Do you own a juicer but don't really know what to do with it? Then you have come to the right place, because in this article we have summarized some simple juicer recipes. All juices are prepared quickly and taste really delicious. We also give you tips on which foods are particularly rich in nutrients and how you can make your own raw vegetable juices.
The best juicer recipes – A combination of fruit and vegetable juice
A juicer gives you the opportunity to make enough every dayConsume fruits and vegetablesand meet the body's nutritional needs. For this it is recommended tocolorful foodsto combine into a delicious juicer creation. This means that a wide range of vitamins, minerals and enzymes are available that have a positive effect on our health. Depending on what goal you are pursuing, you can then decide for yourself which combination of different ingredients would be optimal for you.
Green foodsare rich in lutein, isoflavones, flavonoids, chlorophyll. These ingredients help to purify the body, improve digestion and vision, and strengthen the immune system. Flavones are considered anti-cancer. Green fruits and vegetables are rich in calcium and many minerals.When detoxifying and losing weightSo the juice helps outSpinach, leafy greens, broccoli, parsley, chard and kale.
Red foodsare rich in lycopene, ellagic acid, caffeolquinic acid, hydroxybenzoic acid. Belong to this groupTomatoes, grapefruits, cranberries, watermelon, cherries, pomegranate and raspberries. They contain a lot of antioxidants that bind free radicals in our body and render them harmless. This is how you make your contributionAnti-Aging.Red fruits and vegetables relieve the strain on the heart and circulation, lower blood pressure and slow down inflammatory substances in the joints.
White foodsHowParsnips, apples, turnips, celery and cauliflowerare rich in flavonoids, allicin, quercetin, sulfides. White vegetables are considered dehydrating and provide abeautiful skin.
Orange and yellow fruitand vegetables are rich in alpha-carotene, beta-carotene, hexeridine, flavonoids, beta-cryptoxanthin, terpenoids, phthalides. These ingredients should be through theJuice stimulates the immune system, protect the skin from free radicals, improve vision and have a preventive effect against many diseases. Belong to this groupPeaches, carrots, quince, pumpkin, ginger, pineapple, cantaloupe, citrus and mango.
Purple fruits and vegetablesHowGrapes, figs, plums, red cabbage, blueberries and blackberriesare rich in anthocyanins, resveratrol, hydroxycinnamic acid, flavonoids. These ingredients have antioxidant, anti-inflammatory and vascular protective effects. They have a blood-forming effect, strengthen blood vessels and improve blood circulation.
With carrots, pomegranate and spinach
Even if the color of this juice is not entirely appealing, it impresses with useful properties and a delicious taste.
carrotsare very healthy and rich in vitamins A, B1, B2, B3, B6, C, E and K. They contain the following minerals: potassium, iron, calcium, magnesium, phosphorus, sodium, sulfur, chlorine and chromium. And they are one of the best sources of beta-carotene. Carrot juice is full of nutrients and many antioxidants.
Impomegranatealso contain a lot of vitamins. It contains calcium, phosphorus, iron, sodium, potassium, small amounts of vitamin A, lots of vitamin C and magnesium. Pomegranate strengthens the immune system, is rich in antioxidants, lowers bad cholesterol, regulates blood pressure, has anti-inflammatory effects and stimulates blood circulation. It also prevents fluid retention in the body, relieves cramps and diarrhea, helps with cardiovascular problems and is low in calories.
1 pomegranate
3-4 carrots
1 cm piece of ginger
1 handful of spinach
1/4 lemon
Preparation: Juice all ingredients with a juicer and enjoy.
The pomegranate also tastes good in combination with apples and/or beetroot.
How can you do that?Quickly remove the seeds from the pomegranate? With a bowl of water. Cut off the top and bottom of the pomegranate. Make four vertical incisions in the shell. Then immerse the pomegranate in the water, break the fruit and let the seeds sink to the bottom. The white membranes will remain floating on the surface of the water.
With pineapple, cucumber and lettuce
Wonderful juice that can lift your mood on a gloomy day. The pineapple gives it sweetness, while the ginger provides a real energy boost! And is a good alternative to spinachLettuce.
Pineappleis rich in iron, potassium, calcium, sodium, phosphorus, vitamins B, C and E, folic acid. It contains the enzyme bromelain, which facilitates digestion and stimulates fat burning. It is said to strengthen the immune system, lower blood pressure, detoxify and actually lift the mood. Bromelain has an anti-inflammatory effect and helps with infections and rheumatic complaints.
the flesh of half a pineapple
1/2 cucumber
5-6 leaves of lettuce
2-3 cm ginger – or to taste
Juice all ingredients using a juicer. Squeeze the lettuce between the cucumber pieces to get more juice. Finish juicing with the pineapple pieces because the many fibers can clog the strainer. To make a smoothie, simply blend vegetable juice with half an avocado or a banana.
Other suggestions for foods that would make your juice cocktail particularly healthy:
Broccoli and pear juice
TheBroccoliis not only delicious, but also contains a lot of valuable nutrients. It has been proven to contain amazing compounds that have positive effects on the body and prevent damage to cells. It is advisable to eat broccoli raw as thermal treatment leads to loss of nutrients. Its vitamin C content is greater than that of an orange. It also has anticarcinogenic and antimicrobial properties due to its high selenium content.
Pearsare very rich in fiber and also contain potassium, vitamin E, C, A, B2, pectin, iodine, phosphorus and magnesium. Pears can have a positive effect on rheumatic pain and improve liver and thyroid functions. They promote intestinal peristalsis andstimulate metabolism. Pears also have a positive effect on cardiovascular diseases.
Ginger cucumber juice for a flat stomach
Cucumbersare ideal in any green juice, but are most often combined with green leafy vegetables, lemon and mint. They consist of up to 95 percent water and are healthy for the bladder and kidneys. Cucumbers are wonderful if a detox treatmentbecause they flush out toxins from the body. They also help in improving skin quality.
TheGingerNot only does it help against colds, but it is also known as a natural antibiotic. It has an anti-inflammatory effect, improves cholesterol levels, and promotes digestion and metabolic processes in the blood. Contains important minerals such as copper, potassium, sodium, iron, calcium, zinc, phosphorus and magnesium.
Applesare rich in pectin. Pectin is one of the soluble fibers and combines with toxins in the intestinal tract and removes them from the body. It also helps regulate cholesterol levels. They also contain malic and citric acid, which are rich in minerals, as well as vitamins B1, B2, C, E, P and PP. Apples are recommended for strengthening the immune system because they contain almost all the vitamins and minerals needed for the body.
Cherriescontain the so-called anthocyanins, which are among nature's most powerful antioxidants. They protect the body's cells from aging and degeneration.
Rote Bethis a real gift from nature. It helps to detoxify the liver, bile and spleen. The polyphenol betanin strengthens the immune system and has an anti-inflammatory effect. The high magnesium content supports the heart and blood vessels and prevents the formation of thrombosis. The combination of vitamin C, iron and folic acid, on the other hand, supports blood formation. The saponins bind cholesterol in the intestines and promote its absorption. And these are just a few of the many positive effects of beetroot on health.
Buying a juicer is a great opportunity to experiment with fruits and vegetables and take the first step towards onehealthier lifestyleclose!