Vegan iron – suitable plant sources of iron and many tips on how to prevent iron deficiency!

Iron deficiency is the most common nutrient deficiency worldwide. According to the World Health Organization, approximately 30-35% of the population suffers from iron deficiency. That corresponds to around 2 billion people. Iron is an essential nutrient that is of great importance for many important body functions. Many people still think that iron is mainly found in meat. The fact that vegans do not consume enough of it and are affected by iron deficiency is one of the most widespreadMyths about plant-based diets. But according to the latest scientific studies, people who eat a vegan diet are no worse supplied with the nutrient than meat eaters. In this article you will find everything about vegan iron, as well as the best plant sources of iron and many tips on how to prevent iron deficiency.

Iron plays a large role in many essential functions in our body and is particularly important for binding oxygen to hemoglobin in red blood cells. It is also a component of vital enzymes and strengthens our immune system. The nutrient is available in foods in two forms – heme iron and non-heme iron. Heme iron is only found in animal products and has a bioavailability of around 15 to 35%. Non-heme iron, on the other hand, is mainly found in plants and is only absorbed by the body to around 2 to 20%. For this reason, there is a belief that vegans cannot achieve adequate iron intake. However, a 2009 Japanese study found that diet type does not correlate with iron deficiency. Or to put it another way – an unhealthy plant-based diet can lead to various nutrient deficiencies just like an unhealthy omnivorous diet.

Iron vegan – How much iron do we need per day

How much iron our body needs per day depends on many different factors, such as gender, age and physical activity. According to the World Health Organization, the recommended levels for adult men are 10 milligrams, while women need to consume around 15-16 milligrams of iron. The reason why women need more iron is that they lose a lot of iron through menstruation. With itpregnant womenTo also provide the unborn child with the nutrient, a daily intake of 30 milligrams is recommended. Since non-heme iron is less absorbed by our body, the iron values ​​for vegans and vegetarians are 1.8 times higher than for meat eaters. However, the quantities mentioned do not represent the actual requirements. Since only a small portion of the iron consumed is absorbed by the body, you have to consume much more of it.

Preventing iron deficiency with a plant-based diet – helpful tips and tricks

If you avoid consuming animal products, you should pay attention to a healthy and varied diet, because this is the only way your body will keep up with itprovides all important nutrients. The correct composition of food is very important for sufficient iron absorption. While some promote absorption, they can inhibit others. Below you will find some helpful tips on how to cleverly plan your menu.

  • Eat foods rich in vitamin C –According to scientific study, combining iron-rich foods with vitamin C-rich foods can increase iron absorption by as much as 300%. Try adding more citrus fruits like oranges, strawberries and grapefruits to your diet. Other foods that contain high levels of vitamin C include tomatoes, peppers, broccoli, Brussels sprouts and green leafy vegetables.
  • Onions and garlic promote iron absorption –A study conducted in India found that consuming onions and garlic, whether raw or cooked, can boost iron and zinc absorption.
  • Soaking, fermenting and sproutingof grains and legumes reduces the amount of phytates they contain and can thus improve the absorption of iron in a vegan way.
  • Cook the dishes in a cast iron pan –Foods cooked in a cast iron pan typically provide 2 to 3 times more iron.
  • Iron-rich meals are best distributed throughout the day –That sounds strange at first, but it's true - the more iron a single meal contains, the less of it is absorbed by the body. For this reason, it is recommended to add a good source of iron to each of the meals. This ensures that the body can utilize as much of it as possible. A meal plan could look like this: pumpkin seeds and sesame in your muesli in the morning, a green smoothie as a snack, leaf salad with oranges for lunch and tahini in your salad dressing in the evening.
  • Drink less coffee and tea –There are certain substances that inhibit the absorption of iron vegan. This is the case with the tannins contained in coffee and tea and it has been confirmed that consuming them 1-2 hours before or after a meal can reduce absorption by up to 90%.
  • Calcium inhibits iron absorption –If you are taking calcium supplements, you should take them at least 2 hours before a meal.

Suitable plant sources of iron – legumes

Iron is responsible for the transport of oxygen in the body and if you are inadequately supplied with it, you often feel tired, weak and suffer from severe headaches. Below we will show you the best plant-based foods that are high in iron. Although legumes are best known as suitable sources of protein for vegans, they also provide our bodies with plenty of iron. This is how much iron some legumes provide per 100 grams:

  • Soy Protein –11 milligrams
  • Kidney beans –8.3 milligrams or about 30% of the recommended daily dose. In addition, beans are an excellent source of complex carbohydrates, fiber, folic acid, potassium and phosphorus. Regular consumption of beans lowers blood pressure and cholesterol levels.
  • LensesNot only do they provide 8 milligrams of vegan iron, they also contain around 18 grams of protein – real all-rounders.
  • Mung beans –6.9 milligrams
  • Chickpeas –6.2 milligrams
  • Tofu, tempeh and soybeans –5.8 – 6 milligrams
  • Black beans –5 milligrams

Nuts and seeds

Nuts and seeds are not only particularly rich in protein, but are also excellent plant-based sources of iron. Whether as a snack between meals, as an addition to muesli or smoothies or as a topping for a salad - they are very versatile. Try adding the following varieties to your diet:

  • Pumpkin seeds –12.5 milligrams. Just a handful of them covers the vegan daily iron requirement.
  • Sesame –10 milligrams. Tahini paste made from sesame is a very popular ingredient for salad dressings and just 2 tablespoons of it provide us with around 3 milligrams of iron. In addition, there isSesame seeds are a source of healthfor a lot of calcium in contrast to milk, yoghurt and quark.
  • Hemp seedsIn addition to 10 milligrams of iron, they also contain large amounts of healthy omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids.
  • linseedprovide 9.6 milligrams of iron and, due to their high fiber content, they stimulate digestion and keep us full for a long time.
  • PistachiosWith 7.3 milligrams, they are also some of the best suppliers of vegan iron. They also contain 15 grams of protein per 100 grams and are ideal for preparing protein-rich meals.
  • Cashewnüsse –6.4 milligrams
  • pine nuts –5.2 milligrams
  • Almonds –4.1 milligrams

Iron vegan –Which vegetables are good sources of iron?

Not only legumes and nuts are good plant-based sources of iron, but some vegetables are also perfect for this.

  • Chanterellesand other mushroomscontain 6.5 milligrams and even exceed the iron content in beef!
  • Spinach –4.1 milligrams, and the high vitamin C content promotes iron absorption even more.
  • Fennel and chard –2.7 milligrams. Another advantage of chard is its high vitamin K content - just a handful of it covers our daily needs.
  • Potatoes -A medium-sized potato contains approximately 3.4 milligrams of iron. However, the nutrient is mainly concentrated in the peel. In addition, one large potato can provide up to 46% of vitamin C and potassium needs.
  • cressprovides around 2.6 milligrams of iron and is also very rich in calcium, vitamins C and A.
  • Carrots –2.1 milligrams
  • Peas -2 milligrams. The vegetables are also a wonderful source of protein and contain a lot of fiber, which promotes our digestion.
  • radishes –1.5 milligrams
  • Broccoli –1.5 milligrams

Some types of fruit and dried fruits also contain large amounts of iron

When it comes to vegan iron, fruit probably wouldn't be the first thing that comes to mind. Nevertheless, some fruits are surprisingly good plant-based sources of iron.

  • Mulberries –2.6 milligrams
  • fresh berries(Blackberries, blueberries and currants) – 0.7 to 1.8 milligrams
  • Elderberries –1.9 milligrams
  • raspberries –0.9 milligrams

Dried fruits are also a perfect snack between meals and contain significant amounts of iron. When purchasing, it is particularly important to make sure that they do not contain any chemical additives or harmful preservatives.

  • Dried peaches– 6.5 milligrams
  • Dried apricotsprovide 4.4 milligrams of iron.

Cereals and grain products

In addition to lots of healthy fiber, most grain products also contain a lot of iron.

  • Amaranthcontains no gluten and is also referred to as a pseudograin. It provides a whopping 9 milligrams of iron per 100 grams and is also very rich in protein and calcium.
  • Quinoais an excellent gluten-free alternative to rice and contains 8 milligrams of iron. Quinoa's high antioxidant content reduces the risk of type 2 diabetes and high blood pressure.
  • millet –6.9 milligrams
  • oatmealWith 5.1 milligrams, they are a delicious and easy way to get your vegan iron supply. Additionally, oats contain soluble fiber called beta-glucan, which promotes gut health and can lower cholesterol and blood sugar levels.
  • Spelt -4.2 milligrams
  • Whole wheat pasta –3.7 milligrams
  • brown rice –3.2 milligrams

Overview of other plant sources of iron

  • Canned coconut milkis a delicious vegan alternative to conventional cow's milk. Although very high in fat, it is a wonderful source of iron at 3.8 milligrams per 100 ml and contains other important vitamins and minerals including copper and magnesium.
  • Dark chocolatewith a cocoa content of at least 70% contains 3.3 milligrams of iron per 30 gram serving.
  • Molassesis a natural sweetener and much healthier than table sugar. In terms of vegan iron, 2 tablespoons of molasses contains approximately 2.1 milligrams of the nutrient.

Are iron-fortified foods healthy?

The range of foods artificially enriched with iron in supermarkets is constantly growing. These mainly include mueslis, cornflakes, muesli bars and some drinks. However, most of them contain far too much sugar and should therefore not be consumed. In addition, they pose the risk of excess iron, which is just as harmful to health as iron deficiency. Elevated iron levels can in some cases lead to cardiovascular diseases and are associated with an increased risk of cancer. It doesn’t matter whether you’re a vegan or a meat eater – umthe risk of iron deficiencyor excess iron, it is important to pay attention to a healthy diet.