweed, mushrooms, onions and garlic. Not only do these ingredients offer a ton of health benefits, they also take the flavor of your soup to a new level.

What ingredients should you avoid in your soup?

Ready-made broth or bouillon cubes. These are full of sodium and other preservatives and provide no nutrition. Make your own vegetable broth to reduce salt and maximize mineral content.

Soups with cream, bacon or grated cheese, as these can be high in saturated fatty acids. Soups with lots of coconut milk can also contain more calories than expected.

Refined carbohydrateslike white rice or cornstarch to make the soup thicker.

No soups that only consist of vegetables.Imagine eating a salad without dressing or protein. You'll be hungry again in an hour and ready to eat everything in sight!

3 Take Kur mit Detox Soup

With the increasing popularity of detox soups, there are already many different detoxification programs online that promise the best results. Some even offer pre-made soups that you need for the detox treatment. One of the popular detox programs was developed in 2014 by Dr. OZ introduced. It is actually a 3 day detox plan based on soups and broths. This plan involves eating soup six times a day. You don't have to count calories and you can eat as much soup as you want at each meal.

Soup 1: Fruit soup for breakfast

This berry soup is the ideal dish for an active kick-off to the day. The kefir contains three times the amount of probiotics as yogurt and gives your digestive system a powerful boost.

Ingredients for 3 servings (131 calories):

450 grams blueberries (fresh or frozen)
450 grams strawberries (fresh or frozen)
200 ml Kefir
1 lime (rind and juice)
1 tsp chili powder
1 tablespoon maple syrup (optional)
fresh strawberries – optional as a topping


1. Simmer the berries gently, about 10 to 15 minutes, until fairly soft.
2. Place the berry mixture in a blender. Add kefir, lime juice and zest, chili powder and maple syrup. Puree well until smooth. Makes about 700 ml of soup.
3. Serve with fresh strawberries.

Soups 2 to 5: The main meals

The next four soups in this plan contain nutrients to burn fat and increase your metabolism. Start with a clear vegetable soup that you prepare in advance and use as a base for all other soups every 3 days. It is a mixture of low-sodium broth and the four detoxifying ingredients that are boiled or steamed.

– Mushrooms fight inflammation.
– Broccoli is high in fiber and helps cleanse the colon.
– Tomatoes help break down toxins in the liver. (Canned tomatoes are fine.)
– Artichokes stimulate the flow of bile, which flushes toxins from the liver and aids digestion. (Canned artichokes are fine.)


2 liters of vegetable broth
100 grams sliced ​​shiitake mushrooms
250 grams of artichoke hearts
800 grams chopped tomatoes
350 grams of broccoli


Put all the ingredients in a large pot, bring to the boil, reduce the heat and simmer for 1 hour. Makes 3.5 liters of vegetable soup.

This will be the base of most of your soups. Feel free to add non-starchy vegetables or seasonings to taste. Add 100 grams of protein, fat and grains per meal. Choose from the following ingredients:

– Protein will help boost metabolism. Choose beans, chicken, tofu or chickpeas.
– Healthy fats help you absorb important vitamins. The best suppliers are avocado, seeds such as sesame, chia and pumpkin seeds.
– Grain provides energy. Choose between quinoa, brown rice or buckwheat noodles.

Soup 6: Dessert Soup

This Cinnamon Sweet Potato Soup is the perfect end to a perfect day. After all the savory soups you'll eat during this detox cleanse, you'll especially enjoy this sweet soup for dessert.

Ingredients for about 4 servings (160 calories):

400 grams sweet potatoes, peeled and cut into pieces
2 medium apples, cored and cut into pieces (do not peel)
1 tbsp chopped ginger
1/2 tsp cinnamon
200 ml apple cider
dried apple chips (optional)


1. Place all ingredients except the dried apple chips in a large pot and bring to a boil.

2. Reduce the heat, cover the pot and simmer until the sweet potatoes and apples are tender, about 30 minutes.

3. Allow to cool slightly and then puree in a blender until smooth. Makes approx. 1 liter of soup.

4. Sprinkle some dried apple chips on top before serving, if desired.